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Schauen wir doch einmal auf den Chimärengussrahmen:
Ich sehe da jetzt folgendes:
[list][*]Schwerer Bolter[/*:m]
[*]Schwerer Flammenwerfer[/*:m][/list:u]
[list][*]Schwerer Bolter[/*:m]
[*]Schwerer Flammenwerfer[/*:m][/list:u]
Von daher fehlen effektiv der Kettenschutz und Details wie die Schleppketten, Fässer, Aquilas etc. Insgesamt also deutlich besser als befürchtet.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Vom Gußrahmen her sieht die neue Chimäre genau so wie die alte. Nur einige Details wurden scheinbar verändert.
Zum Glück ist diesmal, im Gegensatz zum neuen Leman Russ, eine Räumschaufel mit dabei.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
So langsam tauchen auch die ersten Bilder der BA auf. Diese stammen aus dem März WD:
Laut Brückenkopf soll eine der neuen BA-Boxen folgende Teile enthalten:
•5x Boltpistolen
•5x Kettenschwerter (davon eins Beihändig)
•5x Bolter Armpaare
•2x Flammenwerferpistolen
•2x Perditionpistolen (“Melterpistolen”)
•2x Plasmapistolen
•1x Energieschwert
•1x Energiehammer
•1x Energiefaust
•5x Sprungmodule
•5x Rückenmodule
•5x Beine
•5x 2-teilige Oberkörper
•8x Köpfe
•20x Schulterpanzer
•Verschiedene kleinere Bits
Hört sich nach einem tollen Nahkampftrupp an. Vielleicht die Todeskompanie? Mit Optionen wie in der 2.Edi vielleicht?
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Dem Sergeant geht es auf den Fotos so wie einem Rammler, der vom Fuchs erwischt wurde: Bad hare day...
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Laut BoLS und Warseer sollen die Dark Eldar noch in diesem Jahr erscheinen, die Necrons innerhalb der nächsten 12 Monate:
So the latest 40k scheduling skuttlebutt says BOTH Dark Eldar and Necrons are well underway and headed towards us within the next 12 months. A variety of folks including some very good ones are saying to look for the new Dark Eldar Codex and 100% redone miniatures range to hit the shelves in the timeframe between Gamesday-UK 2010 and Christmas.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Es gibt wieder Massen an Neuigkeiten zu den BA, das Meiste kommt von DakkaDakka, ein bisschen von Warseer.
The following rumours have been forwarded to me - The source seems trustworthy and seems to echo much of which has been said on Dakka:
Almost all BA units have RED THIRST rule. "After deployment roll d6 for each unit, any that roll a 1 exchange combat tactics for furious charge and fearless"
Mephiston, Cost of landraider, ws 7, bs 5, str 6, t 6, init 7, attack 5, ld 10, 5 wounds, sv 2+
3 psy powers per turn, psy hood, frag krak, plas pistol force weapon
Corbulo is in. Same profile. Red grail gives FNP and furious charge win 6 inches. Corbulo has a str 5 rending chanin sword. He also has FNP on a 2+
Sanguinor : Literally an angel who mysteriously appears to kick ass. Best sculpt of any GW model ever. So amazing I cant describe. has ws 8, str 5 t 5, (i think he had a 2 handed str 6 power sword), forces successful invulns in close combat to be rerolled. has "Blessing of Sanginor" [randomly pick 1 sgt in your army, he has +1 to WS, attack, init, ld, str and wound]
Fleash Tearars master Seth : Captain stat line. Has a str 8 rending chainsword. Causes all units with red thirst to get it on a 1,2,3. Sother cool stuff I cant remember.
Astorath the grim is there. Hes an uber chaplain pretty much. If hes with the death company they can reroll hits and wounds.
Tac Squads : same as codex but add red thirst
Rhinos : 50 points, same as normal but add "Fast"
Assault squads : Same as normal (cant remember about if they get meltaguns), but have read thirst and a special rule that they may re-roll reserve rolls, and they only scattter d6 not 2d6
Death Company : Furious charge, fearless, relentless, uber-grit, FNP, max squad size = 30, 0-1 choice. Lemartes is an upgrade character for 3attackbikes worth of points. New sculpt for lemartes, is bad ass. Can take power weapons and fists
Dreads : Libby is a one attack bikes worth of points upgrade for dreads, furioso annd venerable dreads as standard.
Sternguard, as standard
Vanguard, can take a exsanginator.
Exalted squad : They are not called exalted, but pretty much the same idea. The sculpts are RAD (ive held the sprue too, your gonna freak at the wings and awesome ab and sword armour. Mind you it might just be the upgrade sprue I had]
They have 12" str 4 ap 4 assault 2 weapons. Master crafted power weapons. Damn I cant remember the rest....
Ball Preadator : same as now except, has Fast, scout and can mount a flame storm cannon. 115 points base.
Storm Harbinger : Yes its here and yes its bad ass! [no pictures in the dex of it though]
Stats: 50points cheaper than a landraider.. 12/12/12 bs 4
Weapons : TL heavy bolter, TL assault cannon, 4 Vengance missles [72", s 8 ap 1, 1 use]
Rules : Skimmer, fast, assault ramps, [forget the name but a rule that lets assault marines jump out during a flat out move like the valkarie, except that they dont take dangerous terrain tests]
Transport : 1 dreadnought AND one unit of 12 or less. [yes thats right it transports 2 units]
PSY powers
Quickening : as normal
Wings of sanguinious : As normal
[forgot the name] : This power rocks. Draw a line of length 4d6 inches from the psycher. Ignore friendly models. Enemy models take a single str 8 ap 1 lance hit.
[forgot the name] : units in 6 inches get a 5+ cover save
Dante gives his squad "hit and run". In addition he picks an enemy independent character before deployment, that character has -1 to all stats, more or less.
Oh yeah just remembered this one, its weird but cool. Dreads can get this thing called a "Blood Fist" if i remember right. After shooting at a vehicle you roll d6 and add 8. If you exceed the armour of the vehicle you can move the vehcile 2d6 inches closer to the dread!
(*** May be the libby ability)
I forgot to look at the BA special weapons, but I do remember the profile had a lot of stuff in it, so I believe specials are in there.
There are no mad max scouts.
I know the Baal is fast for sure, I dont think the others are though. (***)
1. The leaked .pdf is not the codex
2. No new figs for Dante, Mephiston, Corbulo, and Tycho...
3. New Special figs for Astorath, Sanguinior, Seth, Lemartes
4. Astorath is a crazy fiend if you want your army to go ape and suffer red thirst on a 3+... he looks like a dark evil angel. with long black hair, black wings, red armor like the Dracula guy from the movie... and a large Axe held overhead 2-handed
5. Sanguinior is a ***pt beast.... WS8 ST5 T4 Atk5 2+save, 3+ invul... 2-handed master crafted power sword of something encarmine, nominate an enemy HQ then you get rerolls with all Sanguinior's Hit and wound rolls towards that guy... he grants powers to one SGT. in the game ie., +1 attack etc., and units within 6' get +1 attack except for him... the BEST NEW MODEL in the range... looks like the living saint on steroids... think Michaelangelo angel with wings out-stretched and soaring to the heavens... and he's held aloft thru parchment... he's got a nice sword in one hand and a grail in the other... he led a 12 man squad to assault a CSM battle barge and fought their way to the bridge and killed the Chaos Lord dude there... was pure nasty...
6. The codex is written by Matthew Ward, same guy who did the Space Marine Dex...
7. Stormraven... ok it's got ar 12 12 10, is a skimmer, twin-assault, twin-Hvy bolter, 4 blood strike missiles... Range 72' Str 8, Ap1, forgot if it was blast, probably was... here's the PAIN.... carries 12 marines... Assault Vehicle... and it CAN carry 1 Dreadnought as well... it can deploy models even if it goes flat out however they suffer dangerous terrain stuff... BAD NEWS... there's no pic of it anywhere in the dex... might be a second wave... but hey it CARRIES A DREAD & 12 Marines!!!! how big will this thing be....
8. The models are gorgeous... omg they had the Sanguinary Guard, pretty much Angel wings assault marines, but the detail is pure OMFG!!! there's tear-drops under the soles of the feet, think the dude Maximus fought in Gladiator with the metal mask and you're not too far off... just pure awesome!!! it's a huge leap from the marines and more even from the space wolves... BLING BLING!!! Also the Death Company can have super weapons, ie. thunderhammers, power weapons, melta pistols... pure awesome kit... all the red X bands are modeled on the figs... even on the handguards... and the Banner that comes with the sanquinary guard is sooooooooooooooo nice! it's the old pic of Sanguinius holding the grail in one hand and sword in the other but in relief...
9. For every 5 Deathcompany you can take 1 furious Dread as a TROOP!!! we counted it up so max 11 dreads... 3 elite librarian ones, 3 Hvy support ones, 5 Troop ones so OMFG... you won't have much else...
10. Hmm, the Baal has the option for a Flamestorm cannon on the turret... ugh...
Noch einmal die Komplettübersicht von Warseer:
General info
Release 8 April 2010
Written by Matt Ward
Army-wide Special Rules
Combat Tactics – As per C:SM
And They Shall Know No Fear – As per C:SM
Red Thirst - Almost all BA units have it. After deployment roll D6 for each unit with the Red Thirst rule. Any unit that rolls a 1 must exchange Combat Tactics for Furious Charge and Fearless.
Descent of Angels - Anything with a Pump Pack can re-roll reserve rolls and will only Scatter 1d6 when Deep Striking.
Weapons & Wargear
GW have said there will be a range of specialist wargear for the Blood Angels
Infernus Pistols – 6” Melta pistols
Hand Flamers - S3 AP6 Template
Death Mask - Force a Ld check at -2. Fail and fight at WS1.
Over-charged Engines are gone, replaced with Fast on some vehicles.
Blood Talons - close combat weapons on the Furioso Dreadnought. A dreadnought CCW with a Stormbolter, likely upgradeable to Meltagun/Heavy Flamer.
Magna-Grapples - A R12” S8 anti-vehicle harpoon weapon for Dreadnaughts. On a successful Penetrating or Glancing hit, the target vehicle is dragged 2D6" toward the Dreadnought, facing unchanged. Will only pull a vehicle as far as the edge of Terrain or 1" away from (friendly?) models. It has been said it can cause Tank Shock.
Psychic Powers
The Sanguine Sword – Gives Librarian S10
Wings of Sanguinius – As per GW PDF
Quickening - As per C:SM
Unleash Rage - Gives unit Preferred Enemy
Blood Boil – A successful Psychic test causes a wound on an enemy unit, allocated by enemy Player. If the Psychic Test is passed with a result of 5 or less, The Blood Angels player allocates the wound.
Unnamed - Draw a line of length 4D6” from the Librarian ignoring friendly models. Enemy models take a single S8 AP1 Lance hit.
Unnamed - Units within 6” get a 5+ cover save
Unnamed – One enemy squad has to take a Ld test to Move, Run, Shoot or Assault.
Dante, Lord of the Blood Angels – He and his squad don't scatter when Deep Striking. He doesn't have Eternal Warrior.
Death Mask of Sanguinius – As per regular Death Mask, plus pick a single Independent Character at the start of the game and cause -1 to WS, A, I and Ld.
Gives his squad Hit & Run
Allows Sanguinary Guard as Troops
Gabriel Seth, Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers – Captain stat line Armed with a very large Chainsword (S8, rending), Bolt Pistol and Iron Halo
Can forgo his normal attacks and cause one auto-hit on everything in base to base contact with him
If an enemy rolls 1 to hit him, he hits back with a basic close combat attack.
Causes all units with Red Thirst to suffer it on a 1-3.
Mephiston, Lord of Death – WS7 BS5 S6 T6 W5 I7 A~5 Ld10 Sv 2+ Around the cost of a Land Raider
Armed with Psychic Hood, Plasma Pistol, Force Weapon, Frag & Krak grenades
May cast 3 psychic powers per turn,
Transfixing Gaze - Does not require a psychic test. A single Independent Character must take a Ld test with a -4 modifier. If they fail Mephiston may re-roll failed hits and wounds. The enemy may fight back is they survive.
Tycho, Captain of the 3rd Company – Hits like a Monstrous Creature (at S4) and can re-roll a single To-Wound roll. His Combi-Melta has access to Sternguard special ammo.
Apparently there are multiple versions such as Death Company in the codex.
Reclusiarch Chaplain – Death Company get to re-roll to-wound and to-hits on the charge with the Liturgies of Hate
Librarian – No news yet
Company Captain – No news yet
Honour Guard – No news yet
Astorath the Grim – Armed with Power Axe, pistol and Jump Pack
Described as an Uber Chaplain. Apparently, if he is with the Death Company, they can re-roll Hits and Wounds.
Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host – A “mysterious avenging angel” armed with 2-handed master crafted Power Sword (possibly S6), Bolt Pistol, and Jump Pack. WS8 ST5 T4 A5 Sv2+ 3++
Forces successful invulnerable saves in close combat to be re-rolled
Can nominate an enemy HQ and get re-rolls to all To-Hit and Wound rolls on that model
All friendly units within 6” get +1 attack
Blessing of Sanguinor - One sergeant in your army has +1 to WS, S, W, I, A and Ld
Chaplain – Death Company get to re-roll to-wound and to-hits on the charge with the Liturgies of Hate
Terminator Squad – No news yet
Terminator Assault Squad – No news yet
Dreadnaught – Can upgrade to Venerable, Furioso, and Furioso Librarian
Furioso Librarian have a single Blood Talon and Force Weapon, they have to choose which to use in close combat, but they DO get the +1 attack for having multiple CCWs. They can take 2 Blood Angel psychic powers (including Wings of Sanguinius) and has a Psychic Hood.
Techmarine – No access to the Thunderfire Cannon
Vanguard Veterans – A bit cheaper than C:SM. No Relic Blades, but access to the Glaive Encarmine (master crafted Power Weapons). Able to take Hand Flamers. Can supposedly take an Exsanguinator
Sternguard Veterans – As per C:SM
Sanguinary Guard – Armed with wrist-mounted Angelus Boltguns (12" S4 AP4 Assault 2), Glaives Encarmine (master crafted Power Weapons) Jump Packs and Artificer Armour. May take Death Masks. Max squad size of 5.
Sanguinary Priests – Unit of 1-3.
Brother Corbulo – Upgrade to Sanguinary Priests. Same profile. Armed with a S5 rending Chainsword. Red grail gives Feel No Pain and Furious Charge within 6”. Supposedly only gets FNP himself on a 2+
Assault Squad – As per C:SM but have Red Thirst
Tactical Squad – As per C:SM but have Red Thirst
Death Company – Furious charge, fearless, relentless, FNP, 3-30 models, 0-1 choice. Armed with Bolter, Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon. Can take Power Weapons and Power Fists. Can take Jump Packs.
Cost with Jump Packs is the same as it is in the GW PDF.
Not a Scoring Unit
Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost – Upgrade character for Death Company. Armed with Crozius, Bolt Pistol and Jump Pack. Gets stronger if he loses one of his two wounds.
Death Company Dreadnaught - May take one for every 5 Death Company in the army. Several different weapon options including Magna-Grapple, Blood Talons (some form of Melta weapon), etc.
Scout Squad – Standard Scouts. No “Mad Max” style ones
Fast Attack
Baal Predator – Pretty much the same, but is Fast, has the Scout USR, and the option for a turret-mounted Flamestorm Cannon.
Bike Squadron – No news yet
Attack Bike Squadron – No news yet
Land Speeder – No news yet
Land Speeder Storm – Likely Added
Heavy Support
Devastator Squad – No news yet
Whirlwind – As per C:SM
Predator – No news yet
Vindicator – As per C:SM but are Fast
Stormraven Gunship – Armour 12 all around, Skimmer, Fast, Assault Vehicle, Deep Strike.
Armed with twin-linked Assault Cannons, twin-linked Heavy Bolters and 4 Bloodstrike Missiles.
Ceremite Plating make is immune to Melta weapons' extra penetration due to being able to withstand atmospheric re-entry temperatures
Bloodstrike Missiles Range 72” S8 AP1 Heavy 1, One-shot
Transports up to 2 squads of up to 12 Marines total (Jump Troops take up 2 slots) and up to 1 Dreadnought at the same time.
Transported Dreads take a single S4 hit on rear armour if the Stormraven explodes
Models can be deployed at any point of the move, even if it goes flat out but they must take a Dangerous Terrain test (Jump Pack Troops have a better chance of passing). Models deployed in this way cannot assault.
No fire points
4 access points (front, sides and top (?))
May replace Heavy Bolters with either twin-linked Multi-Melta or twin-linked Typhoon Launchers. May also take Hurricane Bolter sponsons.
Dedicated Transports
Rhino – 50 pts. As per C:SM but are Fast
Razorback – No news yet
Drop Pod – No news yet
Land Raider – Standard, Crusader and Redeemer. Only available as Dedicated Transports. Can supposedly Deep Strike somehow.
Releases are:
Death Company (BA upgrade kit) – Makes 5 plastic Death Company / Blood Angels.
Originally Posted by The Voice
The sprue you are referring to contains:
5x Bolt Pistols
5x Chainswords (1 two-handed)
5x Bolter arm sets
2x Hand Flamers
2x Perdition Pistols
2x Plasma Pistols
1x Power Sword
1x Thunderhammer
1x Powerfist
5x Jump Packs
5x Backpacks
5x Legs
5x Torso backs
5x Torso fronts
8x Heads
20x Shoulder pads
Other small bits
Sanguinary Guard - Makes 5 plastic Sanguinary Guard
Originally Posted by The Voice
Sanguinary Guard look very similar to Sanguinor, with muscled armour, winged Jump Packs, haloed heads, two-handed weapons (three swords, two axes) and wrist-mounted Bolters. There are additional wrist mounted weapons of the Melta and Plasma variety and a lovely battle standard.
Originally Posted by The Voice
As to the Sanguinary Guard, contents are as follows:
5x legs (look like Dante/Tycho)
5x torso fronts (all muscled, no belts)
5x toros backs
5x winged Jump Packs (5 parts each)
5x left arms with wrist mounted Bolters
1x left arm with wrist mounted Plasma Gun
1x left arm with wrist mounted Melta Gun
3x 2-handed swords
2x 2-handed axes (1 double headed)
15x shoulder pads
1x large standard with winged grail icon on top
Multiple heads of different types such as with haloes and laurels
Other small bits like hands for the left arms
Picture here:
Seems The Voice forgot to mention the Power Fist on the sprue
Baal Predator – Makes 1 Plastic Baal Predator
Comes with Assault Cannon and Flamestorm Cannon turret options as well as Heavy Flamer and Heavy Bolter sponson options.
Metal Blisters:
Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host
Originally Posted by The Voice
Sanguinor has muscular armour similar to the current Dante miniature. His single engine Jump Pack has large wings on the sides and a halo on top. He adopts the classic “exalted angel” pose similar to Celestine with arched back and arms flung wide. His face is passive with shoulder length, wavy hair. His left hand holds a small grail, his right holds a sword.
Originally Posted by The Voice
Sanguinor has the typical broad-bladed sword used by most Space Marines. The Blade is a hand-span wide, straight, with a diamond point and a Fuller. The Guard is a typical cross guard, slightly embellished and with no Quillions. The Grip is about a one and a half hander, and the Pommel is quite plain.
Gabriel Seth
Originally Posted by The Voice
Chapter Master Gabriel Seth is armed with an Eviscerator (or very large Chainsword) which is longer than he is, double edged, with a very long grip (about 3.5-4 hand spans). He has fairly standard Power Armour, sparsely adorned with some scrollwork etc, and his backpack sports a cloak, small wings and an Iron Halo. His right shoulder pad has trim shaped like a saw blade, and his left sports a Flesh Tearers symbol with a single wing, similar to Tycho’s heraldry. He is posed running forward, pulling back for a two-handed sideways sweep of his blade and has the standard yelling head.
Astorath the Grim
Originally Posted by The Voice
Astorath has muscular armour similar to the current Mephiston miniature. He has a shouting head with long, flowing hair and a single engine Jump Pack with small wings on the sides. He is posed to be coming down in a hard 2-handed overhead swipe with an axe that’s handle is crafted to resemble a spine.
Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost
Originally Posted by The Voice
Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost, will get a brand new and much better miniature upon release. He stands atop a small pile or rubble, feet together, with right arm pointing a Bolt Pistol and left arm at ease holding a Crozius topped with a 2-headed eagle. His armour is adorned with many rivets and purity seals. His right shoulder pad is a jawless skull, and his left sports an embossed Blood Angels icon. His torso has a harness for his Jump Pack which itself is adorned with chains and charms and has the Blood Angels icon embossed on top of both intake vents. His helmet is a haloed skull with pipes to the sides of the mouth, but this time the eyes have lenses and the halo is more subtle.
Vanguard Veteran with Hand Flamer and Power Weapon.
Originally Posted by The Voice
For example, there is a Veteran with Jump Pack, Hand Flamer and Power Weapon due for release. His armour and Pump Pack are sparsely adorned with blood droplet gems, Purity Seals and scrollwork. Standing in the typical tip-toed pose of a jump troop, his upraised left arm holds a broad-bladed double-edged power sword with winged blood droplet guard and two-handed grip. The head is bare with a fairly typical short-haired Marine face in a “grumpy, but not yelling” pose.
Blick in den Codex:
Etwas zu den Figuren:
As to the Sanguinary Guard, contents are as follows:
5x legs (look like Dante/Tycho)
5x torso fronts (all muscled, no belts)
5x toros backs
5x winged Jump Packs (5 parts each)
5x left arms with wrist mounted Bolters
1x left arm with wrist mounted Plasma Gun
1x left arm with wrist mounted Melta Gun
3x 2-handed swords
2x 2-handed axes (1 double headed)
15x shoulder pads
1x large standard with winged grail icon on top
Multiple heads of different types such as with haloes and laurels
Other small bits like hands for the left arms
Und last but not least ein Foto von einem der Gussrahmen:
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Es gibt auch neue Bilder der BA:
Die neuen "Goldis" mit ihren Flügeln sagen mir mal überhaupt nicht zu. Viel zu kitschig. Aber die anderen beiden Trupps........ Vielleicht wird es dieses jahr eine neue Armee bei mir geben.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Seit heute können die Blood Angels auf der Seite von GW vorbestellt werden:
* Blood Angels Codex – 22,50 EUR
* Blood Angels Todeskompanie (5 Modelle) – 26,00 EUR
* Blood Angels Sanguinische Garde (5 Modelle) – 26,00 EUR
* Blood Angels Baal Predator – 39,00 EUR
* Blood Angels Astorath – 15,00 EUR
* Blood Angels Lemartes – 15,00 EUR
* Blood Angels Sanguinor – 17,50 EUR
* Blood Angels Expugnatorgarde Veteranensergeant – 13,00 EUR
* Flesh Tearers Ordensmeister Gabriel Seth – 15,00 EUR
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Was treibt den der KorneBerserker mit den schwarzen Flügeln dazwischen ???? sieht voll böse aus...
Mfg der Terrorbär
Beiträge: | 1.877 |
Punkte: | 1.877 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
Der ist der Quoten Bad Man, zu erkennen an den Brustwarzen...
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Hm, irgendwie reizt mich das ja schon.... vllt kann ich doch nicht widerstehen.
Beiträge: | 461 |
Punkte: | 461 |
Registriert am: | 22.02.2009 |
Nachdem Anfang des Monats der Szenarioband "Kampfeinsätze" veröffentlich hat, bietet GW jetzt einen weiteren Kampfeinsatz, "Kampf auf engstem Raum" als Download an. Weitere Kampfeinsätze sollen folgen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Die sich schon lang anhaltenden Gerüchte, es würde eine Space Marine Statue geben, haben sich jetzt bewiesen. Für 20€ wird sie mit zwei weiteren Geländeteilen demnächst erhältlich sein:
Eben ist auch der aktuelle GW Newsletter eingetroffen. Darin ist von einer neuen Erweiterung die Rede:
Am Horizont: Panzersturm
Versammle deine Panzer und mache deine Laserkanonen bereit – Im Juni vereinen sich der White Dwarf und, um dir eine brandneue Erweiterung für Warhammer 40.000 zu präsentieren: Panzersturm.
Mit Panzersturm erlebst du eine völlig neue Art, Warhammer-40.000-Schlachten zu spielen. Trage atemberaubende Panzerschlachten aus und führe wagemutige Durchbruch-Missionen auf deinen Schlachtfeldern durch und setze die volle motorisierte Macht des 41. Jahrtausends in deinen Spielen ein. Die Juni-Ausgabe des White Dwarf wird den Hauptteil dieser Erweiterung enthalten, darunter neue Regeln, Missionen sowie jede Menge anregende Hobbyratschläge. Darüber hinaus wird alle auf der Website registrierten Hobbyisten mit zusätzlichem Material versorgen, zum Beispiel Informationen darüber, wie du deine Sturmverbände zusammenstellst, sowie Tipps zur Bemalung, zum Umbau und zum Sammeln deiner Modelle.
Zusätzlich zu dieser neuen und spannenden Erweiterung werden wir noch weitere neue Miniaturen und Kunststoffbausätze veröffentlichen. Weitere Informationen zu diesen Bausätzen und zu der neuen Erweiterung Panzersturm werden in der Mai-Ausgabe des White Dwarf und auf folgen.
Hört sich nach einer lustigen Erweiterung an (zumindest für Leute wie mich). Könnte sich später als eine Art 40k ohne Infanterie herausstellen, nur mit massenhaft Stahl. Hoffentlich werden meine Erwartungen erfüllt........
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Die Panzersturm-Erweiterung klingt interessant, mal sehen, was die daraus machen.
Bei den neuen Geländeteilen hast Du übrigens einen zu hohen Preis angegeben, die werden nur 19,50 € kosten.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
ich find die Idee schon fast überfällig ... und die Geländeteile sehen wieder mal schön aus... aber da kann man sich auf GW ja schon fast drauf verlassen...
Beiträge: | 897 |
Punkte: | 897 |
Registriert am: | 30.07.2008 |
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