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Euer Forenadministrator Eversor
Hier mal ein Bild von einem neuen Haemonculi, der demnächst im Finecast Sortiment erscheint:
Wirkt auf mich total blöd. Wie ein Hampelmann.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Wahrscheinlich wollte man so die Qualität der bisherigen Modelle unterstreichen.
Ach wie gut, dass ich noch drei alte habe.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Die Ähnlichkeit ist verblüffend
Beiträge: | 461 |
Punkte: | 461 |
Registriert am: | 22.02.2009 |
Auf dem französischen Games Day konnte man Neuigkeiten für die Dark Eldar sehen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
So, jetzt ist es bestätigt. Der Adeptus Sororitas erhält im August neue Regeln. Es handelt sich dabei laut Warseer um einen mehrteiligen Artikel über mindestens zwei Ausgaben des WD:
Sisters are confirmed for August 2011, got my WD today (yes, I subscribe; I still like it but the lack of good painting articles is starting to pi$$ me off). By the small note at the back cover, it seems that it might be a WD codex cause it says sth like this:
"First part of Codex: Sisters of battle. We explore the background..." Can't recall the exact words, can post a pic when I get home.
Außerdem soll der WD neue Regeln und Szenarien für Städte in Flammen enthalten. Wird also Zeit, dass wir das Stadtkampfgelände hinbekommen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Hier auch noch der visuelle Beweis, dass anscheinend wirklich schon jemand den Juli-WD mit der Ankündigung bekommen hat:
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Blood of Kittens hat ein paar neue Gerüchte zu den Schwestern:
Do what you want with these rumors just mention the source is all I ask , thanks!
Sorry for the delay real life got in the way for once. Before we get started just want to drop two cents to some comments made in my last post: the only reason I could come off as gloating or soap boxing about rumor vindication is because the instant I post a group of rumors across the Internet on forums elsewhere they are quickly discounted (which is fine), but many times it pretty venomous and by pointing out who was right and who was wrong is my way of defending myself. So sorry to everyone that just wants rumors and no ego every time I post something, it is only directed at the certain naysayers and shouldn’t be taken as me trying to tell you how awesome I am. I am not always right, but for the most part I am pretty damn close so let us leave it at that.
Ok, with that said let us get on with why you are really here some SoB rumors.
As always let us start with the easy ones that pretty much everyone figured was going to happen.
Allies gone
Inquisition gone
Faith streamlined
USRs updated to 5th
Cheaper Unit costs
So let start with the big one and perhaps most controversial change to Sisters of Battle: Faith
I was amazed reading around the Net how quite a few people are pretty close to understanding how Faith is going to work. One caveat about the faith rules: I only have most of the story so let us hope someone else can pluck the rest from the aether. The only thing that really stays the same is only faith producing units can use faith. Gone is the over and under rules based on model count and gone is faith powers that everyone can use. It is replaced with every unit has its own unit specific act of faith to call upon.
So for instance Repentia Act of Faith allows them to always land an attack even if they are killed before they can swing. They are little bonuses like re-rolling to wound and hit, no USRs. Now this if fine and dandy if you just pop a faith point and bam! power goes off, but not so fast. Acts of Faith require that you roll 5+ to activate . This makes faith much more unreliable… maybe. In addition every unit that can get faith generates 1d6 faith points per turn. This also means that a new faith pool is generated each turn with no storing of past faith. As well faith can be activated in multiple phases of the game, so for instance you can re-roll to hit in your shooting phase or in your assault phase. What is not clear is a few things. Like how many dice can you throw at a single act of faith? How many times can you attempt to activated a power? If you get an act of faith to go off in one phase does it carry over to the next phase? If you fail an act of faith does that mean you cannot try again in another phase? I don’t have the answers, but what do you think?
Random tidbits
All Faith generating units get +6 invul save
All units that can get transports get Immolators or Rhinos
Assassins gone (Death Cult still in)
Wargear with the same names as GK wargear stay and get changed over. (e.g. Psybolt Ammo)
Karamazov gone
Priests in, pretty much same as before.
No change to the general Bolter, Melta, Flame concept of the Sisters
Sisters have about 5 HQ choices including Special Characters
St. Celestine: Same price as a Grand Master you get 2+/+4 saves, WS/BS 7 Jump Pack, Fleet, Power Weapons always wounds on 4+ Has the power to come back like GK Thawn if killed.
Confessor: Takes the slot of the old Inquisitors. Cheap HQ (Warboss). Can create a henchman band using most of the henchman found in the GK codex. What makes the Confessor extra deadly is the ability for it to re-roll hits and wounds for her and the squad. This is the translation of the rumor matrix. So think for one second about her and the Death Cult together?
Repentia: Cheaper close to SM cost. FNP, Rage, Fearless, 6+ invul, no transports
Battle Sister Squad: Cheaper 10-20 unit size (no combat squads), but has access to Immolators which begs the question… Immolators either get increased transport capacity or Sisters break the rules concerning model count and buying transports. Multiple acts of faith.
Exocists: Pretty much same as before.
This is it for now gents and dames. If you have any questions let me know I can see if can get them answered sometime this week with another post.
It is that time again, thanks for reading and posting your questions. Let me start by letting everyone know I have no idea (or will never know for sure) about new model releases. I don’t know if the new sisters release will be resin or plastic or the numbers in the boxes, but like I said before my bet is on Finecast re-release. Now with that out-of-the-way on to new rules…
What is not in the Codex
The Units (more information than others)
Canoness: Here is my special shout out to the Canoness: you are terrible. I mean grossly underpowered. Now this is going to sound like a cop-op, but I am not going into details because my hope is that she will be changed before release. It just sounds and looks like she is an unfinished product. She gets her own retinue that cannot do anything; she starts out cheap, but her upgrades are expensive and lame when you compare to everything else. So here is hoping to GW getting her fixed.
Repentia: Forgot to mention they have fleet
Celastians: Cheaper than a Marine, but not really anything going for them (that I know of)… extra attack. Re-roll hits for act of faith
Sister Battle Squad: Can still get a Heavy Flamer
Shraphim: They are pretty amazing. Cheaper than a Space Marine you get a Jump Packing, Hit and Running, and an act of faith that has them re-rolling wounds. You can also upgrade them to run with double hand flamers and melta pistols. They act both as an extra close combat weapon and become assault 2 instead of being twin-linked. So that means Assault 2 melta weapons.
Dominion Squads: Still get 4 special weapons. Act of Faith twin-linked.
Retributor Squads: Pretty fantastic. CHEAP! Talking under Long Fang cheap to fully kit out. Expect the return of the Heavy Bolter with these. Act of Faith is Rending.
Penitent Engines: Again fantastic. Same statline (Walker). No Scout or Infiltrate. Cheaper and can be a squadron aka 9 Engines. They still get the 1D6 attacks, but any wounds generate additional attacks (don’t know if they work like Blood Talons). 6+ Invul (don’t know if they generate faith)
That is all I got guys, if I get more will let you know. As always you can get a new developments by following Blood of Kittens.
Ich merke schon, ich werde viel bemalen müssen, da meine Armee so nicht weitergespielt werden kann. Naja, evtl. kann ich den Konfessor als Arbitescheff nehmen und die Henchmen als Arbitratoren.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Von BoK erreichen uns neue Gerüchte zur 6. Edition. Ich nehme mir mal die Zeit, das Ganze auf Deutsch zu liefern, da die Gerüchte doch sehr interessant sind und gravierende Änderungen ankündigen.
[list][*]Die ersten Codices der 6. Edition, die vor oder mit der Edition erscheinen sollen, werden kleinere Veröffentlichungen sein: Black Templars (1 Welle mit 2x Plastik und 2x Finecast), Tau (1 Welle mit 3x Plastik und 4x Finecast) und Necrons (2 Wellen).[/*:m]
[*]Der erste richtige Codex der 6. wird der Codex Chaos Legionen (3 Wellen), der NICHT den Codex Chaos Space Marines ersetzt. Letzterer wird über den WD zum Codex Renegade Space Marines ausgearbeitet.[/*:m]
[*]Es gibt zwei Starterboxen, jeweils mit Regelbuch, Würfeln, Bewegungsmarkern und Missionsheft. Eine Box enthält Dark Angels, eine Black Legion. Beide enthalten passendes Gelände. Sie lassen sich zusammen für eine Kampagne benutzen oder einzeln für Szenarien gegen andere Armeen. Außerdem enhalten sie jeweils ein Besonderes Charaktermodell.
[*]Die Regeln sind soweit fertig und sollen lange bestehende Probleme beseitigen und grundlegende Verbesserungen bringen. Es gab zwar ambitioniertere Entwürfe für die Regeln, diese konnten sich jedoch nicht durchsetzen, da sie sich zu weit von den aktuellen Regeln entfernten. Der Hauptentwickler hat GW verlassen (Anm.: Rick Priestley? Das wäre dann das zweite Urgestein, das wegen einer neuen Edition GW verlassen hat.) und die neuen Entwicker haben sich näher an die bestehenden Regeln gehalten und das Feedback der Spieltester verwertet. Trotzdem wird die Veränderung größer sein als zwischen der 4. und 5. Edition. Codices müssen durch Errata angepasst werden, Tendenzen sieht man schon an den aktuellen FAQs. Alle Codices seit den Tyraniden wurden in Hinblick auf die neue Edition geschrieben, besonders mit den Regeln für Reserve und die neuen Missionen im Hinterkopf.[/*:m]
[*]Die Hauptziele der Entwicklung waren: Ein Buch, das alles abdeckt, heldenhafte Charaktere, Kampf aufs Blut, eingängigere Mechanismen, sauberere Präsentation und Strategie vor Glück.[/*:m]
[*]Der erzählerische Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Chaos und rückt somit von der imperialen Sichtweise ab, hin zum Kampf zwischen den freien Völkern und dem Warp.
[*]Die größten Regeländerungen sind:
- Schusstabelle ähnlich der Schadenstabelle: Vergleiche BF mit der Geschwindigkeit und dem Einheitentyp des Ziels. BF3 trifft sich bewegende Infanterie auf 4+, schnelle Jetbikes auf 6+ und stationäre Panzer auf 2+.
- Siegpunkte kommen zurück, jedoch verändert: Wenn eine Einheit ein Missionsziel für eine ganze Runde hält, gibt es 2 Siegpunkte, ist es eine punktende Einheit, dann erhält man 3. Zerstört man ein Fahrzeug oder einen Truppführer, dann gibt es einen.
- Vor dem Spiel wird um den ersten Spielzug geboten. Der Spieler, der die meisten Strategiepunkte bietet, fängt an. Der Gegner kann jedoch diese Punkte an taktischen Optionen wie bei Städte in Flammen umsetzen. Es gibt 22 Optionen.
- Z.B. kann man für einen Punkt Nachtkampf kaufen oder ein automatisiertes Geschütz, für 4 kann man die Reserven verschieben und für 12 bekommt man die drastischste, bei der man mit jedem übrigen Punkt einen Wiederholungswurf kaufen kann.
- Neue Zugreihenfolge: Vorbereitung - Bewegung - Nahkampf - Schuss - Konsolidierung (Zufallsbewegungen, Sprungmodulbewegung, Nachsetzen, Moral)
[*]Flieger sind in den Regeln.[/*:m]
[*]Erzählerischer Regelteil erweitert Grundregeln (Formationen, Überschwere, Erfahrung, heroischere Helden mit RW und ReW zugleich)[/*:m]
[*]Truppführer sind wichtiger, da sich eine Einheit sammeln kann, so lange der Truppführer lebt.[/*:m]
[*]UCM können snipern[/*:m]
[*]Tödlicherer Kampf: Deckung nur noch 5+, Verletzungen Ignorieren (1) ebenfalls nur noch 5+, Einheiten mit niedrigerer Ini sind verwundbar.[/*:m]
[*]Einige Waffen sind besonders effizient gegen bestimmte Einheitstypen, z.B. Scharfschützengewehre gegen ungepanzerte Infanterie.[/*:m]
[*]Keine Zusfallsbewegungen mehr[/*:m]
[*]5 allgemeine Psikrafttypen[/*:m]
[*]Wundverteilung wie in der 4. Edition, allerdings darf der Angreifer für jeden 5. Treffer ein Modell nominieren (bei jedem 2. mit Scharfschützenwaffen)[/*:m]
[*]Artillerie ist nun ein immoblies Fahrzeug mit der Bedienungsmanschaft als Marker für Feuergeschwindigkeit[/*:m]
[*]Bei Sonderregeln gibt es Stufen: Z.B. Sofort Ausschalten (2) negiert Ewiger Krieger (1); Verletzungen Ignorieren (1) ist 5+, VI (2) ist 4+, VI (3) ist 3+.[/*:m]
[*]Keine Unterschiede mehr zwischen Moraltest und Moralwerttest[/*:m]
[*]Geländeregeln auf einer Seite: True Line of Sight, Nichtfahrzeugmodelle werden dabei ignoriert. Gelände wie Bunker im erzählerischen Regelteil.[/*:m]
[*]Reserven geändert: Man kann den Spielzug der eintreffenden Reserven bestimmen und sie kommen dann mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit, außerdem gibt es weite Möglichkeiten, z.B. die gegnerischen Reserven zu behindern. Reserven kommen in Runde 2 und 3, später nur zufällig.[/*:m]
[*]Keine zufällige Spiellänge, kein Wurf um den ersten Zug[/*:m]
[*]Schockende Truppen mit mehr als 18" zum Gegner weichen nicht ab, innerhalb von 6" ist es jedoch gefählicher[/*:m]
[*]Bewegungsbeschränkung nach Beschuss durch niederhaltende Waffen, auch wenn der Moraltest geschafft wurde (bei mehr als 1/2 MW). Furchtlose einheiten sind dagegen nicht immun, werden aber erst bei mehr als MW betroffen.[/*:m]
[*]Es gibt mehr Reaktionsmöglichkeiten auf Beschuss als sich zu Boden zu werfen: Bikes können ausweichen (3+ Deckung, können dann aber nicht schießen oder angreifen) Sprungtruppen können hochfliegen, Truppen mit Tarnung können versuchen zu verschwinden.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Hujjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.... erst mal viel zum kauen.
Erster Eindruck: Verreckt! Verreckt! Verreckt! Verreckt! Verreckt! Verreckt! Verreckt!
Als ob der aktuelle CSM Codex noch nicht genug Mishandlung der alten Legionen ist, nein, jetzt sollen diese Schwächlinge von Renegaten SM entgültig den Ton angeben. Da bleibt mir nurnoch zu hoffen, dass Forge World meine Gebete erhört und den großen Helden der Heresy zu altem Glanz verhilft.
Zwei Starterboxen mit je einer Armee erscheinen mir sinnvoll. Für Neulinge dürfte der Enstieg billiger werden und es gibt kurz nach Erscheinen der Grundbox keine Welle von Grundboxfiguren bei Ebay (da ja die meisten nur eine der beiden Grundboxarmeen spielen wollen und die andere dann versteigern).
Die neuen Regeln hören sich nach einer verkomplizierung des Spiels an. Das würde zwar GW's pro-kiddi-Politik widersprechen, doch ich hoffe mal dass es so kommt. Dieses ganze übertriebene regeltechnische gleichhalten aller Völker der letzten Jahre nervt nurnoch.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Dass es zwei Codices für Dosen geben soll hast Du überlesen? Einmal Renegaten CSM (alter 'Dex) und einmal Legionen (kommender)?
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ich vermute mal dass dieses Legionen Werk sich auf so etwas ähnliches bezieht wie die Verlorenen und Verdammten Armeeliste im Codex zum 13. schwarzen Kreuzzug.
Die alten Orden als Legionen zu bezeichnen, so wie ich es im vorherigen Text tat, ist als huldigung an die "alte Zeit" gemeint. Ich bezweifel allerdings dass GW diesen Ausdruch für die erste CSM Orden reaktiviert für den nächsten Codex.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Der Begriff Chaos Legion ist eigentlich ein feststehender Begriff für die 9 Legionen, die zum Chaos übergelaufen sind. Dass GW diese zur neuen Edition herausbringen wollen, passt eigentlich gut, da der Codex CSM wegen der Vernachlässigung der Chaoslegionen der am meisten kritisierte ist und mehrere Verantwortliche bei GW bereits gesagt haben, dass man einen Codex für die Legionen machen wolle.
Inzwischen wurden auf Warseer diese Gerüchte übrigens bestätigt, nur gebe es keine Starterbox mit Black Legion.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Von BoK kommen viele neue (und konkretere) Gerüchte zur 6. Edition:
Pretty crisp and clean
on odd pages there is the normal rule text with examples, on even pages there are the usual diagrams and charts, and small boxes with definitions
Lots of rules that were formerly explained within the text, are now only summarized in the text, the full rules are given in these boxes, you can read the rules text very fast without much detail, there are some boxes that have a name of a rule, but are empty otherwise. I guess that there should be page references to later pages, for example in the terrain rules, there is Torrent of Fire mentioned, the rule is explained much later (in a box), there is an empty box in the terrain section that reads Torrent of Fire however
So you have both: clear rules veterans and easy reading for first-timers
But it seems that there is not much space left for pictures, though
characteristic tests as normal,
if unit must make test, it is made by squad leader
vehicles fail every test automatically if they don’t have the value
test on ld is made with single D6 on halved value, vehicles pass these tests automatically
Majority characteristic: characteristic-value with most wounds in unit, if draw, use the higher
Keep track on:
movement distance
morale condition
everything else can be forgotten between actions
4 kind of changes: armour save, cover save, invulnerable save, Feel no Pain
no model can ever make more than two saves or one re-rollable save
normal models can only make one roll or one re-rollable roll
Situation where two rolls are eligible:
- one of the saves is FnP
- model is character
- model is bracing
Feel no Pain (1-3): save on 5+,4+,3+, only negated by AP 1, 2 and wounds that don’t allow armour saves, the only save that every model and not only ICs may take in addition to another save
The rules make really clear what an unit can do and what not. There is an own chapter for the basic concepts. Every special rule has only to state: can do x, y, z and it is perfectly clear that the unit can still a, b and c
- movement: movement in movement phase, sometimes only special types of movement are allowed: advance, surge, flat out, fleet; charge and disembark have to be rules out explicitly
- consolidate moves: every other move, has to be mentioned explicitly
- psychic powers
- shooting
- Reactions
- residual actions: any other action, for example popping smoke
unit is immobile: abbreviation for cannot move, react, make consolidation moves
models can react every time the conditions are met
- Going to Ground:
who: non-vehicles, non-monstrous creatures
when: unit is being shot at, before rolls are made
instant effect: -
lasting effect: Suppressed, if not already Suppressed
- Brace:
who: tanks, walkers, monstrous creatures
when: being shot at, before rolls are made
instant effect: one weapon destroyed ignored, two saves for MC like IC
lasting effect: Suppressed, if not already Suppressed
- Flying High:
who: jet pack infantry, jump infantry, jetbikes
when: being shot at
instant effect: count as being flyer for shooting, opposing player can make 6” consolidation move with the unit
lasting effect: Suppressed, if not already Suppressed
- Evade:
who: skimmer, fast non-tanks, jetbikes, bikes, jet pack infantry, jump infantry
when: unit is being rammed or tank shocked and nearly fails morale check
instant effect: on 3+ can make 6” consolidation move, ignores ram if out of the way
lasting effect: -
- Return Fire:
who: (disembarked) units with Overwatch
when: unit is shot at the first time in the phase
instant effect: unit can fire rapid fire and assault weapons with a single shot at attacking unit, range 12”, resolved simultaneously, opposing unit is fearless (2) and stubborn for this purpose
lasting effect: -
- Charge by chance:
who: non-vehicles, walkers
when: Trapped, tank shock
instant effect: charge by chance
lasting effect: -
there are two different things: to be in cover, to be in terrain
every piece of terrain has a footprint, if an unit is this area or touches it, it is in terrain, being in terrain is important for movement and assaults
to decide if a model is in cover, you use true line of sight, cover is usually used for shooting, though some weapons use terrain
terrain is open, impassable, or has any number of the following attributes:
- difficult terrain: unit can only advance through it, if a single model moves through
- dangerous terrain:
units that move through dangerous terrain must make a test
non-vehicles make dangerous terrain test for every model that has actually moved through it at the end of the phase
vehicles must designate a point where they enter the terrain before the movement, than make the test, if vehicle is stunned, immobilized or destroyed, move it to designated point in a straight line
for every failed test, the unit gets a hit
non-vehicles: failed on 1: auto wound on unit, allocated together as Torrent of Fire
vehicles: roll depends on movement distance: advanced = failed on 1, surged = failed on 1-3, flat out = failed automatically, vehicle gets S8 hit against side armour
walker only ever fail on 1
non-vehicle units make only a single dangerous terrain test a turn, vehicles every time they enter a different dangerous terrain
- leveled: must spend movement for vertical advancement, non-walker vehicles and bikes can’t move vertical in leveled terrain
difficult and dangerous terrains are always ignored if the movement isn’t taking place in the own movement phase
Preparation and consolidation phase
These phases are collecting basin for all kinds of action that takes place before the movement or at the end of the turn. The player which turn it is may choose the order of these actions freely.
preparation phase: psychic powers, placing reserves, rallying, joining/ leaving, claiming mission markers
consolidation phase: rallying, consolidation moves, jet pack moves, joining/ leaving, embarking, killing multi-wounded units
consolidation move: moves outside the movement phase (jet pack movement, embarking, joining/leaving, falling back, moves after combat, tank shock evasion …) and moves that are described as consolidation moves are consolidation moves
cannot end in contact with enemy, ignores terrain even if performed in own movement phase, all units are relentless for this movement, can move even if fired heavy weapon, can fire heavy weapon afterwards, doesn’t affect unit speed for being shot at if not stated otherwise
Abandon: If there is more than one model with less than its initial wounds in an unit in the consolidation phase, the owning player must remove all but one as casualty ( ID(3) ). Independent characters are ignored.
movement phase:
Units can stay stationary or move in different speeds. They can advance and use their normal movement or they can surge and double their movement distance. Some units can go flat out or fleet and triple their movement.
Advance: normal movement: every action allowed
Surge: double movement: close combat, consolidate moves, psychic powers, reactions, residual action allowed
Flat out: movement: triple movement: only reactions allowed, use own columns on to hit chart
Fleet movement: triple movement, can charge, count as moving against shooting, cannot forced surge
If the unit goes through difficult terrain it can only advance. No unit can ever go flat out or fleet through terrain.
Forced surge: Units can surge through terrain if they are allowed to go flat out outside terrain this turn. Tanks cannot force surge (except during a ram).
If the unit fails an I-test, terrain is treated as dangerous terrain.
During a charge, every unit can try to surge through. If the I-test is failed, the unit still can only advance. units, that have passed their I-test for the fleet movement, automatically pass this I-test.
Can’t surge if there is another reason for the restriction to advance movement than terrain.
Unit types:
infantry: 6”
beasts/cavalry: 8”, fleet (1)
jump infantry: 8”, ignore terrain*
jet pack infantry: 6”, ignore terrain*, 6” move in consolidation phase
jetbikes: 10”, ignore terrain*, flat out
(eldar jetbike: jetbike with Fleet (2) )
bikes: 8”, flat out, cannot force surge
vehicles: 6”
fast vehicles: 6”, flat out
fast skimmer: 8”, flat out
walker: 6”, treat terrain like infantry
* as long as they don’t start or end in terrain
Fleet (1): infantry, beasts, monstrous creature, jump infantry, jet pack infantry: I-test, if successful, can perform fleet movement, can always advance during disembarkation;
bikes and jetbikes: I-test successful: can make 6” move in consolidation phase
Fleet (2)/Bounding Leap: as Fleet (1), no I-Test required
Random movement: roll a D6: 1-2 unit moves as infantry, 3-4 unit moves as jump infantry but cannot ignore terrain, 5-6 unit moves as beast
no model may enter 1” of enemy models unless it charges,
the only difference between a charge and a normal movement is: models may enter 1” of enemy models.
all other movement restrictions apply, unit must stay in coherency, are subject to terrain
charging units can make a forced surge
an unit can charge more than one unit, but must stay in coherency, cannot move closer than 1” to enemy units that are not charged
The units in contact are now locked. If any model moved through terrain, the defending unit can claim to be in terrain in the assault phase, in the assault phase, both unit pile in before trading blows
Charge by chance:
sometimes units are forced to perform a charge in another phase than the movement phase, the charge by chance is a pile in move, as if the charging and defending unit were locked but have lost contact, the defending unit can make a pile in move afterwards (even if it is his phase, the defending player piles in last).
the combat is fought in the next assault phase and no side counts as attacker or being in terrain, no side can use grenades, no further pile in moves occur before the fighting
Movement distance is important for shooting, only the attempted movement in the movement phase counts (other movements do not count, consolidate moves don’t count, even a vehicle that has movement 1” can claim having moved flat out),
can be ‘overridden’ by three events outside movement phase:
fighting in close combat : stationary
become immobile: stationary
falling back: moving
To wound chart:
wound everything at least on 6+
Wound Allocation (cc and shooting):
hit as normal, wound against majority
mark dice that represent special weapons and attacks or roll separately
1. decide whether to use Torrent of Fire or not
2. target’s player allocate wounds to models, beginning with one chosen armour group, if every model in this group has a wound, start with another armour group and so on, if every model in the unit has a wound, start over
—> multiple wounds: count for allocation as as many models as wounds remain
3. pick an unresolved armour group, determine which wounds are directed
4. directed wounds: roll saves for directed wounds, shooting player removes casualties
5. roll all remaining saves of this armour group, owning player removes casualties
6. goto 3
Directed wounds:
there are directed wounds in close combat and long-range combat, casualties from directed wounds are removed by owning player of the attacking unit
Wounds cannot be directed if targeted unit has Shielded USR, Torrent of Fire is used, vehicle diverts its fire or non-vehicle, non-MC unit is in fire corridor
Number of directed wounds: After allocating wounds to an armour group, it is determined if the how many and which wounds are directed as following:
- every attack from an IC in close combat is a directed wound,
- of the remaining wounds, every second wound, beginning with the first, from a Sniper weapon is directed.
- Of the remaining wounds on-sniper wounds, every fifth wound is directed, owning player of the shooting unit decides which wounds are directed
Torrent of Fire/Blows: if torrent of fire is used, the targeted unit is a single armour group, the owning player can choose one model, the whole unit has the same combination of armour saves
During a Torrent of Fire, no wound is directed
Armour group: number of model that share the same combination of saves, for example: 3+ armour save, Feel no Pain (1), no invulnerable save, 6+ cover save that is re-rollable on 1
for determining if a particular model in the unit can shoot, check range and line of sight from this model
cover saves:
fire corridor is measured from squad leader, to the two outermost models in the target unit, if 50% or more models are invisible or partial invisible due to cover or vehicles or monstrous creatures, the unit is in cover,
non-vehicles/MC are invisible for determining cover saves, but if such an unit is in fire corridor, wounds cannot be directed
if unit is covered mostly by fortifications or models are completely invisible: 4+ save
if unit is covered mostly by vegetation: 6+ save
if unit is covered mostly by vehicles or anything else: 5+ save
To Hit chart:
it is the same chart as the wound chart, but with seven columns from 0 till 6
(evasion value in brackets, abbreviates for small chart)
buildings (0)
stationary vehicles, MC, bikes (1)
stationary infantry, jet pack infantry, jump infantry, beasts // moving vehicles, monstrous creatures (2)
short distance // moving infantry, jet pack infantry (3)
moving bikes, jump infantry, beasts // swarms // flat out vehicles (4)
flat out bikes (5)
flyers, beacons (some narrative missions use beacons) (6)
BS 1-10
every column is: …. 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ …. but is shifted up or down
I give you the BS value for every column that hits on 3+: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7
if distance from squad leader to target is less than 12”, unit can always change column to short distance column
if a model moves like a different unit type, the initial unit type is still used for the chart
Assault weapon: bonus attack for second close combat weapon if unit has charged
Pistols: model can use it as additional close combat weapon or use its Strength in close combat but gains no bonus for another ccw, if pistol is AP 1,2 or 3, attacks are Rending (2)
Blast (Small) and Blast (Large):
scatter as before
don’t use line of sight for determining cover saves, if majority of unit is in terrain, models get cover saves
marker has infinite height, only in leveled terrain it is two-dimensional
multiple Barrage is used every time when there comes more than one blast marker of the same type from a single shooting unit
Template: if there is a range given in a template weapon’s profile you can place the small end anywhere in this distance
Sniper (1): always wounds on 3+, Pinning, every second wound from a Sniper weapon beginning with the first is a directed wound
Sniper (2): always wounds on 3+, Rending (1), Pinning, every second wound from a Sniper weapon beginning with the first is a directed wound
Pinning: must make a pinning morale check
Tracer: treat every target as stationary
Anti Air: treat targeted flyer as flat out vehicle
Rending (1-3): 6,5+,4+ on to wound roll wound automatically and are AP2 or count as power weapon, D3 extra armour penetration
Poison/Dissolving (X+): as before, for shooting and close combat
Lance (1-3): treat AV as 13,12,11, no modifiers on damage chart ever
Instant Death(1): caused by double strength and other effects, models without Eternal Warrior (1-3) loose all wounds
Instant Death(2): models without Eternal Warrior (2-3) loose all wounds
Instant Death(3): also called removed from play, models without Eternal Warrior (3) loose all wounds
Eternal Warrior(1-3): Immune to Instant Death of same or lower level
Assault Phase:
Engaged model: a model that is in base to base contact with enemy model is called engaged, a model that is in contact with friendly engaged model is also called engaged, so if you have a long queue of models that are all in base to base contact and the first is in contact with enemy, alls are engaged
Pile In Move: consolidation move, 6”, priorities:
- must move as man models as possible in base contact with locked enemy unit
- as many models as possible must end the move engaged with model of unit it is locked in close combat with,
- rest of the model must move as near as possible to engaged models
if it is not possible to bring a single model into contact, the distance is increased with 3” until one model is engaged
At the end of the pile in move, every struggling, still unengaged IC is placed in contact with engaged model of enemy’s choosing.
Pile in after charge:
charging units make Pile In move, than the defending unit makes a Pile in Move
Every engaged model can attack. If it is engaged with more than one unit, it can decide freely.
WS majority is used
IC are unit of their own in close combat
Initiative order:
Always strike first/last: unit strikes before I1 or after I10, is not affected by I modifiers, if unit always strikes first and last, it strikes in normal I order
charging unit in terrain: strikes at I1
Power fist: strikes always last
Feint: models can attack in a lower initiative phase if they want
Grenades: unchanged
Resolving combat
unchanged, but no more -1 for under half strength
No retreat:
Fearless units (or units that stay in combat even if they fail their morale check) make normal morale checks after loosing a combat, if failed, can decide nonetheless to stay in close combat, but every model in base to base contact may make a single attack against unit, if a model is in base to base contact with several Fearless units that failed their test, it can make one attack against each unit
Sweeping Advance: normal, unmodified I of squad leader is used
Pile in after combat: all locked units make Pile In moves, order is chosen by the player who’s turn it is, units that are no longer locked and not falling back, make a 3” consolidation move, the unit counts as being stationary
Special rules
distinction between special rules and universal special rules
Some USR and other special or weapon rules have more than one level. If no level is given, the rule is treated as level 1. Only exception: Lance and Fearless are level 2 by default
USR are always conferred to or from joined IC, other special rules not
deployment rules and rules in codices are temporarily lost if not every model in the unit has it, if it is not explicitly stated otherwise
all USR:
Preferred Enemy: as before
Tank Hunter: as before, but it only works against tanks
Counter Attack: as before, negates Furious Charge
Veiled(1): if unit targets veiled unit, must roll 3D6 x 3” over distance or forfeit shooting
Veiled (2-3): 2D6” x 2
Acute Senses/Night Vision(1-3): reroll Veiled roll of equal or lower level
Furious Charge: as before
Hit & Run: as before
Overwatch: can react with returning fire
Move through cover (1): I-Test to ignore terrain
Move through cover (2): ignores terrain
Sworn Brothers/Mindless Slaves: if squad leader is killed, every other model in unit can assume leadership
Rage: must always at least advance and use full distance towards enemy (for example raged infantry must at least move 6”, if decide to surge, must move 12”), if shaken or embarked, ignores the rule
Shielded: as long as one model with this rule remains in target unit, wounds cannot be directed wounds
Slow and purposeful: Relentless; can only surge, if S-test is passed, if unit moves through terrain, it cannot force a surge, units with SaP and Fleet and/or Flat out have Relentless and Random movement instead, negates Preferred Enemy
Shock Troop: always rolls a single D6” under 18” in a deep strike, a hit is a hit
Skilled Rider/Driver/Ranger (1): reroll dangerous terrain tests
Skilled Rider/Driver/Ranger (2): ignore dangerous terrain tests
Stealth (1): +1 on cover save, must take Vanish reaction if unit takes a shooting reaction
Stealth (2-3): +1,+2 on cover save; 6+,5+ in the open, must take Vanish reaction if unit takes a shooting reaction
no USR:
Relentless: always count as stationary for firing weapons
Swarms: use the moving beasts (4) column in the chart regardless of movement or unit type, Blast and Template Weapons cause Instant Death (2) against swarms
damage chart:
only negative modifiers: -2 glancing, -1 any hit except AP1 and AP – against tanks, -2 AP – against tanks (AP 1 flat +1 gone), -3 hit by blast marker but hole not over vehicle and vehicle is not open-topped (no more halved S for blast markers)
chart unchanged, but if vehicle blows up (6+ on chart), embarked troops and models in D6” get S3 AP – hit, if vehicle blows up embarked troops are Suppressed, if the vehicle is only wrecked they are fine
if a flat out moving vehicle is immobilised (4) or wrecked (5) it blows up (6+) instead and embarked units are Pinned instead of Suppressed.
close combat basically the same:
no close combat resolution against non-walkers, but units can decide to break off and make a 3” consolidation move
hit stationary vehicle automatically, advancing vehicle on 4+, at any other speed and skimmers on 6+
Shooting: stationary: fire all weapons, advance: fire one, surge: no weapon
fast as before: advance and fire all, surge and fire one
every weapon can target different unit, when doing so, cannot cause directed wounds, even with Sniper weapons
Fire point: can fire if vehicle has advanced or surged, but only 12” regardless of weapon type, embarked troops are relentless
Embarking: 4” move in consolidation phase in contact towards access point, if squad leader reaches access point, unit is embarked. If not, no move is performed
Disembarking: 4” in movement phase from any access point or base in case of flyers, consolidation move, counts as having moved the same distance category as vehicle, i.e. stationary, advance, surge; no charge
cannot disembark if going flat out or if unit cannot move as fast as vehicle, i.e. cannot disembark at surge speed into cover, as you can only advance in cover
if vehicle was stationary, unit can move normally from access point instead of disembarkation move, can charge
fleeting units can advance from access point instead of making disembarkation move if vehicle advanced or surged
Trapped: if an enemy model is in base to base contact with access point of closed vehicle, access point cannot be used. If every access point is blocked, the unit cannot disembark. If the unit is forced to disembark because the vehicle is destroyed, the unit is placed on the wreck or in the crater. If the unit is forced to disembark for another reason it is destroyed. The units that were in base to base contact with the access points must make a charge by chance on the embarked unit immediately if it can react
Flyers in skimmer or flyer mode and open-topped vehicles are not subject to this rule. If embarked units have to disembark place them as near as possible to the vehicle (wreck) or base
Multiple embarked units: must use different access points, if Trapped, choose access points, respective unit must charge
Skimmer: no more cover save for flat out movement
Squadron: must target the same unit,
if consists of at least two vehicles, one is squadron commander
commander: as long as commanding vehicles exists, every immobile result in squadron on vehicle with weapons left is weapon destroyed instead
rest unchanged, old allocation rules
Lumbering: can only surge if roll of 4+ on D6, if moved not faster than advance: can fire every turret mounted weapons in addition to normally allowed weapons
open topped:
has no further effect than that units can disembark and fire everywhere, no charge advantage, no damage modifier
cannot force a surge, even if they are flat out, but can ram
AP 1 and AP – only useful against tanks
only non-tanks can force surge through terrain outside of ram
fails I-test automatically, so gets a S8 on 4+
now every tank shock is a ram, a ram is a straight movement with max speed (flat out or surge), if tank cannot go faster than advance, cannot ram
tank can force surge through terrain, but still can’t go flat out through it
only one turn before the movement is possible
three things can happen: tank shock through unit, passing interfering terrain, ramming attack against vehicle or building or impassable terrain
no disembarking or shooting from embarked unit or vehicle is possible after ramming
S8 against side on 4+ as normal
Skimmer can choose to fly over terrain or go through. If go over, no tank shock or ram on units in terrain.
Tank shock:
an unit under the vehicle’s path must make a morale check
if it fails, the unit evades headless and is falling back
If check is nearly failed, unit is rolled over
If check passed but not nearly failed, can decide if nothing happens nothing happens as tanks passes by or unit is rolled over
Rolled over: unit can attempt to stop vehicle (like death or glory)
shaken units can’t try to stop
if the tanks presses on, the unit gets D3 S5 hits with Rending (2)
Ram against vehicle/building:
both vehicles deal an automatic hit to the opposing vehicle
the hit is resolved against the side in contact
to calculate the S, take the AV in contact (if it is a tank, always take the front AV) and subtract a modifier
-6 if ramming vehicle has surged
-4 if ramming vehicle moved flat out
impassable terrain and buildings have AV 14 for this purpose and can’t be damaged
Ram against walker
walker can try to stop tank as if rolled over, if vehicle isn’t stopped, impact is resolved as ram, walker cannot charge by chance
if tank would end movement on unit:
may make a 6” special move in any direction but they must try to make place for the tank, if they would be still under the vehicle they may make another 3” move and another and another, until they are 1” away from the tank and in coherency, moves are treated like consolidation moves, but can performed in every situation even if unit is immobile or can’t perform any other action
the evading unit can perform a charge by chance on the vehicle, if it can react, afterwards
comes to halt, if it: touches vehicle, building, impassable terrain, 1” before an unit in close combat or is stunned, destroyed or immobilized, movement distance is reached
Artillery: vehicle, squadron, immobile, AV 10 /10 /10, BS as crew,
no commander
can place one crew counter per artillery, some can have additional crew members
can remove counter to ignore a single crew shaken or stunned result
can fight in cc like a walker, with WS, S, I as the crew, the number of attacks is the number of crew counters plus the number of artillery devices
enemy attacks are resolved solely against the artillery
- can decide every round in the preparation phase: count as fast skimmer or flyer, can decide upon arrival from reserves
flyer mode:
- If flyer is in reserve, it is placed in harry reserve every time, even if it can’t outflank
- Flyers from reserve are place in the the preparation phase on any table edge
- unlike other vehicles, flyers cannot turn as they like
- ignore all terrain, even impassable
- up to 18” movement, no surge, no flat out, one turn anywhere during the movement up to 90 degrees
- must move 12” in straight line in preparation phase, can turn up to 45 degree at the end of the movement,
- must move 12” in straight line in consolidation phase, can turn up to 45 degree at the end of the movement, if reaches table edge or can’t be placed at the end of the turn, flyer is put back in harry reserve, cannot change into skimmer mode
- Flyers can always fire every weapon at a single target, all weapons have AA rule
- no (dis-)embarking, except special drops if unit has Aerial Drop special rule
- if immobilized (4) or wrecked (5), place Blast (Large) marker in random direction in 3D6”, causes S5 (against side armour), place crater
- Embarked troops are destroyed if flyer in flyer mode is wrecked or destroyed. If immobilized, unit is placed in crater, get S5 hit each, Suppressed
- flyers have their own column in the to hit chart, Blast weapons don’t use their marker, use BS to hit, if marker targets another unit and touches flyer, hit is ignored
- barrage and ordnance weapons can fire direct, but must re-roll hits, even if twin-linked, weapons that hit automatically can’t hit flyers, that includes shooting, rift and shock wave psychic powers that hit automatically
- close combat: in contact with base, attacks hit on 6, any other unit than jump infantry, jetpack infantry and jetbikes must re-roll hits
- cannot be rammed, base is treated like unit in close combat
Aerial Drop: flyer with this special rule can disembak units even if in flyer mode, in any phase embarked jump infantry and jet pack infantry can be placed via deep strike on a point, the flyer has moved over in this phase
IC: can roll two saves at the same time,
All wounds from an IC in close combat are directed. count as separate unit in assault phase for dealing damage
joining: 3” move in preparation or consolidation phase, assumes automatically squad leadership
combat: if IC is part of an unit that is in close combat, but isn’t in base to base contact, it is moved into it by the shortest distance
Squad Leader:
You must nominate one model of every unit to be the squad leader, if the unit entry doesn’t make clear which model it is in the first place.
Banner/Icon/Trophy: if squad leader is killed, standard- or icon bearer automatically becomes new squad leader.
If one or more independent characters have joined the unit, one of them automatically becomes new squad leader. If the IC is killed, the normal leader takes over.
Squad leaders can take two saves, all wounds from squad leader in close combat are directed
only applies for initial squad leader.
If the unit must take a characteristic test, use the profile of the Squad leader.
used for all kinds of things
Every time when something is measured from the squad leader, or he has to make a test for the unit, but the unit has no leader anymore, the opposing player can choose one model for this purpose
psychic powers:
Psychic test: morale check to use power, if morale check is failed, no more powers this turn from this psyker
perils: unchanged
power levels: number of psychic powers per player’s turn
power types:
- shooting power: count as firing a weapon, line of sight, BS roll or scatter if blast, fire point needed
- rift power: count as firing a weapon, true line of sight, no BS roll or scatter, only disembarked, targets suffer described effect, wounds from rift powers cause ID (2)
- modifying power: preparation phase, no line of sight or BS roll, no fire point needed, distance from hull, can only target own models inside transport; if target splits during the turn, the psyker’s player can decide on which part the power remains
- aura: preparation phase, psyker and joined unit are effected, if psyker leaves unit, power stays only with psyker, no BS roll, no fire point needed, transport unaffected, sustained power
- shock wave: count as firing a weapon, no line of sight, no BS roll needed, radius from base edge, must be disembarked, units in transports are unaffected
block: psyker in normal condition in 24” of other psyker can attempt to block psychic power, on 5+ blocked, on 1 perils of warp attack (unchanged), if equipped with similar wargear, psyker can decide which to use, only one block attempt per power
passive powers: no need for psychic test, not subject to block, don’t work if unit ‘can’t perform any action’
resonating powers: can stack
sustained powers: if psyker is shaken or engaged in close combat, power is blocked
rampant power: if psyker uses a rampant power, cannot use another power this turn, even with power level 2 or more
force weapon: as before, ID(2)
witchblades: as before, besides: force weapon with ID(1)
Unit conditions:
Morale checks: roll with 2D6 against squad leaders Ld as normal, but result of a failed or passed roll varies from situation to situation i.e. psychic test, pinning test, casualties, and are given for every situation. there is no more: “make a normal morale check”
In some situations a morale check can not only be failed or passed, but also be nearly failed. Nearly failed is if rolled higher than halved LD (rounding up) but below or equal to Ld, modifiers are applied before halving, but there are no more modifiers outside close combat
five usual situations: lost close combat, heavy casualties, pinning, psychic test, rallying
checks due to other fleeing unit is gone
Heavy casualties: made in consolidation phase, 25% casualties or more in a shooting phase: if failed: fall back
if morale check fails, unit is Pinned, if nearly fails, unit is Suppressed
Lost close combat:
unchanged, difference in combat resolution as modifier
- Suppressed:
non-vehicle and non-MCs units cannot move flat out, fleet, force a surge, shoot, use psychic powers, react, if they fail a T-test, they cannot surge and charge
vehicles and MC: can still react and fire a single weapon, cannot ram, (vehicles fail their T-test automatically), vehicles can only voluntarily become suppressed, embarked units in a suppressed vehicle cannot shoot from within
infantry, beasts, unit with swarm get Stealth (1) or level of stealth one up up to 3
if charged: looses suppressed status immediately
if forced to make another morale check: morale check, if nearly failed or failed, unit is Pinned instead of Suppressed
- Pinned: cannot move, shoot, make consolidate moves, use psychic powers, react
infantry, beasts, unit with swarm get Stealth (1) or level of stealth one up up to 3
if charged: looses Pinned status immediately but cannot use defensive grenades and Counter Charge USR and gains no bonus from terrain
if forced to make another morale check: morale check, if nearly failed or failed, unit is Falling Back instead of being pinned
- Falling Back:
in moment of breaking unit immediately makes consolidation move towards own table edge with surge distance, count as having surged for purposes of shooting
can act in subsequent turn as normal, but must attempt to move and simultaneously end their movement not closer to any enemy unit. If they cannot move in the movement phase because of this they are removed from play. Therefore they cannot stay stationary voluntarily or charge an enemy.
They can perform consolidation moves, but cannot end nearer to any enemy unit. Unit cannot react.
if charged: if charging model reaches the unit, unit is destroyed and charge is unsuccessful
if forced to make another morale check: unit is destroyed, does not apply for rallying
if reaches voluntarily or during their initial move the table edge: are removed from play but don’t count as destroyed
- Shaken: abbreviation for Suppressed, Pinned, Falling Back
- Immobile: abbreviation for cannot move, cannot react, cannot make consolidation moves
Rallying: suppressed and pinned units automatically recover in the consolidation phase of their next player’s turn
A falling back unit with squad leader can make a morale check in the preparation phase if there is no enemy unit in 6”. If successful the unit can act normally. If failed, the unit is not destroyed. A falling back unit can embark into a vehicle an rallies immediately. The 3” movement can be towards enemies as long as it end inside the vehicle.
Fearless (1): if any morale check for rallying, casualties, tank shock or in close combat fails, the unit can decide to pass it anyway, Fearless units treat Pinned as Suppressed, treat Falling back as normal condition
Fearless (2): as Fearless (1) but can decide to pass Pinning tests, too
Stubborn: always use the unmodified Ld for morale tests in close combat, Stubborn and Fearless (1-2) units must always choose to pass a morale check
swarm = model with swarm rule
there is no special rule for allocating wounds against units with multiple wounds
Mission rules:
3 old types of placement, only one type of mission
place terrain -> decide type of placement -> place mission markers -> decide first turn -> choose stratagems -> put units in reserve ->deploy remaining units -> deploy infiltrating units -> make scout moves
First turn:
roll-off, looser bids a number of strategy points, opponent can raise or bail out, both player can raise the stake until someone bails out. Winner can decide to go first or last
Player that goes first can decide table edge and has to deploy first
The looser can spent the strategy points on stratagems
Placing mission markers: 1 marker is placed as near as possible to the middle of the table, 4 markers are placed in turn, starting with the player that goes first. marker has to be more than 12” away from table edges and other markers
marker use a 60mm base and are impassable terrain, the center marker is flat and doesn’t block line of sight, the players can use every shape they want for the markers they place, as long as it doesn’t overlap the base significantly
Night Fighting: all units Veiled (1)
Scout: 12” move before the game after infiltrators are placed, outflank
Infiltrator: can be placed anywhere outside 18” of enemy models, count as veiled (2) as long as they make no voluntary action
Outflank: nominate side, on 3+ comes from there, on 1-2 from other side
Deep Strike: mishab table as before, place squad leader,
if in 6” of enemy: 3D6” scatter, use arrow on hit symbol, if in 12”: 2D6” hit is hit, in 18”: 1D6”, outside 18”: no scatter
may only advance on turn of arrival, even with fleet or flat out, count always as (advance) moving, charge allowed
Reserves: unit(s), their transport and joined IC count as one unit for all reserve related purposes, but the unit has to start inside the transport and IC has to be in the unit, units can use special deployment options of the vehicle but not vice versa,
1. nominate any number of outflanking units to harry, place them near the table, facing the enemy’s table edge
2. flank guard: nominate half (rounding down) of the remaining units to arrive in turn 2, place them near the table, facing the small table edge
3. rear guard: the rest arrives in turn 3, place them near the table, facing the own table edge
In the preparation phase
when you put an unit in reserve you have to decide upon a deployment method
In preparation phase:
flank guard: from turn 2 on: arrives on 2+
rear guard: arrives in turn 2 on 1, and from turn 3 on on 2+
harrying units arrive on 4+ from turn 2 on
all remaining reserves are arriving on turn 6
for every harrying unit that is in reserve in the enemy’s preparation phase, you can make the enemy reroll one reserve roll
units from reserves are placed in the preparation phase in base to base contact with table edge (if not deep striking), if there is not enough space, placed back in reserves
Victory Points
both armies can collect victory points throughout the game, there are two ways: claim a kill, claim a mission marker at the end of the game turn:
Claim Kill:
every destroyed tank (not vehicle), walker, monstrous creature or independent character is a kill. Every squad leader that is killed is a kill (not counting standards, etc.)
Every kills gives one victory point
Claim Marker:
You check in your own preparation phase if you hold or control a marker. Opponent checks in his preparation phase.
You control a marker, if there is one of your scoring units in 3” of the marker and no enemy scoring unit. If you control a marker you get 3 victory points.
You hold a marker, if you don’t control it, there is one of your non-scoring non-vehicle units in 3” and no enemy unit. If you hold a marker you get 2 victory points.
You start in the preparation phase of the second going player in the second game turn. The player that goes first checks a last time at the end of the game as there is no preparation phase in turn 7.
Vehicles and shaken units are completely ignored. Embarked units only count if transport is open-topped.
Game length:
6 turns
1 can place automatic turret
immobile BS 3 10/10/10
is equipped with twin-linked weapon
can choose one weapon, that an infantry model from FOC Troop can be equipped with
1 the first or last game turn is night fighting
1 can re-roll one outflanking roll and one deep striking scatter roll per turn
1 can block every psychic power on 6+ even if no psyker in 24”, psykers block on 4+
1 steal the initiative: if going second, roll at the start of the game a D6, on 6 you go first
1 own units use Ld 10 for pinning morale checks
2 one unit for every full 1500 points can get one of the following USR: Tank Hunter, Shielded, Fearless (1), Preferred Enemy, Relentless
2 decide during deployment if rear or flank guard: roll a single reserve roll for all units in chosen guard
2 Mine Field: makes one piece of terrain for every full 750 points dangerous
2 units of both forces that are holding or controlling mission marker have Overwatch USR
3 can make one non-vehicle unit upon deployment scoring
3 enemy deep striking units must subtract 6” from distance to enemy to see how they scatter
2 all weapons of one unit for every full 750 points have the Anti Air and Tracer rule
4 you can switch units from rear guard to flank guard until you roll the first reserve roll,
every unit can decide upon arrival which deployment method it uses: deep strike, normal reserve or outflank,
one unit for every full 1500 points per turn can change its deployment method to one it cannot normally be deployed with
4 All own units count as having surged or moved flat out before the game.
4 all own units are equipped with offensive grenades
6 all enemy units count as being in terrain in their first turn
6 all own units count as Veiled (2) in turn one
6 enemy rear guard and flank guard units roll like harrying units for their arrival
12 Pitch black: Night fighting with Veil (2) during the whole game
12 own units: weapons fired in 6” range count as twin-linked
12 enemy must re-roll successful cover saves
every stratagem can only be taken one time,
for every unspent point, once per game one roll may be re-roll, this cannot be the steal the iniative roll
Narratives rules:
- optional rules: apocalyptic weapons, super heavy vehicles (not much changed, but rules for damaged super heavies for small games), formations
- new deployment types, mostly taken from mission expansion
- new victory conditions
- rules for games with predetermined strategy points for both players
- three sets of additional stratagems: fortifications, deployment options, reinforced buildings
- special terrain: ruins, streets, hell rivers, deathworld mangroves, warp gate, sand pit, orbital landing platform, habitat block
- highly modular: you can mix deployment rule, victory condition, optional rules, available stratagem sets, number of strategy points to spent and special terrain: voila, you have your own mission
EDIT: Definitely have your salt licks on standby. I obviously can't verify any of this, but there it is.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Nachschub an Gerüchten:
- models that have charged already locked unit have I 10 this turn
- Assume leadership: Standard bearers, etc. that assume leadership count as squad leader in all respects (two saves, directed wounds), any other model that assumes leadership only in regard of performing unit actions
- if you deploy in 24” distance from enemy you cannot shoot with 24” weapon or assault with 24” movement
- models must always consolidate out of 1” of vehicle after attacking it, if locked in combat with another unit, vehicles are ignored for pile in moves after combat, must use this pile in move to bring 1” between unit an vehicle, artillery and walkers are obviously exceptions
- swarms have Eternal Warrior (1)
- Seize the initiative: same name, but completely different rule: stratagem, 1 str. point, after the deployment of both force, but before placing infiltrators, roll a D6, on 5+, enemy must place infiltrators in contact with his own table edge, no scout moves allowed
- whole unit or squadron must make the same reaction
- Pistols: got confused by what I though were two contradicting short statements; units with pistols can attack with pistol’s S, AP1,2,3 pistols confer Rending (2) (Rending on 5+), Gets Hot! wounds count against combat resolution,
on charge: can make full attacks
in any other turn: can make single attack, does not get bonus of second ccw, etc.
- if both player agree, the charge movement and pile in move before combat can be made as one move with combined movement distance after the first model was engaged to fasten things up
- Characters: shooting wounds are directed, too
- Advanced rules: evasion value (normal rules: always use short distance), all reactions, Torrent of Fire, Directed wounds, damage chart modifiers for AP, flyer mode, ramming, Stratagems: bidding stays intact but only re-rolls can be taken, unique units, measuring*
* normal rules: can measure anytime you want, advanced: movement: measure full movement distance you want to go, i.e. 6” for a advancing, can’t measure 12” surge distance, anything else: measure distance to target
you play either all advanced rules or none at all
- Hit & Run: still random: 3D6” consolidation move
- Morale checks for casualties: only in enemy’s shooting phase
- witchblade can now cause ID after psychic test like force weapons
- there is a small box for rare movement situations: if infantry unit moves as jump infantry (or any other unit type has movement rules of another unit type), it uses the jump infantry movement rules, but for shooting and close combat it counts as original unit type, so it is still easy to hit, if an unit moves flat out and there is no column in the to hit chart, take the moving column, exotic movements count as ‘moving’ even if faster than flat out move, deep striking units count as ‘moving’ , if units that are immobile arrives from reserves but not via deep strike, they are placed in contact with table edge normally and remain there for the rest of the game, we shall assume the the bunker has decloaked or something similar, units disembarking from deep striking vehicles use the disembarking rules for charging, so no charge unless fleet rule
- Master-crafted: re-roll one to hit roll, if several models attack with master-crafted weapons of the same type, roll the dice together, then re-roll as many dice as there are master-crafted weapons
- if you shoot through interfering models, you cannot snipe
running out out steam because I don’t get the errata info and I have reached even the tiny details of the rules
but I have one big thing left:
- monstrous creatures: 2D6 versus vehicles, ignore armour, move as infantry unless stated otherwise, are ignored for Abandon as ICs, IGNORE TERRAIN WHEN CHARGING
my source stubbornly refuses to give me all interim codex erratas he was given. he fears that this can be used to trace him. But I convinced him that probably everyone involved has at least the space marine errata.
Here we go:
Codex Space Marines
And they Shall know Fear: Sworn Brothers, pass rally morale check automatically, if caught in sweeping advance, fights on and gets No Retreat hits
Chapter Banner: counts as as banner for assuming leadership, units in 12” re-roll morale checks for heavy casualties, lost close combat, tank shock and pinning , rest unchanged
Nartheticum: Feel no Pain (1)
Company Banner: counts as as banner for assuming leadership, units in 12” re-roll morale checks for heavy casualties, lost close combat, tank shock and pinning , rest unchanged
p. 56
Librarians have power level 1, Epistolaries 2
p. 57
Smite: shooting power
The Avengers: shooting power
Quickening: modifying power, must target himself, used in preparation phase
Null Zone: shock wave
Might of Titans: modifying power, used at start of assault phase
Gate of infinity: modifying power, used in movement phase
Vortex of Doom: Rift power
Honour of the Chapter: Fearless (2) and Stubborn
p. 62
Heroic Intervention: can surge on turn of arrival, but not shoot
p. 65
Move Through Cover: Move Through Cover (2)
p. 66
Move Through Cover: Move Through Cover (1)
Sniper Rifle: Sniper (1)
p. 69
Drop Pod Assault: Remaining drop pods are divided between rear guard, flank guard, cannot harry. Disembarking unit cannot assault even if unit has fleet.
p. 73
Thunderfire Gun: 1 crew marker, make additional S8, power weapon attack at I 1
Tremor: unit already in cover cannot force a surge
p. 75:
Cerberus Launcher: additionally units disembarking from moving vehicle have Fleet
p. 81
Power of the machine spirit: can fire one more weapon, advanced rules: can still cause directed wounds if diverting fire
Assault vehicle: units disembarking from moving vehicle have Fleet
p. 84
God of War: Fearless (2) for every unit with combat tactics
p. 85
Surprise Attack: no effect without advanced rules in play
Rites of Battle: re-roll any failed morale check for pinning, heavy casualties, tank shock or lost close combat
Talassarian Tempest Blade: Instant Death (1)
Mantle of Suzerain: Fell no Pain (1)
p. 86
Hood of Hellfire: power level 3
p. 87
Feel no Pain: Feel no Pain (1)
p. 88
Eye of Vengeance: controlling player can choose, to which armour group Telion’s wounds go
Stalker Pattern Boltgun: Rending (1)
p. 92
Chapter Tactics: Fleet (1), when disembarked from moving vehicle unit can advance, but not charge (except from Land raider and Land Speeder Storm)
The Raven’s Talons: Rending(1)
p. 94
Moondrakkan: can charged even if moves flat out
Moonfang: ID (1)
p. 95
Fearless: Fearless (2) and Stubborn
Assault Cannon: Rending (1)
p. 98
Master-crafted Weapons: has master-crafted rule
p. 100
Camo Cloaks: Stealth (1)
Dozer Blades: can re-roll dangerous terrain tests
Chapter Champion, Company Champion and Sergeants are squad leaders, Servitor units and attack bike squadrons can nominate one model as squad leader
I have another Q&A session this afternoon. I can probably relay questions. At least I can try. So shoot away.
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Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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