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Da ich zur Zeit mit Android 4.1 umgehe und mich wie ein kleiner Junge auf Windows 8 freue (ja... das meine ich ernst ) bin ich gespannt ob GW meine Wünsche erhört... beide Plattformen würden mich freuen...
Beiträge: | 897 |
Punkte: | 897 |
Registriert am: | 30.07.2008 |
Chaos hat jetzt auch schon seinen neuen Spitznamen bekommen: Power Rangers.
Beiträge: | 403 |
Punkte: | 403 |
Registriert am: | 02.07.2008 |
Zitat von nightshroud
Chaos hat jetzt auch schon seinen neuen Spitznamen bekommen: Power Rangers.
Mach aus dem Namen gleich einen Wanderpokal. So wie ich GW kenne wird es nicht lange dauern bis der nächste Codex kommt wo die Leute dann sofort wieder rumheulen er sei zu hart etc.
Jedenfalls, hier erst einmal ein paar weitere Infos zu dem was uns erwartet:
Neither a new Abbadon nor a new kharne -for now-
The close combat obliterators (mutilators) are a finecast kit
There is a new finecast sorcerer (unimpressive) an a Dark Apostle (beyond awesome)
BramGaunt on Warseer has mentioned that the codex cover is the same used on the Black Library book, "Blood Gorgons".
Dark Apostle, sorcerer, aspiring champion (new finecast): 15,50€
Warpsmith: 23€
Codex: 39€
Raptors/warp talons: 26€ (same as sanguinary guard)
Heldrake: 59€
Forgefiend/clawfiend: 52€
Mutilators: 41€ (3 finecast)
Obliterators and everything else thats metal goes finecast, that includes Death Guard and Thousand Sons.
the Codex cover artwork is the one that was already used by the BL "Blood Gorgons" Novel.
There are only 4 psychic powers per God, sadly.
If you upgrade your Demon prince to a specific god he gains hatred for the opposed chaos god
A posessed vehicle ignores stinned an shaken on 2+, but if a unit embarks you have to roll a D6 : on a roll of 1 you lose a random member if the squad and the vehicle regains 1hp
Obliterators can morph assault cannons
Ach ja, der Codex soll Hardcover werden, wie die aktuellen Fantasybücher. Hier noch ein paar neue Bilder:
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Die normalen Raptoren und die Chosen gehen, der Rest ist nur furchtbar...
Wie toll, dass ausgerechnet der Hexer das langweiligste Modell von allen ist...
Ich dachte erst das wär ein Einheitenchampion.
Mach aus dem Namen gleich einen Wanderpokal. So wie ich GW kenne wird es nicht lange dauern bis der nächste Codex kommt wo die Leute dann sofort wieder rumheulen er sei zu hart etc.
Gemeint ist nicht die Codexhärte sondern das Design.
Beiträge: | 403 |
Punkte: | 403 |
Registriert am: | 02.07.2008 |
Da muss ich dir 100%ig widersprechen.
DAS sind die Inspirationsquellen (man beachte das Iron Warriors Outfit )
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ja, es dirftet ein wenig ins kitschige ab...
Gefällt mir auch nicht richtig. Die Flugsaurier-Maschinen-Dämon-Geschichte würde auch eher zu Chaosdämonen passen und dann da anders aussehen.
Beiträge: | 438 |
Punkte: | 437 |
Registriert am: | 13.02.2011 |
GW ist mal wieder ein Fehler unterlaufen, diesmal beim limitierten Codex CSM. Jede der auf 1000 Exemplare begrenzten Ausgabe kam mit einem nummerierten Zertifikat. Nun ist plötzlich die Nummer 127 doppelt aufgetaucht, einmal in Privatbesitz, einmal bei einer Auktion in der Bucht.
GW begründet dies damit, dass man die Zertifikate geändert habe, ein Teil der Bücher jedoch bereits verschickt gewesen sei und deshalb kein Tausch mehr durchgeführt werden konnte. Hier der ganze Text:
A friend of mine bought the Limited Edition Chaos Codex which was $100 and (allegedly) limited to only 1000 copies. He went and picked it up on Saturday and was content. He was even happy that he managed to get #127 out of 1000.
Then on Monday he goes to check how much they are going for on Ebay. In his search he happens to find a listing for one that claims to also be #127 out of 1000. Thinking it's a scam he contacts the seller. The seller is also surprised and sends him a picture of the number in his book. Both are #127!
Here are photos of both copies:
So my friend is understandably upset and contacts GW to see what the hell is going on. GW's story is this:
Apparently at the last minute they decided to change the numbered paper inserts. Apparently something was wrong with the watermark and they decided to remove it from the cards. Unfortunately they already put them in all the books, shrink wrapped them and sent them out to the various countries. 400 was sent to North America, 400 to the UK, and 200 for the rest of the world. So to replace the cards they had to open each one, remove the old card and put in the new one. Apparently this was done properly to all the NA copies, but the UK didn't and just taped the new card on the outside and left the old cards on inside cover. They also fucked up because they didn't replace the cards with the same numbers, but gave each book a new number with the new card.
So according to GW, my friend has the "real" #127 since it doesn't have the watermark and the dude in the UK has the "fake" #127. This all sounds like stupid bullshit to me and I'm sure they would tell the UK guy he has the "real" #127 if they contacted him.
I'm not sure if GW is telling the truth, but there is at least one guy on the B&C saying he received two different numbers in his copy... so who knows.
The point is, GW really fucked this one up. On such a limited printing, and at that cost, they really should have done a better job. If this was sports memorabilia or collectables there would be a shit storm. When you limit the quantities like this you are directly creating a collectors market. Something like this makes the books fairly worthless as collectables since no one will really know what copy they have.
My friend was going to just get rid of his one ebay as well, but then there would be two #127s listed at the same time. Instead, he will just be returning it to GW and getting a regular copy from our local game store for half the price.
I just found out that the seller of the second #127 codex found his 'real' number in the trash. Turns out he's actually #799 and updated his ebay auction to reflect that. This is confirmation that people in the UK most likely received two numbers with their books, the one on the outside is the 'real' number while the one on the inside is the 'fake' number.
Still doesn't solve GW's underlying issue. They need to issue a statement that the number on the books may not be accurate. Either contact each person that bought one (since it was only sold online they should have a list) or issue a public statement. Beyond that, I really don't know what they could do. I mean, they could send out new number cards, but that just makes the mess even worse as some would have 3 sets of cards to do whatever they wanted with. The value of the item would be reduced even further!
If this was any other sort of collectable would it just be brushed aside? If this was one of 1000 game used footballs? one of 1000 limited edition signed baseball cards? one of 1000 anything else? Authenticity is key in a collector's world. What would you do if you bought something due to it's limited and collectible nature and you found out the numbering was impossible to verify? How do you fix that?
In the future, they need to better number their limited editions. Either emboss them directly onto the items or find some other permanent method of authenticating the item. They proved that they can't handle the inserted card system so they need to change that. Especially with something limited to only 1000 copies, this is inexcusable.
Quelle: Reddit
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Laut einer Meldung von Warseer soll nahezu alles bei den SM was läuft überarbeitet werden. Das bedeutet neben neuer Infanterie in aller Coleur auch Gussrahmen für Techmarines und Skriptoren. Außerdem soll es einen neuen Flieger und einen weiteren Transporter für Scouts, im Stil eines Buggys, geben:
Argh! I wrote up a nice little bit for you guys on some new design work and due to the wonders of transversing wireless networks the post was lost. So frustrating.
Well I'll leave a teaser here and come back and edit it to fill it in when I get time later. Sorry blokes, I just dont have time to redo it all now...
These are all wip and no release timing is available. Codex SM is not underway, so these may be a splash release or could be a long way off.
New tactical squad. Hvy flamer. Mk 8 style
Edit: there are more mk 8 bits here than before, but there are still "beakies" too. Includes many options not released before in plastic, including a Hvy flamer, a backpack style (read devastator) missile launcher w flakk missile, slings on bolters, power weapon options. Basically think of all the blinged out options you get w a BA, SW, GK box and now apply it to tactical marines. Poses are all standing, but they aren't as static.
New assault squad. New jump packs. New weapon options
Edit: retooling similar to tac squad. The jump packs are all new, but don't get knickers in a twist cause they are the same style as current ones. They just look better cause the seam is not there. New cc options in the sprue include thss and lc. There is a few new options in here I can't reveal.
New librarian mini sprue. Codex options included
Edit: this is where the librarian/chaplain kit I saw a long time ago went. Has a force sword or staff, has combi weapons, has pistols. Two heads. All in mini sprue. It's 2 mini sprues. Only options from current codex not present are jump pack, bike, or TA. No info on where chaplain went.
New Techmarine mini sprue. Conversion Beamer.
Edit: very similar to current tech ax Techmarine. Layered body. Has tech ax, tech sword, plasma pistol, combi weapons, couple variants on servo arms, and conversion Beamer. 2 mini sprues.
Edit: on both these mini sprue characters the heads and weapons are compatible with existing line. But the arms/bodies are unique.
New scout box. New sculpts. Combined boxes. New options.
Edit: includes some new scout only weapons. Heads are less bulky. All codex options present in one box.
New flyer. Interceptor/bomber. Flat but boxy. Storm raven sized. No transport. No hover. Heavy assault cannon and ff missiles. Or bombs and servo drones in gun pods.
Edit: shares wing/engine aesthetics of storm raven, but fuselage is flatter. Wings not as bent. No thrusters in wingtips. Two tail options, one for each build.
New scout transport. Like Tauros (FW ig) but open wagon style. Halo warthog mashed w rhino. Pintle TL HB.
Edit: rumored rule only will allow pintle weapon when unit is embarked. Fast vehicle. 4 buggy style wheels. Rider models/bits compatible with new scout box. Roughly rhino sized. For Baja race fans think armored sandrail.
Cheers. Like I mentioned, these are likely a long way off, and I will fill in more later.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Demnächst wird es auch die Chaos Kultisten extra zu kaufen geben:
Es wird auch neue Chaos Sachen für WH-Fantasy geben, wovon man sicherlich einiges auch für 40k verwenden kann....
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Und noch ein Bild aus dem WD. Hierbei soll es sich um eine neue Verteidigungslinie handeln.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Es soll sich nicht darum handeln, es handelt sich darum. Nach meinen Infos enhält der Bausatz einen Bunker, drei Verteidigungsstellungen und drei Verteidigungslinien, außerdem noch einige Endstücke. Das Ganze kostet dann 130,- €.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
GW hat ein Kampagnenband angekündigt namens Kreuzzug des Feuers.
Das Teil wird 33€ kosten und enthält ein Kampagnensystem, Szenarien für mehrere Spieler und Regeln für besondere Schlachtfelder (Todeswelten, .....)
Bin mal gespannt was uns da erwartet.... vor allem bei den Schlachtfeldregeln......
Wenn es gut wird erwartet uns was wie der alte Codex Catachan, wenn nicht dann wird es wie der Todeswelt-Artikel der mal im WD war
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Vergiss die Regeln für Arenakämpfe in Commorragh nicht. Im Übrigen werden die Befestigungsanlagenkomponenten einzeln erscheinen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Auf dem Brückenkopf sind Bilder der neuen Dark Angels aufgetaucht... Hier findet ihr die Fotos...
Bin ein wenig gespalten was die modele angeht...
Mfg der Terrorbär
Beiträge: | 1.877 |
Punkte: | 1.877 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
Is klar... Rasten total aus... ich finds nett... aber wie immer... muss man live sehen...
Beiträge: | 897 |
Punkte: | 897 |
Registriert am: | 30.07.2008 |
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