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Euer Forenadministrator Eversor
So wie es ausschaut wird dies das neue Titelbild des kommenden Codex' Imperiale Armee:
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Na dann... Geschmackssache... weiß noch nicht...
Beiträge: | 897 |
Punkte: | 897 |
Registriert am: | 30.07.2008 |
Erinnert mich an das WHFB Cover des Imperiums....
Beiträge: | 461 |
Punkte: | 461 |
Registriert am: | 22.02.2009 |
Ich wieß ja nicht ob das jemand den Anreiz gibt sich einen zu bauen. Datasheet eines Impertor-Titans (!)
Beiträge: | 461 |
Punkte: | 461 |
Registriert am: | 22.02.2009 |
Was heiß hier bauen? Ich deklariere mich einfach selbst zum Imperator Titan.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
ich halte jetzt den neuen Bausatz Shadowsword in den Händen.
Er hat leider, anders als der Artikel im White Dwarf vermuten lässt, keine Option zum Bau der Zieloptiken.
Ursprünglich wollte ich mir einen Stormlord bauen, nehme aber inzwischen davon Abstand. Kasematte statt Turm und 40 Mann Transportkapazität in dem kleinen Körbchen auf der Motorhaube sind einfach voll daneben. Mein armer Geldbeutel sieht schon einen Gorgon auf sich zukommen.
Es werden jetzt wohl die altehrwürdigen Varianten Shadowsword und Stormsword.
Für die Zieloptiken muss ich mal schauen, was die Bitzbox hergibt.
Bis bald
Beiträge: | 1.177 |
Punkte: | 1.177 |
Registriert am: | 18.06.2008 |
Es gibt ein paar neue Fotos der kommenden Modelle:
Cadianischer Kommandotrupp
Catachanischer Kommandotrupp
PS: Für den Fall, dass Verlinkung der Bilder bei BoLS mal wieder nicht funktioniert, hier ist ein Link zur Seite.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
ich find die haben was...
Beiträge: | 461 |
Punkte: | 461 |
Registriert am: | 22.02.2009 |
Ein paar News bezüglich der IA von Warseer, übersetzt wurden sie auf der TTW. Ich muss nachher noch ein paar Übersetzungsfehler ausmerzen.
- Infanterieboxen kommen doch ohne schwere Waffe, 25 US-$
- Züge stellen als einzelne Einehit auf und gelten auch nur als ein Killpoint
- Möglichkeit, Züge zu Rekruten, Sträflinge und Veteranen aufzuwerten, jedoch wahrscheinlich ohne eigene Gussrahmen
- Funkgeräte erlauben Wiederholungswurf beim Versuch, die Fähigfkeit "Befehle" zu nutzen.
- Kommandobox: Je 79 Komponenten, Rest ist schon bekannt, 25 US-$
- 3 Arten von "Befehlen": Zusätzlicher Schuß, bessere Deckung, besserer Durchschlag gegen Panzer
- Streitmacht: 95 US-$
- Enthält Kommandobox, 2 Trupps, schwerer Waffentrupp, Sentinel
- Alles neu bis auf schwere Waffen
- Sentinel: 25 US-$, ein Bausatz für alle Varianten, Front 12 für die schwere Variante, leichte Variante bekommt Durch Deckung bewegen-Sonderregel, Option auf 2 CCW
- Primaris Psioniker: HQ-Auswahl, Blitzschlag-Fähigkeit mit S6 Sturm 2W6, "Nightshroud"-Fähigkeit zwingt Gegner zum MW-Test, bevor er auf die Einheit schiessen darf
- Psioniker-Kampftrupp: Anführer (Mentor) + 4-9 Psioniker, Kräfte "Soulstorm" und eine, die den gegnerischen MW beeinflusst (beide ohen Details zur Wirkweise), Truppgröße beeinflusst direkt Effektivität
- Leman Russ: 1-3 als eine Unterstützungsauswahl, "Lumbering Behemoth" ermöglicht 6"-Bewegung udn Turmwaffe abfeuern, oder stehenbleiben udn alles (Geschütz + Sekundärwaffen) feuern.
- Kommissare sind Upgrades für HQ-Trupps und Züge, geben dem Trupp "stubborn" (kann mir nie merken, ob das im deutschen unnachgiebig ist...), erschiessen immer noch Offiziere bei verpatzten MW-Tests.
- Halblinge: 4 im Blister für 20 US-$, haben infiltrieren und "stealth", einige Gerüchte sprechen von einer Sonderregel namens "Snacks"
- Ratgeber: alle 3 in einem Blister für 17 US-$, Flottenmeister gibt -1 auf gegnerische Reservewürfe, Astropath +1 für eigene Reservewürfe und der "Ordonanz-Typ" einen S9 AP3 Geschützschuß mit unbegrenzter Reichweite (wenn er sich nicht bewegt hat)
- Valkyrie: 58 US-$, irgendwas, was ich selbst nicht verstehe..., transportierte Modelle dürfen die Valkyrie an jedem Punkt der Bewegung verlassen und werden als Schocktruppen aufgestellt, die automatisch auf schwieriges Gelände testen müssen, unklar, ob sie dabei abweichen, Bausatz kommt mit einem neuen Flieger-Base
- Creed: Kein neues Modell, ersetzt zusammen mit Kell Offizier und Standarte des Stabs, kann bis zu 4-mal pro Zug die "Befehl"-Sonderregel nutzen, kann einen Befehl geben, der einer EInheit die Sonderregeln "furchtlos" und "rasender Angriff" verleiht, lässt eine Einheit per Scout-Sonderregel aufstellen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Im Internet ist jetzt folgendes Bild aufgetaucht:
Dazu kommen noch zwei Passagen, die als Hinweise auf einen neuen Codex gedeutet werden könnten:
So we have been hearing rumblings of plastic Grey Knights as a possibility for a bit now, but along come 2 fellows with a picture of a glorious Grey Knight assault, and a snippet from the artist that he was retained by Games Workshop to produce imagery having to do with the final assault during the 1st War for Armageddon.
Artist's quote"
"heya guys final piece for the grey knights GW project been working. was asked to do a realy big piece ie compositionaly for a banner/ poster for games day. the brief was to depict the first war of armageddon when the final assault on the inner hive to find and destroy the deamon primrich aragorn and his 12 greater deamons. 200 hundred grey knights space marines went in but only 2 came out. anyway enough with the talk. thanks for looking theo"
Und noch ein Kommentar eines anderen Künstlers zu dem Werk:
Nice work. Was gonna say, you should do artwork for GW. Seems like you already are!
My mate Phil is writing this book
Alternativ könnte es sich hierbei auch um etwas für Apo handeln.
Edit: Es ist keinesfalls ein Coverbild, es ist ein Banner für den GD. Aber auch die macht GW ja nicht einfach so.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Heute komme ich wohl gar nicht mehr aus dem Posten von Neuigkeiten heraus. Diesmal wieder IA:
HQ HAVE to place theirs first, then Platoon Command and so on. If a unit is "activated" before it receives an Order - which are given at the start of the shooting phase - then it cannot benefit from one that turn.
The receiving unit has to pass a Ld test:
Double 1 - they understand and can even be given another Order.
Pass - Order takes effect.
Fail - Order does not take effect, but squad can proceed as normal.
Double 6 - squad can do nothing but mill about in confusion.
Platoon level:
"First rank fire, second rank!" - squad gets one additional shot (so 3 at 12", 2 at 13-24").
"(????????)" - squad gets +1 cover save when they Go To Ground (i.e. +2 total).
"Move move move!" - lets them roll more dice when they run and take highest.
Command HQ level:
"Bring it down!" - which twin links weapons shooting at tanks, MCs and units or squadrons thereof.
"(?????????)" - Some form of rallying one which rallies a unit or even unpins them. He thinks this DOES work after they have "ducked and covered" that round.
Special Characters
Sly Marbo is a separate Elite choice (he thinks) (not a squad upgrade) and deploys pretty much like a Callidus Assassin. Might be Fearless (not sure). He wounds on a 2+ in close combat.
Iron Hand Straken is a full on HQ choice (not a squad upgrade) and very nasty too. Fearless, so is his Command Squad and he can issue a Special Order to nearby units giving them Furious Charge and Counter-Attack.
Al'Rahem lets a unit fire one volley immediately and then moves them D6" (might be out of sequence, he's not sure). Instant Death on a 6 with his sword in close combat.
Nork Deddog has some funky rule that as he dies in assault he auto hits the enemy X times in a frenzy before passing out. He comes round later and asks if they won.
There's a tank commander ala Chronus.
Aside from the main/HQ choices there a fair few unit upgrade characters for most units:
Veterans - Catachan guy - basically makes squad Catachan Devils.
Stormtroopers - Bastonne - squad can always try to rally regardless of casualties, etc. He looks scarred and a badass in the drawing of him.
Rough Riders - Some guy - (??????)
Primaris Psyker has a shooty assault 2D6 (he thinks) attack.
Storm Troopers
Storm Troopers can reroll the dice for scatter when they Deep Strike. Useful no doubt for when jumping out of a flat out Valkyrie.
Psyker squad
Multiple models are lost on Perils result.
The unit of them has two abilities.
- Heavy large blast, something like range 36" S=number of Psykers in the unit, AP D6, 5" blast.
- Focussed attack that drops enemy Ld = number of Psykers in the squad.
Platoons can indeed have a banner = +1 Combat Resolution in assault.
6 man special weapon teams are a choice.
Veteran squads - have defensive grenades.
Penal troops shooting makes them Assault 2 he believes.
Fast Attack
Valkyries are[*] points each, a Fast Attack choice and 1-3 in a squadron.
Both types of Sentinels are Fast Attack.
Hellhounds and their variants be taken in squadrons (he thinks). The Inferno Cannon now a 12" range for the template.
Heavy Support
Hydra Flak Tank has special tracking systems that ignores cover saves for Skimmers going fast and Bikes, etc.
Kurz nochmal auf deutsch:
Das HQ gibt zuerst Befehle, dann die Kommandoeinheiten der Züge. Wenn eine Einheit aktiviert wird, bevor sie einen Befehl erhält - welche zu Anfang der Schussphase gegeben werden - kann sie diese nicht nutzen.
Die Einheit, die einen Befehl erhält, muss einen Moralwerttest bestehen:
Einserpasch: Sie verstehen den Befehl und können noch einen erhalten
geschafft: Der befehl wird benutzt.
gepatzt: Der Befehl kann nicht genutzt werden.
Sechserpasch: Die Einheit kann nichts machen, da sie verwirrt ist.
Es gibt auf Zugebene folgende Befehle:
- Einheit erhält einen zusätzlichen Schuss (3 bis zu 12", 2 darüber)
- Einheit bekommt +1 DW, wenn sie sich zu Boden wirft
- Einheit wirft einen weiteren Würfel beim Rennen und nimmt den höheren
Das HQ vergibt folgende Befehle:
- Schüsse gegen Einheiten oder Schwadronen (oder einzelne) von Panzern oder Monströsen Kreaturen sind synchronisiert.
- Besonderes Sammeln, das eine Einheit sammelt oder vom Niederhalten befreit, angeblich sogar, wenn sie sich freiwillig zu Boden geworfen hat.
Besondere Charaktere
Sly Marbo: einzelne Eliteauswahl, die ähnlich der Callidus aufgestellt wird. Könnte furchtlos sein und verwundet auf 2+ im NK.
Straken: HQ, furchtlos, kann Befehl für rasender Angriff und Gegenschlag an nahe Einheit geben
Al'Rahem: Eine Einheit kann schießen und dann noch W6 Zoll bewegt werden, verursacht Sofort Ausschalten bei einer 6 im NK.
Nork Deddog: Stirbt er, so schlägt er um sich und verwundet automatisch den Gegner X mal. Er kommt später wieder und fragt, ob man gewonnen hat.
Es gibt einen Panzerkommandanten wie Chronus.
Es gibt Upgrade Charaktere für Einheiten
Veteranen - Catachaner, der die Einheit zu Catachanischen Teufeln mancht
Gardisten - Bastonne - die Einheit kann sich immer sammeln
Kavallerie - ???
Primarispsioniker hat einen Schussangriff mit 2W6 Schuss
Gardisten: Können den Abweichungswurf beim Schocken wiederholen
Psioniker-Einheit: Mehrere Modelle werden beim Angriff aus dem Warp verloren. Zwei Fähigkeiten: 1. 36", S=Anzahl der Psioniker, DS W6, 5"-Schablone Schwer(?); 2. gegnerischer MW fällt um Anzahl der Psioniker
Züge können Standarten für Kampfergebnis +1
Auswahl von sechsköpfigen Spezialwaffenteams
Veteranen - haben Defensivgranaten
Straflegionäre bekommen bei Beschuss 2 Angriffe im NK
Valkyren, Schwadrone von 1-3
Beide Sentineltypen sind Sturm
Höllenhund bekommt Schwadrone, Infernokanone hat 12"
Hydra hat Zielverfolgung, durch die schnelle Schweber und Bikes keinen Deckungswurf haben.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Und hier kommt der nächste Berg an Neuigkeiten. Zuerst einmal ein paar Bilder der neuen Packungen, dann gibt es Text. mal sehen, ob ich nachher noch etwas übersetzt oder zumindest zusammengefasst bekomme.
Cadianischer Kommandotrupp
Catachanischer Kommandotrupp
Jetzt erst einmal Infos von Warseer:
> Many confirmations of existing leaks, such as Orders, advisors as squad upgrades, etc.
> Leadership reducing ability of the psyker choir has a range of 24".
> When merging platoons you pick and choose which squads are merged. So a platoon with five infantry squads could merge them into two units of 20 men and one unit of 10 men, or any combination you like.
> Infantry squad is 50 points. This gets you 10 guardsmen, one of which is a veteran sergeant as standard.
> Meltagun = 10 points. Plasma gun = 15 points. Heavy weapons = 'pretty much the same'. We have rumours of cheaper mortars, so leave a question mark next to heavy weapons for now.
> Veterans now always come in 10 man squads. Troops choice.
> Ogryns are 115 points for a starting squad of 3, and +35 points for each new ogryn on top of that.
> The upgrade character that gives rough riders furious charge also gives them rage.
> Confirmation that chimeras are 55 points including weapons.
> Valkyrie = 115 to 125 points. No mention of what weapons you get for that. Transport capacity of 12. Regardless of how far the valkyie has moved, troops can disembark by deep striking along its movement path. Storm troopers re-roll the scatter dice for deep strike. Troops can still disembark normally. May not carry ogryns.
> Vendetta gunship =115 to 125 points. Exact cost unknown. Simply stated to me as "same sort of points as the valkyrie". Carries three twin-linked lascannons.
> More confirmation of Lumbering Behemoth.
Fast Attack:
- Fast Tanks Squadron:
- You may choose any of the following tanks in a 1-3 tank squadron.
- Hellhound: 130 pts. Tank, fast. You can change the heavy bolter by a flamer for free or by a multi-melta by 15 pts. Extra armour 15 pts, searchlight 1 pts, heavy stubborn 10 pts, hunter-killer missile 10 pts, dozer blade 10 pts.
- Banewolf: 130 pts. Tank, fast. You can change the heavy bolter by a flamer for free or by a multi-melta by 15 pts. Extra armour 15 pts, searchlight 1 pts, heavy stubborn 10 pts, hunter-killer missile 10 pts, dozer blade 10 pts.
- Devil Dog: 120 pts. Tank, fast. You can change the heavy bolter by a flamer for free or by a multi-melta by 15 pts. Extra armour 15 pts, searchlight 1 pts, heavy stubborn 10 pts, hunter-killer missile 10 pts, dozer blade 10 pts.
The entire squadron can buy smoke launchers for 5 pts/mini or camo-netting for 20 pts/mini.
- Sentinel Squadron:
- Scout Sentinel: 35 pts, open-topped, scouts, move through cover, multilaser. Auto-cannon 5 pts, heavy flamer 5 pts, missile launcher 10 pts, laser cannon 15 pts. Searchlight 1 pt, hunter-killer missile 10 pts, the entire squadron can buy smoke launcher for 5 pts/mini and/or camo-netting for 10 pts / mini.
- Valkirye: 100 pts.. Armour: 12-12-10
Skimmer, fast, scout, may deep strike
Equipment and weapons: extra armour, searchlight, 2 hellstrike missiles, multilaser
Options: change multilaser to laser-cannon +15 pts, change hellstrike missile for 2 multiple rockets pods for +30 pts, heavy bolters for +10 pts.
Can be bought in a 1-3 squadron.
Transport 12 models, they have the “grav chute insertion” (deep strike from the valk)
- Vendetta: 130 pts.. Armour: 12-12-10
Skimmer, fast, scout, may deep strike
Equipment and weapons: extra armour, searchlight, 3 twin-linked las-cannons
Options: change 2 las-cannon for 2 hellfury missiles for free, heavy bolters for +10 pts.
Can be bought in a 1-3 squadron.
Transport 12 models, they have the “grav chute insertion” rule
Heavy Support:
Lemas russ scuadron
Composition:vehicle scuadron composed of 1-3 leman russ or leman russ demolishers in any combination.
- Leman Russ Battle Tank. 150 pts Hull Heavy Bolter. May change it for a lascannon for 15 pts, may have sponsons with: heavy bolters 20 pts, multi-melta 30 pts, plasma cannons 40 pts.
LR may have Heavy stubborn for 10 pts, dozer blade 10 pts, h-k missile 10 pts, extra armour 15 pts. Entire squadron with camo-netting for 20 pts/model. One of the squadron tanks can be the squadron leader for 50 pts.
Same options for the next tanks:
- Leman Russ Exterminator: 150 pts.
- Leman Russ Vanquiser: 155 pts.
- Leman Russ Eradicator: 160 pts.
- Leman Russ Demolisher: 165 pts.
- Leman Russ Punisher: 180 pts.
- Leman Russ Executioner: 190 pts.
Artillery, 1-3 models in a squadron. Same options as the LR’s. Can be topped for 15 pts / model, the camo-netting cost 30 pts /model.
- Basilisk: 125 pts.
- Medusa: 135 pts. Can buy siege bombs for 5 pts.
- Colossus: 140 pts.
- Griffon: 75 pts.
- Hydra: 75 pts. Camo-netting cost 20 pts for it.
Next can NOT be bought in a squadron.
- Manticore: 160 pts.
- Deathstrike: 160 pts.
Und noch etwas von BoLS:
Release Summary:
The new Codex is designed around the Imperial Guard Infantry Company - a rank upon rank of soldiers supported by a huge array of armoured vehicles and battle tanks. The range is well supported with plastic box sets for two famous Imperial Guard regiments - the Catachan Jungle Fighters and Cadian Shock Troops - as well as a number of vehicles including battle tanks, troop transports and scout walkers.
The key themes of the Imperial Guard army - lots of men, lots of tanks - are highlighted in this Codex. Infantry Platoon squads can be deployed together as a single scoring unit of up to fifty men can (sic), and tanks can be chosen in squadrons of up to three vehicles: this brutal mass of bodies and armour is what the Imperial Guard is all about.
The Codex includes a number of special characters, including famous officers such as Captain Al'Rahem of the Tallarn Desert Raiders, Commander Chenkov of Valhalla and Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken of Catachan. Each of these characters has a unique rule or set of orders that conveys the character of his home regiment. In addition, legends such as Commissar Yarrick and Ursarkar Creed are brought up to date, and new characters such as Knight Commander Pask of Cadia and the Catachan Devil Gunnery Sergeant Harker are presented.
Features & Benefits of Codex: Imperial Guard:
- Reduced points costs and Infantry Platoon special rules allow Imperial Guard armies to rival even Ork and Tyranid hordes for huge units. Plastic box sets and the two Battleforce sets allow customers to build such an army quickly and conveniently.
- Chimera fighting vehicles are now the standard Transport upgrade for Imperial Guard squads, and can be chosen without need for special rules or variant army organisation: any Imperial Guard army can be fielded as Mechanised Infantry.
- Command Squads can now influence nearby Infantry Squads through the use of the orders rules. These range from allowing nearby Guardsmen an extra shot with their lasguns, benefiting from improved cover saves, or receiving a bonus to their anti-tank shooting. These rules make the Command Squads more important than ever before, and introduce a new dynamic into the Imperial Guard army.
- Tanks can be fielded in squadrons of up to three vehicles as a single choice on the Force Organisation chart, allowing players to include more than ever in their armies.
- The expanded army list includes several tank designs available from Forge World, such as the Medusa, Hydra Flak Tank and Leman Russ Vanquisher.
- This book revisits many of the Imperial themes of the Guard army, including new character types like Astropaths, Primaris Psykers and Lord Commissars. Touches like these firmly place these human soldiers in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium."
- Leman Russ special rule: "Lumbering Behemoth" - a Leman Russ that remained stationary or moved up to 6" can fire its turret weapon in addition to any other weapons it may fire - even if the turret weapon is ordnance.
May 2nd
-Cadian Shock Troops (box of 10 plastic guardsmen). "Can be used to build Infantry Squads and Conscript Squads, and more exotic squads such as Veteran Squads and Penal Legion squads. Repackaged box set offers an Infantry Squad in a single purchase, and includes options for flamers, grenade launchers, vox-caster and Sergeant. Vox-casters are more useful than ever before as they allow officers to re-roll the Leadership test to determine whether their orders are issued successfully or not.
-Catachan Jungle Fighters (box of 10 plastic guardsmen). Same info as above.
-Imperial Guard Command Squad (5 figure plastic box set). "79 components on sprue, including plasma gun, meltagun sniper rifle, heavy flamer, respirators, power weapon and power fist."
-Catachan Command Squad (5 figure plastic box set). "81 components on sprue, including plasma gun, meltagun, sniper rifle, heavy flamer, power weapon and power fist."
-Primaris Psyker (1 figure blister). HQ choice Psyker Lord. Lightning Arc: Assault 2D6 Strength 6 psychic attack. Nightshroud: enemy units must pass a Leadership test to shoot the Psyker or his squad.
-Imperial Guard Sentinel (1 figure box set). Can build a single Armoured Sentinel or Scout Sentinel from the Imperial Guard Codex. Armoured Sentinels have Front Armour 12, Scout Sentinels are open-topped but have the Scouts and Move Through Cover special rules. Weapon options include multi-laser, autocannon, lascannon, heavy flamer, plasma cannon, and missile launcher. Replaces all existing Sentinel box sets in range. Can be upgraded with hunter-killer missiles, searchlights, camo netting and smoke launchers.
-Imperial Guard Ratlings (5 figure blister). Abhuman snipers with Stealth and Infiltrate special rules. Characteristic snacks modelled onto bases. Sculpted by Dave Thomas.
-Imperial Guard Valkyrie (1 plastic model kit). Includes multi-laser and lascannon weapon options, multiple rocket pods and Hellstrike missiles, plus optional heavy bolter sponsons. Includes new clear plastic flying stand for Warhammer 40,000 vehicles. Can be fielded in squadrons of 1-3 Valkyrie Assault Carriers per Fast Attack choice. Transport capacity of 12 models. Grav Chute Insertion: embarked squads can deep strike over any point the Valkyrie moves over in its Movement phase, taking dangerous terrain tests as they land.
May 16
-Imperial Guard Cadian Battleforce. - Imperial Guard Cadian Command Squad, 20 Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troops, 3 Imperial Guard Cadian Heavy Weapons Teams, 1 Imperial Guard Sentinel.
-Imperial Guard Catachan Battleforce. -Imperial Guard Catachan Command Squad, 20 Imperial Guard Catachan Jungle Fighters, 3 Imperial Guard Catachan Heavy Weapons Teams, 1 Imperial Guard Sentinel.
-Imperial Guard Regimental Advisors (3 figure blister). Includes Officer of the Fleet, Astropath and Master of Ordnance. Can be added to Imperial Guard Command Company HQ Squad. Whilst the Officer of the Fleet is alive, your opponent must subtract 1 from all his reserves rolls. Add +1 to all reserves rolls whilst the Astropath is alive. Master of Ordnance can unleash a Strength 9, AP3 Ordnance Barrage with unlimited range if he does not move.
-Imperial Guard Lord Commissar (1 figure blister). HQ choice: leader-commissar who inspires his troops by leading from the front.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
In den unendlichen Weiten des WWW ist ein angeblicher Playtest Codex für die Tyraniden aufgetaucht. Lesen könnt ihr ihn hier, zum herunterladen müsst ihr euch anmelden.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Hier noch einmal eine ausführlichere Liste über die Fahrzeuge der kommenden IA. Ich habe sie von der GWFW.
Fast Tanks Squadron
1-3 tank squadron of any of the following:
Hellhound: 130 pts.
Tank, Fast.
Heavy Bolter, Inferno Cannon
Replace Heavy Bolter with: Flamer for free, Multi-Melta 15pts. Extra armour 15pts, Searchlight 1pts, Heavy Stubber 10pts, HK Missile 10pts, Dozer Blade 10pts.
Hellhound 3 12 12 10
Inferno Cannon Template* 6 4 Heavy 1
*Template can be placed up to 12” from the model
Banewolf: 130 pts
Tank, Fast.
Heavy Bolter, Chemical Cannon
Replace Heavy Bolter with: Flamer for free, Multi-Melta 15pts. Extra armour 15pts, Searchlight 1pts, Heavy Stubber 10pts, HK Missile 10pts, Dozer Blade 10pts.
Banewolf 3 12 12 10
Chemical Cannon Template 1 3 Poison (2+)
Devil Dog: 120 pts
Tank, Fast.
Heavy Bolter, Melta Cannon
Replace Heavy Bolter with: Flamer for free, Multi-Melta 15pts. Extra armour 15pts, Searchlight 1pts, Heavy Stubber 10pts, HK Missile 10pts, Dozer Blade 10pts.
Devildog 3 12 12 10
Melta Cannon 24 8 1 Small blast, Melta
The entire squadron can buy smoke launchers for 5 pts/mini or camo-netting for 20 pts/mini.
Valkyrie: 100pts
Skimmer, Fast, Scout, Deep Strike, Transport 12 models. May not carry Ogryns
Squadron of 1-3
Equipment and weapons: Extra Armour, Searchlight, 2 Hellstrike Missiles, Multilaser
Options: change Multilaser to Lascannons +15pts, change Hellstrike Missile for 2 Multiple Rockets Pods for +30pts, door Heavy Bolters for +10pts
“Grav Chute Insertion” – Embarked Troops may DS at any point in its movement, re-rolling scatter, but more than 12" and they take a dangerous terrain check.
Valkyrie 3 12 12 10
Hellstrike Missile 72 8 3 Ordnance 1, One use only
Multiple Rocket Launcher 24 4 6 Heavy 1, Large Blast.
Valkyrie Vendetta 130pts
Skimmer, Fast, Scout, Deep Strike, Transport 12 models. May not carry Ogryns
Squadron of 1-3
Equipment and weapons: Extra Armour, Searchlight, 3 TL Lascannons
Options: change 2 Lascannons for 2 hellfury missiles for free, heavy bolters for +10pts.
“Grav Chute Insertion” – Embarked Troops may DS at any point in its movement, re-rolling scatter, but more than 12" and they take a dangerous terrain check.
Vendetta 3 12 12 10
Hellfury Missile 72 4 5 Heavy 1, Large Blast, One use Only
Heavy Support
Leman Russ Squadron
Vehicle Squadron of 1-3 Leman Russ or Leman Russ Demolishers in any combination
Leman Russ Battle Tank: 150pts
Leman Russ 3 14 13 10
Battlecannon 72 8 3 Ordnance, Large Blast
Leman Russ Demolisher: 165pts
Demolisher 3 14 13 11
Demolisher Cannon 24 10 2 Ordnance, Large Blast
Leman Russ Exterminator: 150pts
Exterminator 3 14 13 10
Exterminator Autocannon 48 7 4 Heavy 4, Twin Linked
Leman Russ Vanquisher: 155pts
Vanquisher 3 14 13 10
Vanquisher cannon 72 8 2 Heavy 1 +1D6 penetration
Leman Russ Eradicator: 160pts
Eradicator 3 14 13 10
Eradicator Nova Cannon 36 6 4 Heavy 1, Large blast Ignores cover saves.
Leman Russ Punisher: 180pts
Punisher 3 14 13 11
Punisher Gatling Cannon 24 5 - Heavy 20
Leman Russ Executioner: 190pts
Executioner 3 14 13 11
Executioner Plasma Cannon 36 7 2 Heavy 3, small blast.
Russ options:
May exchange hull Heavy Bolter for lascannon for 15pts, may take sponsons with: heavy bolters 20pts, multi-melta 30pts, plasma cannons 40pts. Heavy Stubber 10pts, Dozer Blade 10pts, HK missile 10pts, Extra Armour 15pts. Entire squadron can take camo-netting for 20pts/model. One of the squadron tanks can be the squadron leader for 50pts.
Camo Netting improves a stationary tanks cover save by +1
Lumbering Behemoth rule - lets you fire turret weapon --any type, even ordnance-- and rest of weapons at speeds of up to 6", but cruising speed is only 6+D6" instead of 12". Being normal vehicles (not Fast) they can't fire any if they move over 6"
Artillery Squadron
1-3 models in a squadron. Same options as the LR’s. Can be enclosed for 15pts/model, and take camo-netting for 30pts/model.
Basilisk: 125pts
Open Topped.
Basilisk 3 12 10 10
Earthshaker Cannon 36-240 9 3 Ordnance , Large Blast
Medusa: 135pts
Open Topped. Can buy siege bombs for 5pts
Medusa 3 12 10 10
Medusa Cannon 36 10 2 Ordnance , Large Blast.
Medusa Bunker Buster 48 10 1 Heavy 1, Blast.
Hydra: 75pts
Camo-netting cost 20pts
Hydra 3 12 10 10
Hydra Autocannon 72 7 4 Heavy 2
It is assumed each Hydra will have multiple Hydra Autocannon (either 2 Twin Linked or 4)
It supposedly has special tracking systems that ignores cover saves for skimmers and bikes going fast etc
Colossus: 140pts
Open Topped.
Colossus 3 12 10 10
Colossus Siege mortar 24-240 6 3 Ordnance , Large Blast
*Must fire indirectly*
Griffon: 75pts
Open Topped.
Griffon 3 12 10 10
Griffon Mortar 12-48 6 4 Ordnance barrage, Large Blast
Manticore: 160pts
Manticore 3 12 10 10
Storm Eagle Rockets 24-120 10 4 Ordnance 1D3, Barrage, Large Blast
Deathstrike: 160pts
Deathstrike 3 12 10 10
Deathstrike Missile 12-unlimtd 10 1 Ordnance barrage, D3+3” Blast, one Use only
Special Rules:
- Cannot be fired on Turn 1. Each turn roll a D6, weapon can be fired on a 6. Modifiers: +1 per turn, -1 for each crew stunned or weapon destroyed results sustained. Can always be fired on the roll of a natural 6.
- Any weapon destroyed results received are ignored, the only effect they have is to delay the launch.
- Hits on vehicles in the area of the Deathstrike Missile are not calculated at half strength but at S10.
Außerdem noch eine Seite des kommenden Codex':
Und nochmal Straflegion:
Penal Legion
50 pts. 1 Penal Guard and 9 Penal Legionnaires. Lasgun & CCW. Stubborn.
Roll for their 'Crime' at start of game:
Psychos: better fighters. Not sure what this entails.
Scroungers: start with more gear. (probably grenades, maybe pistols)
Gunslingers: Shooting becomes Assault 2.
Chaosftw on Heresy online says:
Quote On a 1-2 they get extra shots (basically always count as double tapping) on a 3-4 then get fleet and furious charge, and on a 5-6 they get an extra dice when fighting in Close combat and gain RENDING.
Penal Guard 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Penal Legionnaire 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Und noch mehr, diesmal von
Basic Company Commanders are around 50pts.
Power Weapons come in at 10pts.
Officers are NO LONGER Independent Characters.
The new Advisors, Officer of the Fleet, Master of Ordnance and Astropath are around 30pts each, Sanctioned Pyskers are no longer Advisor upgrades.
Bodyguards are around 15pts and allow you to allocate two wounds which would affect their Officer against them instead.
Medics now give the unit the Feel No Pain USR.
Mogul Kamir and his unit are subject to Rage.
Sly Marbo has a Demo Charge and does indeed always wound on 2+'s in assault, he also retains his Sniper Pistol.
There is a Tank Commander upgrade, called Sergeant (?) Pasc, he gives the tank a BS of 4 and has an additional special ability against tanks and Monsterous Creatures, he costs around 50pts.
Stormtroopers are indeed 16pts each, you may pick one of three missions, Behind Enemy Lines which grants the USR Move Though Cover, Recon which grants Out Flank or Arial Assualt which gives them a reroll of scatter dice for deep strike and Valkyrie disembarks.
The Pysker Chior starts at around 60pts for an Overseer and 4 Pyskers.
Ogryns are Stubborn.
Infantry Platoons consist of, Command Section, 2-5 Infantry Squads, 0-5 Heavy Weapons Squads, 0-3 Special Weapons Squads, 0-1 Conscript Platoons
The 2-5 Infantry Squads can be marged into a single unit.
Infantry Squad come in at 50pts, weapons options come in at 5pts for Mortars, 10pts for Heavy Bolters and Autocannon, 15pts for Missile Launchers, 20pts for Lascannon, 5pts for Grenade Launchers and Flamers, 10pts for Meltaguns and 15pts for Plasma Guns.
Heavy Weapons Squads start at 60pts with 3 Mortars, and each weapon can be upgraded as follows, 5pts for Heavy Bolters and Autocannon, 10pts for Missile Launchers, 15pts for Lascannon.
Special Weapons Squads are able to take 3 Demo Charges.
Conscripts are Lasgun only units.
Commissars come in at about 35pts basic.
Veterans Squads may take Carapace, 80pts for a unit IIRC before Carapace.
Valkyrie - Multilaser, Hellstrike x2 (S8 Ordnance, but not blast) can replace with multiple rocket pods 5" Blast S4 AP5 or 6 not sure which.
Vendetta - Basic armament 3x Twin-Linked Lascannon(!)
The Heavy Sentinel may possibly also have a Multi-melta option.
Roughriders now have a Laspistol & Close Combat Weapon inaddition to their Hunting Lances - which sadly remain one use only weapons, 5 Roughriders starts at 55pts.
Leman Russ come in between 150-190pts basic depending on type, all have access to Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer (other reliable sources say no now), Multi-melta and Plasma Cannon Sponsons startingat 20pts for the cheapest option. The Executioner is the most expensive variant which with Plasma Sponsons will come in at about 230pts.
The Colossus specificly can not fire in a direct fire mode, it must fire indirectly.
Hydra has two twin-linked weapons.
Camo Netting improves a stationary tanks cover save by +1.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Momentan sammeln sich die Infos nur so. Jetzt sind auch erste konkretere Neuigkeiten zum Erweiterungsbuch Planetstrike auf Warseer aufgetaucht:
Planet Strike will supposedly come sooner than expected. I’m told July at the latest.
Rumoured rules:
In a game of Planet Strike, the Attacker/Defender split will be very important, with them possibly getting different FOCs.
Gets to place all terrain on the battlefield and picks his table edge.
He can declare Terrain to be dangerous if he wants (Mined for example) although it’s not clear how much he can do this for.
There will be buildings with mounted weapons, like armed bunkers etc. Probably, the defender will have to place all of his army.
May place some Craters to get some cover.
May move in from his table edge, Deep Strike and Outflank, similar to a "Dawn of War" Scenario.
May also get some goodies like a prepared Artillery fire on the defending units, special equipment etc.
Will most likely get first Turn.
New terrain such as a multipart plastic kit similar to the Cities of Death ruins. With enough of those you will possibly be able to build fortresses, defensive structures for tanks, or control towers, outposts etc. Also some new craters and other stuff that wasn’t expanded on.
Plastic Thunderhawk is again mentioned.
Kurz auf Deutsch:
Planetstrike erscheint spätestens im Juli
Die Unterteilung in Angreifer und Verteidiger ist wichtig, beide bekommen wahrscheinlich unterschiedliche Armeeorganisationspläne
- stellt das Gelände auf und wählt die Tischseite
- kann Gelände als gefährlich deklarieren (Ausmaß unbekannt)
- es gibt Gebäude wie Bunker mit montierter Bewaffnung, der Verteidiger muss wahrscheinlich seine ganze Armee platzieren
- kann Krater als Deckung aufstellen
- kann von seiner Tischseite aufs Feld kommen, schocken oder flankieren
- bekommt wohl Nettigkeiten wie besondere Ausrüstung oder vorbereitende Artillerieschläge
- hat wahrscheinlich den ersten Zug
- neues, mehrteiliges Plastikgelände (ähnlich Stadtkampf), aus dem man möglicherweise Festungen, Stellungen für Panzer, Kontrolltürme oder Außenposten bauen kann, außerdem neue Krater und weitere Sachen
- Plastik-Thunderhawk wurde wieder erwähnt
Und noch ein paar fraglichere Neuigkeiten, diesmal die Modelle betreffend (werde ich jetzt nicht übersetzen):
so other rumours to possibly add RE: models
Plastic Grey Knights (especially for teleporting squads as an attacking force)
Plastic Stormtroopers/Arbites Riot Squad (ST as an attacking unit, Arbites as a definate defending unit)
Rumoured early 2nd wave of IG stuff (Hydra, Leman Russ recut kit)
2nd Wave of Daemons (makes sense as they have DS as part of their deployment rules)
Land Speeder Storm (pushed up from the 2nd wave of SM)
Eldar Jetbikes
IG Vendetta conversion Kit (via Direct - as the plastic frames we have seen don't have enough weapons to make it and the Valkyrie instructions don't seem to include it)
Other possibilities (based on nothing but 'they would fit the release')
Plastic CSM Havocs
Plastic CSM Raptors
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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