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Euer Forenadministrator Eversor
Noch ein Nachtrag in anderer Sache: Laut Ghost21 von Warseer wird es evtl im WD auch einen Codex Symbiontenkult geben.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
BoLS berichtet, dass die Chaos Legionen im kommenden März ihren Codex erhalten sollen. Dieser soll, wie ältere Gerüchte bereits besagen, nicht den Codex CSM ablösen sondern parallel die Möglichkeit zum Aufbau von Armeen der ursprünglichen abtrünnigen Legionen bieten.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Heute ist übrigens der letzte Tag wo man noch bei Heroes of Armageddon teilnehmen kann:
Selbst wenn man nicht teilnehmen will sollte man mal einen Blick drauf werfen. Die Armeen sehen einfach nur großartig aus. Vor allem die Umbauten bei den speedfreaks.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Für die Schwestern erscheint vorerst nichts Neues, nicht einmal Finecast-Varianten der bestehenden Modelle. Vielleicht kommen die nächsten Monat. Dafür erscheinen für die Dark Eldar der Ur-Ghul und die Medusa aus dem Hofstaat, beide für je 12,50 €.
Außerdem sollen laut einer im Netz aufgetauchten Händlerliste Khamarasov und der Wechselbalg aus Finecast erscheinen. Die Dämonen bekommen nun auch eine Armeebox.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ein paar weitere Dämonen kommen auch in Finecast raus. Hier die vollständige 40k Erscheinungsliste:
•Inquisitor Karamazov (Box, Finecast)
•Chaos Daemons Streitmachtbox (Box, Plastik)
•Chaos Daemons Herald of Tzeentch on Disc of Tzeentch (Box, Finecast)
•The Changeling (Blister, Finecast)
•Chaos Daemons Bloodthirster (Box, Finecast)
•Chaos Daemons Lord of Change (Box, Finecast)
•Dark Eldar Ur-Ghul (Blister, Finecast)
•Dark Eldar Medusae (Blister, Finecast)
Beim Herald des Tzeentch handelt es sich um ein neues Modell und kein Re-Release.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Von BoK gibt es diese Zusammenfassung der Sororitas-Regeln, die in der ersten Hälfte des WD-Dex sein werden:
Sisters of Battle
Army Special Rules
The Acts of Faith system
At the start of your Movement phases you generate D6 Faith Points. Any Faith Points that are unused at the end of YOUR turn are lost.
Tests of Faith
An Act of Faith can be attempted immediately before a Sisters of Battle unit acts during a phase; e.g. before the unit Moves, Shoots (or runs) or Assaults.
Each attempt costs 1 Faith Point, if test if failed the point is lost.
To attempt an Act of Faith, select the unit and reduce your Faith Points by 1, then roll a D6 and add the following:
+1 if the unit is led by a Superior (Sister, Celestian, Dominion or Seraphim) or Mistress of Repentance.
+1 if the unit has been joined by a Canoness, Confessor, Saint Celestine, Uriah Jacobus or Arch-Confessor Kyrinov
+1 if the unit has taken at least 1 casualty
All modifiers are cumulative (so with 1 IC in a unit with a Superior that has taken at least 1 casualty only needs a 2+ to be successful)
If the total is equal to or greater than 5 the Act of Faith is successful, the unit immediately gains a bonus and/or special rules until the end of the phase.
Independent Characters and Acts of Faith
IC that have the Acts of Faith rule benefit from any bonuses received by the unit they are with when an Act of Faith is used, likewise the unit receives any bonuses from the ICs Acts of Faith when they are successful. Note you still have to perform 2 different Tests of Faith if you want to use both the ICs and the units Act of Faith.
Shield of Faith
Models with the Shield of Faith special rule have a 6+ invulnerable save.
Special Characters
Saint Celestine
7/7/3/3/3/7/5/10/2+ 4++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, IC, Fearless, Shield of Faith
Miraculous Intervention: When killed remove model and place a token, from then on roll a D6 at the start of your turn. On a 4+ Celestine comes back with D3 wounds and placed within 1” of the token. If she would be within 1” of another model (friend and foe?) move her the minimum distance possible so she is not within 1”. She can act normally in a turn in which she resurrects. She does not award a kill point if she is alive on the battlefield at the end of the game.
Wargear: Frag, krak, jump pack
Armour of Saint Katherine: Confers a 2+ armour save and 4++ invulnerable save
The Ardent Blade: Power weapon that always wounds on 4+ (unless a lower roll is required). Can also be fired like a Heavy Flamer (Template: S5 AP4 Assault1)
Arch-Confessor Kyrinov
5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/5+ 4++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Fearless, IC, Righteous Rage, Shield of Faith
Heightened Fervour: Counts as having both a Laud Hailer and Simulacrum Imperialis
Wargear: Flak armour, bolt pistol, frag, krak and rosarius
Mace of Valaan: Power weapon, any model that suffers an unsaved Wound is reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of the following player turn.
Icon of Chiros: All friendly units within 6” are Fearless
Uriah Jacobus, Protector of the Faith
5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/5+ 4++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Righteous Rage, Stubborn, IC, Shield of Faith
Protector of the Faith: While alive you can re-roll the dice to determine the number of Faith Points you have each turn.
Wargear: Flak armour, bolt pistol, chainsword, frag, krag, rosarius
The Redeemer: His personal shotgun (24” S4 Ap4 Assault 2)
The Banner of Sanctity: Models in Jacobus unit have +1A and Feel no Pain
5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, IC, Stubborn, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = The Passion – Assault Phase: Canoness and her unit receives +1I and Preferred Enemy special rule until the end of the Assault phase.
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak
Sororitas Command Squad
Celestian 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Sister Dialogus 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/9/3+ 6++
Sister Hospitaller 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Endless Crusade – Movement Phase: Unit gains Relentless and Move Through Cover special rules until the end of the turn.
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun (Celestians only), bolt pistol, frag, krak, Chirurgeon’s tools (Sister Hostpitaller only), Laud Hailer (Sister Dialogus only).
Battle Sisters
Battle Sisters 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
Sister Superior 3/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak
Act of Faith = Light of the Emperor – Movement Phase: Unit immediately regroups, despite any normal restrictions (enemy within 6”, less than 50%).
Shooting and Assault Phase: Unit can re-roll any failed To Hit rolls of a 1 until the end of the phase.
This Act of Faith can be used in two or more phases if you choose but each attempt costs 1FP and requires a Test of Faith
Celsetian 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Celestian Superior 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/8/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Hand of the Emperor – Assault Phase: +1S and Fearless until the end of the phase
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak
Sister Repentia
Sister Repentia 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/8/- 6++
Mistress of Repentance 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Fearless, Feel no Pain, Fleet, Rage, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Spirit of the Martyr – Assault Phase: Models killed may make a single attack once all other attacks have been resolved.
Wargear: A Sister Repentia has an Eviscerator; a Mistress of Penitence has power armour, two neural whips, frag and krak
Ecclesiarchy Confessor 5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/5+ 4++
Ecclesiarchy Preacher 3/3/3/3/1/4/2/7/5+ 4++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, IC, Shield of Faith
Righteous Rage: When a model with this rule assaults the unit may re-roll to hit.
Wargear: Flag armour, laspistol, chainsword, frag, krak, rosarius
Ecclesiarch Battle Conclaves
Arco-Flagellants 5/3/4/3/1/3/4/8/-
Crusader 4/3/3/3/1/3/1/8/5+ 3++
Death Cult Assassin 5/3/4/3/1/6/2/8/5+ 5++
Special Rules: Feel no Pain (Arco-flagellants only).
Uncanny Reflexes: Death Cult Assassins has a 5++ invulnerable save
Wargear: A Crusader has flak armour, power weapon and storm shield.
An Arco-Flagellant has arco-flails (close combat weapon).
A Death Cult Assassin has flak armour and two power weapons.
Fast Attack
Seraphim 4/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
Seraphim Superior 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Hit and Run, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = The Emperor’s Deliverance – Shooting Phase: Re-roll any failed To Wound rolls until the end of the phase.
Seraphim Pistols: Any model in a Seraphim squad that is armed with two pistols can fire both in the Shooting Phase. If they do so, they can fire no other weapon that turn.
Angelic Visage: Seraphim re-roll failed Act of Faith rolls and failed Invulnerable saves granted by the Shield of Faith special rule
Wargear: Power armour, two bolt pistols, frag, krak, jump pack
Dominion 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
Dominion Superior 3/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Scouts, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Holy Fusillade – Shooting Phase: All weapons in unit becomes twin-linked until the end of the phase
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak
Heavy Support
Retributor 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
Retributor Superior 3/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Divine Guidance – Shooting Phase: All weapons in unit become Rending until the end of the phase
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak
BS4 13/11/10
Special Rules: Shield of Faith
Wargear: Exorcist missile launcher, smoke launchers
Penitent Engines
4/2/5(10)/3/D6+1 11/11/10
Unit Type: Walker, Open-topped
Special Rules: Rage, Shield of Faith
Unstoppable Rampage: Penitent Engines ignore any crew shaken and crew stunned results on the Vehicle Damage tables.
Battle Frenzy: Every unsaved wound inflicted in close combat generates an additional attack. These extra attacks do not generate further additional attacks.
Wargear: 2 DCCW with built in Heavy Flamers. Note that the bonus for being equipped with 2 DCCWs is already included in the PEs profile
Dedicated Transports
BS4 11/11/10
Transport: 10 models, it cannot transport models in Terminator armour.
Fire Points: 2 from top hatch
Access Points: 1 on each side and one at the rear
Special Rules: Shield of Faith
Repair: If immobilised for any reason can attempt to repair instead of shooting. On a D6 roll of 6 the vehicle is no longer immobilised.
Wargear: Storm bolter, smoke launchers
BS 4 11/11/10
Transport: 6 models, it cannot transport models in Terminator armour.
Fire Points: None
Access Points: 1 on each side and one at the rear
Special Rules: Shield of Faith
Wargear: Twin-linked heavy flamer, smoke launchers
Der zweite Teil umfasst dann die genaue Armeeliste und die Regeln für die Ausrüstungsgegenstände.
Bisher sind mir folgende gravierende Änderungen aufgefallen:
[list][*]Durch die W6 Glaubenspunkte pro Runde büßt die Armee bei großen Spielen etwas Effizienz ein, auf der anderen Seite hat man im Schnitt das Spiel über mehr Glaubensakte zur Verfügung als früher.[/*:m]
[*]Der Immolator büßt dadurch ein, dass er nach einer schnellen Bewegung nicht mehr die Flammer abfeuern kann.[/*:m]
[*]Celestia leiden etwas unter schlechterer Initiative.[/*:m]
[*]Die Läuterer gewinnen, da sie jetzt mehr Attacken im NK haben und immer zwei schwere Flammenwerfer.[/*:m][/list:u]
Mehr kann man jedoch erst nach Sichtung der Optionen und der Punktkosten sagen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Auf Blood of Kittens und Warseer sind ein paar Gerüchte zum kommenden Codex SoB aufgetaucht. Ein paar der Angaben sind falsch - oder der dt. WD wurde schlampig übersetzt. Jedenfalls hatte ich heute schon einmal die Gelegenheit einen Blick rein zu werfen. Da ich vorher noch diese Gerüchte lesen konnte, konnte ich sie wenigstens teilweise auf Herz und Niere prüfen. Alles konnte ich mir jedoch nicht merken. Hier die Gerüchte und meine Kommentare:
Regular Sisters 12 pts each
Ich meine, dass das stimmt.
Cannoness 75 pts base
10 Punkte weniger
Coffessor 55pts base
Ich meine der sei teurer gewesen (ca. 15-20 Punkte).
St. Celestine 175 pts
Fast 1/3 billiger.
Repentia 90 pts 4 + 1 Mistress
Sollte hinkommen.
Celestian & Sheraphim 15 pts each
Retributer 85pts for max heavy bolters
Müsste so etwa stimmen.
- special weapons are roughly costed the same than before, heavy weapons decrease in points, heavy flamer increases in points
Zumindest die Aussage über die schweren Flammer muss ich leider teilen.
- VSS still have access to their Eviscerator
Natürlich mit anderen Regeln als der Evi der GK: Der Evi der GK ist eine Efaust mit 2W6 Panzerungsdurchschlag, der Evi der SoB bekommt einen zusätzlichen W6... <_<
- No gear increasing the number of Faith Points
In der spärlichen Rüstkammer konnte ich wirklich nichts derartiges entdecken. man sollte wohl weniger von einer Rüstkammer als vielmehr von einer Rüstzelle reden.
- SoB Rhino's cost is the same as SM's one
- No upgrade for Immolators making them faster/using their weapon at full speed
Wie zu befürchten war.
Übrigens klang es im WD so, als gäbe es auch ein Update für den Repressor auf der FW-Seite, wovon allerdings noch nichts zu sehen war.
Naja, Samstag werde ich ihn mir dann auf jeden Fall holen und meine Armee mal neu berechnen.
Ach ja, im WD wurden auch die beiden fehlenden Modelle des Hofstaats angekündigt. Der Sslyth soll übrigens kompatibel mit mit den Armen der Kunststoffmodelle sein, so dass man ihn individuell gestalten kann.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Von BoLS gibt es mal wieder ein paar Gerüchte zu den Necrons:
Some tidbits that have been making the rounds through the tubes of late on various Necron units:
- @7 named HQ models with 2-3 basic HQ choices.
TROOPS-Immortals: 5 models for @90 pts, up to 5 more may be added.
-Warriors: 5 models for @60 pts, up to 15 more may be added. 4+ save.
-Wraiths: @40 pts apiece, Rending.
-Destroyers: @40 pts apiece. Preferred Enemy (all), Jump Infantry. Gauss Cannons can upgrade to Heavy Gauss Cannon now.
-Death ????: A sniper unit that can cause non-traditional effects on target units.
-Tomb Spyders: Roughly the same as now, with increased regeneration effects on nearby Necrons.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Von Warseer gibt es neue Gerüchte zu Imps im ersten Quartal 2012:
Originally Posted by Stickmonkey
Hello Warseer!
Been a long time, but I have a small item to add into the rumor mill
I'm hearing that there is a IG mini release being planned soon, I expect it to be Q1 2012 and be in a mixed release month.
Items I hear are the long rumored stormtrooper plastics. Plastic hydra, and possibly another chimera based kit.
Still a ways off, but ive had multiple sources mention it recently.
And corroborated by BramGaunt:
Originally Posted by BramGaunt
Afaik it's actually 3 kits, stormtrooper/veteran soldiers, hydra, Griffon (with colossus and medusa options), plus some finecast updates. Hydra is supposed to look a little different from the FW one.
No mention of a codex, which they really don't need.
So wie es aussieht, könnten im ersten Quartal aus Kunststoff folgende Modelle erscheinen:
- Hydra
- Veteranen / Gardisten
- Greif / Kolossus / Medusa
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Von BoLS gibt es nun Infos, warum GW etliche Modelle bisher nicht herausgebracht hat.
guess you all are aware that GW started a lawsuit against Chapterhouse to crush the company, because GW feels Chapterhouse is infringing copyright and trademark laws. But instead of going right for the kill, GW lawyers have not been able or willing for almost a year to even state what GW's IP is, that Chapterhouse is accused to have been copying. Details and discussion of the lawsuit can be found in this thread: . The lawsuit itself is NOT the topic of this thread.
But GW seems to have made changes in their release schedule because of the lawsuit.
1.) A.o. Tyranid and Eldar releases are on hold until the legal issues are settled.
2.) Esp. the tyranid second wave including the tervigon kit will not be released as planned. GW will invent a new similar monster with WD rules and release it in that context.
3.) Thunderwolves might not be released at all.
4.) GW gets back to its single release schedule, with every essential unit released at the start, with only some characters following later. The Ogre Kingdom release is a perfect example for that strategy.
Why? At first GW lawyers thought every name, concept and design mentioned in one of their books is per se protected and nobody may do a model based on that without their explicit permission. This proved to be wrong, because only models are protected, not ideas and concepts. Now GW lawyers fear that if they release Tervigons, Thunderwolves etc, the third party companies already doing these might successfully sue them. This is probably wrong as well, but the basis of GW's future strategies. Be aware that StraightSilver mostly presents GW's point of view (plus his own of course), so that the legal situation might be totally different in reality (maybe we have to wait for the end of the Chapterhouse lawsuit). Of course nothing here is officially confirmed by GW (only a hint at the new Tyranid monster), but I am convinced that these rumours are true.
And Eldar will be a ways off just yet. Ther are all sorts of legal issues with Eldar and Tyranids that has meant they have been delayed, but that is a complicated issue for another thread unfortunately.
A lot of GW releases are on hold until the whole Chapterhouse mess is resolved. There are issues over copyright which until resolved mean GW won't release some stuff until it's all over which won't be any time soon. This specifically relates to two models in the Chapterhouse range, but I don't want to derail this thread with that. However GW won't release some models but not others and so is having to hold off until they can release them all as a wave.
I cannot obviously corroborate it, but I have heard that is the case from credible sources, but again stuff said over a pint isn't always that reliable, but these are people that would normally know.
And yes that is apparently why the Tyranid wave has been held up and also why GW may never make Thunderwolves. Basically the third party companies that got there first can now challenge GW over copyright, not something they would ever allow to happen.
As I say it may only be a rumour, and unfortunately I can't specifically say where most of my rumours have come from in case I drop anyone in it but they do work for the company and aren't a black or red shirt.
And it is specifically a couple of things, but these are fairly important ones.
It's just that Chapterhouse is attesting that it owns the copyright on a couple of GW concepts because it produced the models first. GW are challenging that but don't want to release their models in case Chapterhouse then challenge ownership.
Of course always take with a pinch of salt, but rumours are rumours I guess.
It's more complicated than that.
Take the Chapter House Doom Seer. It isn't part of the GW vs Chapter House case but it makes a good example.
There isn't a single element of the Doom Seer's design that isn't (a) different to the GW Far Seer models and (b) modelled on existing historical designs.
Despite that it is clearly a "not" Far Seer, based on its overall similarity to GW Far Seer models, if you have seen a GW Far Seer first.
The question the court must answer is whether GW's co-option of historical elements into an overall design is sufficiently original as to create an entirely new copyrightable work, and secondly if this has been achieved, have CH violated the putative copyright by copying the overall design with different individual elements.
You can see how complex these questions can be.
Unfortunately GW were unable to release their Tervigon kit (see my other comments elsewhere) as they had intended and so are having to make do with a White Dwarf bolt on.
Essentially the WD rules will be a Tervigon and something else, and the kit will make both models, a bit like the new Ogre Kingdoms monsters.
At least this is what I have been told, don't know if it's true or not.
I just thought I would clarify some of my earlier posts, but of course am concsious of derailing this thread so don't want to go too off topic.
I have also decided not to post further on the subject as I do not want to add too much speculation or more importantly get anyone into trouble.
Anything I have said may well just be conjecture or the opinion of an individual, but as they are still deeply involved with the company I do not want to implicate them.
So I will expand upon my earlier comments but then leave it at that.
GW do not essentially have a problem with third party products or companies that produce them and in most cases these companies enhance GW sales as you need GW kits to use them.
The majority of third party companies have also been very careful not to use GW trademarks, or step over the line with GW's IP.
Generic backpacks or vehicle accessories do not infringe GW copyright, neither do seperate heads that can be used on GW figures for example.
Even companies who make more specific products such as Space Marine accessories have been very careful to not directly market them as such.
Galactic Space Knights are not Space Marines, and Galactic Space Knight shoulder pads with Templar Crosses are not Black Templar Shoulder pads.
However when a third party manufacturer starts selling Salamnder Shoulder pads, or Space Marine Black Templar Rhino doors they are crossing the line, but only to the point where GW would advise them to change their terminology on their online store and to stop using GW trademarks.
Unfortunately Chapterhouse flouted this, and even posted in the news section of their website that they were doing nothing wrong and that GW should essentially take them to court (I'm paraphrasing).
However that still wasn't the main problem with Chapterhouse.
Once they moved away from creating after market products compatible with GW kits and started producing original sculpts based on GW IP they crossed a line.
In terms of US copyright a concept or idea cannot be copyrighted, so the idea of a Doom of Malantai model, or a Tervigon, or a jetbike seer council weren't protected until the models were released.
When Chapterhouse beat GW to it by making these models it appeared it may affect future GW releases and on legal advice GW held back some of their releases until they could prove unequivecally that they had total ownership.
This of course will be decided in court, but in defence of GW Chapterhouse bought this on themselves, they were given the opportunity to comply with GW's requests, but chose instead to go to court.
In terms of how this affects GW some explanation of how the company plans its releases is required.
There is a reason GW releases miniatures in waves.
It is purely a business reason dictated to them by their financial department.
A company like GW needs consistent sales throughout the year, and also needs to show year on year growth. It is a public company and therefore very conscious of its share prices, and consistent sales are by far the best way to keep investors happy.
If they release lots of cool new stuff all in one go then they willl get sales bubbles, which look bad on their financials. It is better for them to have releases spread across the year which therefore spreads their sales.
There is also the fact that they will have invested much time and care in their new releases, and to release them all in one hit menas they will not stay fresh, but also means they will need to create more new releases to spread out that year which they do not have the resources for.
It is also common to have a release planned and to hold it back until it makes more financial sense, and this is why some expected releases seem to disappear, only to reappear later when the company needs to make some sales during a slower quarter.
However releasing figures in waves can leave huge gaps in Codexes, and not every gamer is prepared to wait. This didn't used to be a problem as people would buy GW kits and convert them, but now they can simply buy them from third party companies.
GW are fullly aware of this, and are looking at the way they release things, and make changes. Dark Eldar were an example of this, with the entire range being released in a comparatively short space of time. They were released in waves, but they were very close together so that there were no long waits. Ogre Kingdoms seem to be following the same format, with their models being released over two quarters.
However this does mean that there will be sales bubbles and GW then have to make up the shortfall elsewhere. This unfortunately often results in a price increase which GW then get a lot of flak for.
And it's also possible that Dark Eldar were too successful. Their sales beat expectation, but may be the reason another release has been put on hold (won't say which one but I think it's obvious). Having all your 40K sales in one year would then result in negative growth the following year unless GW had more products to release.
As I say most of what I am saying is based on conversations with somebody who works for GW, and may just be his or her speculation or opinion but I originally posted this in the rumours section for that reason.
I just wanted peopl to see the bigger picture where the Chapterhouse lawsuit was concerned. I don't want to demonise them, I just think if they had gone down the same path as other third party companies they could have avoided the litigation, but they decided to let it get to court, which wasn't GWs intention, but they felt they had no choice but to protect their interests.
Das Hauptproblem scheint das Urheberrecht zu sein. GW befürchtet, dass andere Firmen sie verklagen könnten, wenn sie die fehlenden Modelle herausbringen, da die anderen Firmen bereits Alternativmodelle veröffentlicht haben. Aus diesem Grund will GW das Urteil im Rechtsstreit mit Chapterhouse abwarten, bevor sie entscheiden ob sie den Tervigon herausbringen. Außerdem werden wegen der vielen Alternativmodelle wahrscheinlich keine Donnerwölfe erscheinen.
Damit hängt zusammen, dass GW nicht alles auf einmal aus einem Codex oder AB herausbringen kann und somit andere Hersteller Zeit haben, Modelle herauszubringen. GW versucht nun, die Zeiträume kurz zu halten, wie es bei den DE geschehen ist. Allerdings führt dies zu Blasen, da der Hauptabsatz einer Armee beim Erscheinen der Modelle ist. Bei den DE war diese Blase sehr ausgeprägt.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Das Klingt ja mal sehr Intressant... wusste nicht das Dritthersteller GW das Leben so Schwer machen können.
Beiträge: | 1.877 |
Punkte: | 1.877 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
Zitat von TeRRoRbÄr
Das Klingt ja mal sehr Intressant... wusste nicht das Dritthersteller GW das Leben so Schwer machen können.
So ist das.
Beiträge: | 355 |
Punkte: | 355 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
Ein Bericht der mich sehr traurig stimmt.
Um genau zu sein der Teil dass man mehr "X in 1" Bausätze rausbringen wird damit die Wellen schneller durchkommen. Ich fürchte nämlich dass die Designer demnächst stärker eingeschränkt werden zugunsten einer einfachereren und vor allen schnelleren Produktion mittels eben solcher Multibausätze.
Des weiteren könnte dies bedeuten, dass neu erdachte oder nur wenig benutzte Einheiten es nicht in den nächsten Codex schaffen, weil die Finanzabteilung der Meinung ist dass dafür im Zeitraum kurz nach dem Codexrelease keine Möglichkeit zur Veröffentlichung besteht (z.B. nicht genug Produktionskapazität) und die ganze Einheit in den Entwurfschubladen verschwindet.
Hoffentlich habe ich mit meinen Vermutungen Unrecht
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Auf bin ich eben über eine interessante Sache gestolpert.
"confirmed by my local GWS store, cant say who or they might face legal action lol, necrons annouced 22nd october - 29 october including november white dwarf, released/pre-order after that 5th november onwards."
Wenn daran was wahres dran ist müssen einige von uns mit dem sparen anfangen......
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Jetzt ist der 05. November offiziel, und es gibt auch die ersten Bilder.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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