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Euer Forenadministrator Eversor
Bei Sweetwater habe ich gerade die (etwas ältere) Meldung gelesen, dass Forgeworld anscheinend ein Tabletop, das im Zweiten Weltkrieg angesiedelt ist, erprobt:
Beim Warhammer Historical Wochenende gab es ein Demospiel für ein WWII Spiel vom FW. Zentrale Rolle spielt Panzer. Laut des FW Menschen bewegt sich das Spiel zwischen Platoon und Company Level, also ein paar Panzer dazu ein paar Einheiten Infantry. Ich hab ein bischen zugeschaut, aber begeistert hat es mich nicht. Hab aber auch vergessen wann es rauskommen soll.
das Spiel hat er mit 20 mm von anderen Herstellern gemacht
Dazu muss man noch sagen, dass Forgeworld vor einiger Zeit Warhammer Historical übernommen hat.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Laut des Warhammer Historical Forums soll die zweite Edition zu Warhammer Ancient Battles Ende diesen, Anfang nächsten Jahres erscheinen. Die aktuelle 1.5 ist bereits kaum noch erhältlich.
Interessant für Kurzentschlossene könnten die Angebote von Warlord Games sein, welche einen Armeedeal zu jeder ihrer vier im Sortiment befindlichen Armeen anbieten. Die sind jedoch nur begrenzt und bieten mit 60,50 € immerhin eine Ersparnis von ca. 45% gegenüber dem Einzelkauf.
Imperiale Römer
Englischer Bürgerkrieg
Einige Boxen für Deutschland sollten noch zu bekommen sein, ich habe mir eine Box Römer bestellt. Die Boxen sollen zwischen den Jahren ausgeliefert werden.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Der Warhammer Historical Newsletter bringt Neues zu WAB 2.0:
Warhammer Ancient Battles Update
This year we've been busy working away on a brand new edition of Warhammer Ancient Battles and we're pleased to say that it's just about finished! Weighing in at 208 pages, the new edition will be hardback and full colour throughout. The book is lavishly illustrated with fantastic colour photographs and stunning full-colour artwork. All of our existing supplements will be compatible with the new edition so make sure you’ve got the ones you need!
We'll be sending Warhammer Ancient Battles off to the printers in the New Year and when we have a confirmed delivery date, we'll make the book available for pre-order. As newsletter subscribers, we'll send you the information first and you should also keep an eye out for preview pages early in the New Year.
We also wanted to let you know about some of the other projects that we've got in the pipeline including Over the Top (a supplement to The Great War), a brand new World War II game and a 28mm Napoleonic wargame. We'll be giving you more information about each of these projects in due course but rest assured there are plenty more being worked on and there's something for everyone!
Kurz und knapp auf Deutsch:
WAB 2.0 ist (so gut wie) fertig und geht im neuen Jahr in den Druck. Das Buch ist ein Hardcover mit 208 Seiten und vollfarbig. WAB 2.0 bleibt kompatibel mit den bisherigen Armeelisten.
Außerdem wird neben einer Erweiterung für The Great War an zwei weiteren historischen TTs gearbeitet, einmal an einem WW2-Spiel und einmal an einem napoleonischen für 28mm.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Aus dem WAB Forum:
I spoke to Mark Bedford of Forgeworld and he was quite open about what he knew. I stated who I was representing (WS&S and also the wider WAB community, specifically this forum). We had an interesting talk which basically boiled down to he personally didn't know that much, decisions weren't down to him, but they were still looking into how they were going to market Warhammer Historical. I discussed Direct Sales with them and was told that was discussed but no firm decision had been made, as they were going to go direct sales only but this position had changed - probably direct sales for the initial release and then a general release. Also their strategy - focus on the main big supplements (Greeks, Romans) and the more 'specialist' areas would appear as PDFs (although this we know already). Also they are still at the layout stage (getting photos), so almost there but not quite.
A Salute release was hinted at (the exact comment was 'that'd be the one to aim for'), but that's no gaurantee of anything.
Overall I was very happy with what I saw as a frank discussion. The main challenge as I see it is that the Forgeworld staff are now going to have to take on the role which Mike Ball played (on top of the role Rob played). I can only see this slowing down things; quite a few people don't appreciate the gargantuan task it is from first draft to finished book.
- Der Vertriebsweg ist noch unklar, evtl. für die Erstauflage nur Direktverkauf und dann auch über Händler.
- Evtl. gedruckte Listen für die Hauptarmeen (Römer, Griechen) und PDFs für den Rest.
- Das Buch befindet sich in der Layout-Phase, momentan werden noch Fotos gemacht.
- Ein Release zur Salute (24.4.2010) wird angepeilt, ist aber nicht sicher.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ganz vergessen, seit ein paar Tagen sind die Ballons für Wings of War WW1 bei den Händlern.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Nachtrag zu den Ballons vom BK:
Für Wings of War wurde die Erweiterung “Balloon Buster” zum Verkauf freigegeben, und bringt damit die richtig großen Flugschiffe ins Spiel.
Jede Box beinhaltet eine Balloonminiatur, eine mit Raketen ausgestattete Nieuport 16, sowie einer Auswahl verschiedener Wasserschiebebilder um die Miniaturen anzupassen.
Ein 20-seitiges Regelbooklet deckt alle Informationen zum Einsatz von Balloons und den Le Prieur Raketen für Wings of War ab.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Richtig grosse Luftschiffe?
Naja, das sind eher kleine Ballons, die richtig grossen Lufttschiffe würden kaum auf das Spielfeld passen.
Beiträge: | 1.177 |
Punkte: | 1.177 |
Registriert am: | 18.06.2008 |
Zitat von det-70
die richtig grossen Lufttschiffe würden kaum auf das Spielfeld passen.
Die richtigen Luftschiffe wären das Gelände. Gäbe es dann auch als Teppich.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Apropos Teppich, die Teppiche sollen demnächst neu aufgelegt werden, wie mir Dirc vorhin erzählte.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr: Die neue Edition für Warhammer Ancient Battles erscheint am Samstag auf der Salute. Hier sind der Text und ein paar Fotos aus dem Newsletter:
Warhammer Ancient Battles Second Edition Available at Salute 2010
Warhammer Historical is proud to announce that the long-awaited second edition of our hugely popular Warhammer Ancient Battles rulebook will be released soon. It will be available only direct from Warhammer Historical but copies will be available from the Warhammer Historical Stand at Salute 2010.
This lavish new edition is extensively illustrated with a plethora of diagrams, artwork and photographs of painted models, as you can see from these sample pagespreads hereand here.
This new edition also features a selection of new special rules covering the unique doctrines, cultures and weaponry of ancient times in order to add even greater depth and enjoyment to your games. Warhammer Ancient Battles Second Edition also features fully revised army lists for Romans and Barbarians, and a selection of sample army rosters from across the ancients periods, from the Egyptians of the New Kingdom to the Crusaders.
This full colour large format 216 page hardback book features a fully updated and extensively revised set of rules for playing the epic battles of the ancient world and will be priced at £32.
Jetzt muss ich doch dringend mal meine Römer bepinseln. None gone, 121 to go...
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Das schon lange angekündigte WW2-Tabletop von Warhammer Historical erscheint nun:
Hi there,
Today we are excited to announce that the first of several new Warhammer Historical rules sets is available to pre-order – Kampfgruppe Normandy. We also have a detailed WWII German decal sheet to accompany this lavish book, both of which will be on sale in limited numbers at Salute 2011 on 16th April.
Kampfgruppe Normandy available to pre-order now
Written by Warwick Kinrade, Kampfgruppe Normandy is a huge 348 page, full colour, large format, hardback book containing rules for playing miniature wargames set in Normandy during the summer of 1944.
Kampfgruppe Normandy is a completely new games system that includes detailed rules for such aspects of warfare as: command and control, suppressing fire with small arms and high-explosives, direct and indirect fire, aircraft attacks and anti-aircraft fire. It also includes a unique battle group morale system to determine the victor in each battle. The rules can be played using any 1/72 scale (20mm) WWII plastic, metal and resin infantry, vehicles and terrain kits.
As you can see from these page spreads, Kampfgruppe Normandy includes over 100 photographs taken during the war by those who were there, many rarely seen before. The book contains eight army lists from which players can build combined-arms battle groups: four Allied lists, for both British and American Armoured and Infantry divisions and four German lists, covering both SS and Wehrmacht Panzer divisions, and Werhmacht Infantry and Fallschirmjäger divisions.
It also contains two mini-campaigns set in the British and American sectors of Normandy which provide extensive background information, scenarios and equipment data as well as full-colour uniform guides for German, American and British forces.
Kampfgruppe Normandy is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 26th April, but before this it will also be exclusively available in limited numbers at Salute, which is held at London’s ExCel Centre on 16th April.
WWII German Decal Sheet available to pre-order now
Released alongside Kampfgruppe Normandy is this detailed German decal sheet, designed by Forge World’s Paul Rudge.
Packed with over 1,200 individual decals, this sheet provides national insignia, vehicle numbers and divisional insignia for the 1st, 2nd, 9th and 12th SS Panzer Divisions.
The vehicle numbers on the sheet, designed for use with 1/72 (20mm) models, can both be used straight away in the designations supplied, or combined together to allow further unit numbers to be created for specific vehicles. The sheet has been designed with the wargamer in mind, and allows multiple vehicles from the same unit to be easily detailed.
This decal sheet can now be pre-ordered for despatch in the week commencing 26th April. Along with Kampfgruppe Normandy, the German decal sheet will be available in limited numbers at Salute 2011 in advance of this shipping date.
More Warhammer Historical publications coming soon
Kampfgruppe Normandy is the first of several exciting supplements and rulebooks scheduled for release over the next few months. Keep an eye on the Warhammer Historical website and future newsletters for more details.
Die wichtigsten Eckdaten (aus dem Text und sonstigen Quellen):
Zeitraum: 1944 (Normandie)
Maßstab: 1/72
Autor: Warwick Kinrade (Chefschreiber bei Forgeworld)
Umfang: 348 Seiten, vollfarbig, Hardcover
Preis: £48
Verfügbarkeit: Nur bei Warhammer Historical direkt bestellbar.
Sonstiges: Enthält über 100 historische Fotos und zwei Kampagnen. Außerdem ist ein Decalbogen mit über 1200 Decals für die Deutschen bestellbar. Hier kann man sich übrigens einige Seiten ansehen.
Demnächst will WH übrigens mehrere (ungenannte) Bücher veröffentlichen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Kurze Meldung zu Black Powder: Im Verlauf des Jahres soll eine Erweiterung zu den Napoleonischen Kriegen erscheinen. Es wird sich dabei um das erste von zwei geplanten Supplements handeln.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
GWs Tochterfirma für historische Tabletops hat zwei neue Systeme auf dem Markt gebracht. Das erste heißt Waterloo und - na, den Rest könnt ihr euch denken. Das zweite ist etwas ausgefallener. Bei Gladiator spielt man Arenakämpfe oder Wagenrennen nach.
Hi there,
In this Warhammer Historical newsletter we span over two thousand years of historical combat with two exciting new additions to our range: Mark Latham’s Waterloo and Barry Hill’s Gladiator
Mark Latham, writer of Warhammer Historical’s popular Trafalgar rulebook, returns to the Napoleonic era with Waterloo, a new set of rules for playing tabletop wargames with 25mm-28mm miniatures set against the backdrop of this turbulent and dramatic period of European history.
Included in this full colour 288 page hardback rulebook are rules, army lists and historical orders of battle, as well as a brief history of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars and a campaign for you to play through. To inspire you there is also a lavish hobby section that takes you through how to collect, assemble and paint your Napoleonic era armies.
The focus of the rulebook is the campaign and battle of Waterloo itself, but also included are rules which enable players to recreate battles from the entire Napoleonic period of 1792 – 1815, and even beyond it.
Waterloo is available to order now for immediate despatch, and Mark Latham has provided a Quick Reference and Roster Sheets as a free download along with some templates.
Written by Barry Hill, Gladiator enables players to recreate the brutal arena combat of the Roman Empire on the wargames table.
This full colour 144 page hardback rulebook contains rules for gladiatorial arena contests featuring human combatants, wild animals, elephants and chariots as well as mass battle spectacles and mock sea battles. Full rules and background are provided for gladiators of both the Imperial and Republican eras, along with ten action-packed scenarios and a detailed campaign system that allows rival gladiatorial schools to compete in several different periods of Roman history.
The Gladiator rulebook is packed with inspirational photography and a detailed hobby section covering collecting, assembling and painting gladiatorial miniatures. It is available to order now for immediate despatch and you can also download a free Quick Reference Sheet from the Warhammer Historical website.
Hier noch ein paar Links:
Gladiator Bestellseite
Gladiator Vorschau
Waterloo Bestellseite
Waterloo Vorschau
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Die ersten Erscheinungstermine für Field of Glory Napoleonic stehen fest.
Am 20.03.2012 soll das Grundregelwerk im Hardcover erscheinen.
Am 19.06.2012 soll dann der erste Erweiterungsband als Hardcover folgen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Warhammer Historical haben ein neues Regelwerk für den Ersten Weltkrieg herausgebracht. Diesmal dreht sich alles um Luftkämpfe:
The air war reached its peak between 1917 and 1918 as aircraft became fast, highly manoeuvrable machines; each pilot determined to attain a superior position for the fleeting seconds in which a target might pass through a gun sight.
In the years leading up to 1917 the ground conflict of the Great War was proving costly to both sides, and the battles fought in the air were equally as intense as technological advances and better tactics were developed.
Richthofen’s Flying Circus, written by Owen Branham, is a detailed rules set that allows players to recreate this fast-paced aerial combat with one or more miniature aircraft. Each game turn represents a snapshot of the action as the machines move across the aerial battlefield and fire upon their opponent.
This full-colour, 80-page soft back rulebook contains rules for playing aerial combat games with 1/72 scale model aircraft, and can also be used with 1/144 to 1/32 scale models. Scenarios are provided for such missions as Dogfighting, Balloon Bursting and Bombing missions, as well as rules for playing both narrative campaigns or ‘top gun’-style leagues. Also included is a technical gallery and aircraft background information, and you can view some sample page spreads here.
Check out our downloads section for a Rules Summary, Record Sheet and Manoeuver Cards.
Richthofen’s Flying Circus is available to order now for immediate release.
Anscheinend hat man diesmal Aeronautica Imperialis umgeschrieben.
Ach ja, für den WK1-Nachfolger von Wings of War, Wings of Glory, soll im März oder April eine neue Regelbox erscheinen, allerdings ohne Flieger.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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