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Verstehe ich das richtig: Superschwere Fahrzeuge sind immun gegen das Zerstören ihrer Waffen und Antriebe?
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A new player in the rumor wars has stepped up. MajorWesJanson on Warseer has been giving updated data dumps this week. Here is the latest, which is the sum total of Apoc rumors.
Via Major WesJanson on Warseer (the community offers its thanks kind sir)
APOCALYPSE Table of Contents and Formations
Apocalypse Book Contents
Guesses are in bold, some pages are confirmed to exist but not a definite page number, those are listed with either best guess page number with a ? or just as page ??:
5 What is Apocalypse
23 Strategic Resources
Inside 23-24? Eldar vs Chaos double gatefold
30 Strategic Assets
31 Asset Cards
32 Asset Cards
33 Asset Cards
34 Asset Cards
35 Asset Cards
36 Asset Cards
37-69 New Rules and Weapon Types
51-55 Organizing the Apocalypse
79 Baneblade
80 Banehammer
81 Banesword
82 Catachan Ambush Patrol
83 Doomhammer
84 Emperor's Fist Tank Company
85 Emperor's Talons Recon Company
86 Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company
87 Hellhammer
88 Imperial Shield Infantry Company
89 Imperial Sword Heavy Weapon Company
90 Lord Castellan's Supreme Command
91 Sanctioned Psyker Battle Elite
92 Shadowsword
93 Steel Fury Baneblade Company
94 Stormlord
95 Stormsword
96 Battle Company/ Reserve Company (Tactical/Assault/Devastator) 97 Fellblade?
98 First Company Veterans
99 Librarius
100 Masters of the Chapter
101 Prediator Assassin Squadron
102 Scout Company
103 Imperial Fists Titanhammer Squad 104 Thunderhawk?
105 The Black Rage
106 Lucifer Armoured Task Force
107 Wings of Sanguinius
108 Space Wolf Great Company
109 Space Wolf Librarius
110 Brethren of the Great Wolf
111 Wolfpack Flanking Force
112 Deathwing Redemption Force
113 Ravenwing Huntmasters
114 Brothers of the Flame
115 Dreadknight Brethren
116 Extermination Force 117 Reaver Titan? Marauder Bomber?
118? Warhound Titan
119 Cult of Destruction
120 Heldrake Fear Squadron
121 Lord of Skulls
122 Legionaire Warband
123 Lords of the Black Crusade
124 The Lost and Dammed
125 Thousand Sons War Coven
126 Tide of Spawn
127 Cohort of Blood
128 The Flaming Host of Tzeentch
129 The Great Promenade of Exquisite Excess
130 The Tallymen of Nurgle
131 Tetragon of Darkness 132?
133 Battlewagon Steamrolla Squad
134 Burna-Bommer Skwadron
135 Da Bully Boyz
136 Dread Mob 137 Big Mek Stompa?
138 Stompa 139 Gargantuan Squiggoth?
140 Green Tide 141 Battlefortress? 142 Cobra?
143 Cloudstrike Squadron
144 Farseer Council
145 The Phoenix Court of Khiane 146 Phantom Titan
147? Revenant Titan 148 Scorpion 149 Vampire?
150 Sunstorm Squadron
151 Wraithknight Dreamwalker Squad
152 Windrider Host
153 Carnival of Pain
154 Dark Olympiad
155 Kabalite Web Strike
156 Ravager Titan Hunters
157 Sickle Squadron 158 Void Dragon Phoenix? FW website blub says they frequently work with dark eldar. 159 Barbed Heirodule?
160 Carnifex Crusher Brood
161 Endless Swarm 162 Harridan? 163 Heirophant Bio Titan?
164 Living Fortress
165 Subterranean Swarm
166 Vanguard Infestation 167 Scythed Heirodule? 168 Spore Chimney?
169 Acquisition Phalanx
170 Baleful Necropolis
171 Infinite Phalanx
172? Obelisk 173 Pylon?
174? Tesseract Vault
175 The War Council of Mandragora
176? Trancendent C'tan
177 Air Superiority Wing
178 Counterstrike Cadre
179 Kroot Hunting Pack
180 Optimised Stealth Group
181 Rapid Insertion Force
182 Riptide Wing
183 Skysweep Missile Defence 184 Tigershark? 185 Tigershark AX-1-0 Mentioned in the Air Superiority Wing
?? Grand Redoubt (Apoc level Firestorm Redoubt?)
?? Macro-cannon Aquilla Strongpoint
?? Vortex Missile Aquilla Strongpoint
4 are missing still, with two possibly being the ?? Marauder Bomber (Pages 117 and 118 are tricky, as the Warhound is confirmed, the Reaver has a 2 page spread of the model, and Marauder was in the first Apoc book, but there are only 2 pages of space.) ?? Marauder Destroyer
196 Lords of the Black Crusade showcase
197 Masters of the Chapter showcase
?? Obelisk showcase
?? Necron army spread
?? Reaver Titan spread
?? Sacred Blade cutaway (spread?)
230 Ghazkulls First Invasion
231 Maps
[Armageddon Showcase]
[Armageddon Formations]
262 Heroes of Armageddon
263 Armageddon Stompa Hunters
264 Fortress of Arrogance
265 Imperial Vengeance Mechanized Company
266 Crusader Hailstorm Squadron
267 Sons of Grimaldus
268 The Legion Ascendant
269 Firestorm Nexus
270 Imperial Stronghold
271 Bikeboyz Kult of Speed
272 ?
273 ?
274 Karnage Skwadron
275 Ork Storma Elite
276 Overlord Von Strab
277 Red Skull Kommandoes
278 Stompa Mob
?? Reference pages
"With 11 distinct classes of formation, you can take your choice from the C'tan-powered Tesseract Vault to an entire Battle Company of Space Marines!"
I would guess two of the missing three are Super-heavy Fliers and Gargantuan Creatures. Not sure what the 11th could be.
There are distinct icons for various formations:
Skull inside a Cog- Superheavy Vehicle
Three Skulls over 3 Arrows- Battle Formation
Xenos Skull with Mandibles- Gargantuan Creature?
Force Organization DOES seem to exist in Apoc in some form, as the Command Tank upgrade for Baneblade and Stormsword specifies that they both become a high command formation (bonus Strategic asset?) and a HQ choice.
Each side gets a number of Strategic Assets equal to the total number of players on the largest side. Each player then chooses one, and if one side is smaller than the other, that sides "Warmaster" gets to choose the leftover objectives. Additionally, some High Command Formations and rules give a player (not side) bonus assets (which would explain why the command tank upgrade on the Baneblade is so expensive) Assets may not be duplicated on a side.
Asset Listing
Guesses/partials in bold. (63 total) Additionally, Battlezone Armageddon includes some additional assets.
Blind Barrage
Flank March
Orbital Bombardment
Precise Coordinates
Shield Generator
Supreme Headquarters
Trophy Kill
On My Coordinates
Crusade Banner Fury of the Just
Corrupt and Despoil ?? Altar
Blood Thirst
Grand Pavane
Entropic Plague
Rok 'em Boyz Stand To, Ladz!
Darkstar Warhead
Icefire Warhead
Murderous Pain Combat Stimms
?? Horror
Missing formations from Apoc 1, Reloaded, WD, and Web formations
I left out the various superheavies and formations that have been modified either into codex units (Plague of Zombies) or alternate but very similar formations (Seer council of Ulthwe, Thousand Sons Warcoven)
Missing from Apoc original:
IG Ogryn Auxila
SM Armored Spearhead
SM Suppression Force
SM Linebreaker Squadron
Eldar Aspect Assault Wave
Eldar Spirit Host
Tyranid Hive Mind Brood
Tyranid Mycetic Assault Storm
Tau Armored Interdiction Cadre
Missing from Apoc Reloaded:
IG Hellstorm Squadron
SM Ultramarines Honor Guard
SM Skyhammer Orbital Strike Force
SM Deathknell Orbital Strike Force
Orks Deffkopta Choppa Skwadron
Orks Loota Wreckin' Krew
Eldar Baharroth's Tempest
Eldar Shard of the Void Weaver
Eldar Great Court of the young King
Tyranid Genestealer Infestation
Tyranid Kraken Tendril Swarm
Tyranid Behemoth Crusher Brood
Tyranid Eye of the Hive
Tau Farstrike Battlesuit Force
Tau Firestream Piranha Wing
Necron Resurrection War Cell
Necrons Stormcaller War Cell
CSM Hounds of Huron
CSM Doombringer Annhilation Force
CSM Slaughterfiend Bloodpack
Daemons Host of the Daemonforge
Daemons Karanak's Hunt
Missing from Web/WD:
IG Bellapheron pattern Aerial Domination Force
IG Shadowsword Domination Force
IG 'Emperor's Deliverance' Rocket Battery
IG 'Mailed Fist' Tank Command
SM Hellstorm Assault Force
SM Thunderfire Defense Battery
SM Shrike's Talons
BA Deathstorm Strike Force
BA Thunderhawk Assault Force
BA Archangel Skyforce
BA Dante's Sanguine Host
BA Firestorm Strike Force
SW Sternhammers Wulfen Guard
GK Redeemer Force
GK Officio Assassinorum Execution Force
GK Extermination Strike Force
GK Crusade of Fire
Orks Trukk Konvoy
Orks Submersible
Orks Shokk Attack Battery
Orks Minelayer
Eldar Ulthwe Strike Force
Eldar Shadow Sect of Karandas
Eldar Shadow Walker Formation
Eldar Saim-Hann Serpent Squadron
Eldar Deathweaver Squadron
Tyranid Screamer Killer Brood
Tyranid Leviathan Gargoyle Swarm
Tyranid Bioshock Brood
Tyranid Tunnel Swarm
Tau Mirage Long Range Infiltration
Necrons Shroudweaver War Cell
Necrons Ghost Strider Phalanx
Necrons Triarch Lawbringer Phalanx
CSM Angron Daemon Primarch
CSM Defiler Assault Force
CSM Emperor's Children Warband
CSM Maelstrom of Gore
Daemons Bloodthirster Bloodbath
Daemons Outriders of the Brazen Host
Daemons The Brotherhood of Blood
Daemons The Changeling's Grand Dissimulation
Daemons The Fateweaver's Council of Despair
Imperium Defense Laser
SoB Purge Squadron
SoB Repenetant Host
What are the scenarios?
There's 6 in the normal part, + 3 more for warzone: Armageddon.
All armies on the same side are treated as Allies. Armies from the same codex but commanded by different players are considered battlebrothers. Armies that according to the allies matrix ally are "come the apocalypse" count each other as desperate allies. It doesnt say that you HAVE to use the allies matrix in fact it says "alternatively" for when you cant decide which players are put in which team.
FOC and Scoring Units
Biggy: No force organization chart, in fact something which I forgot to mention, ALL units are scoring, even HQ everything.
Space Wolves
What do you get bonus wise for fielding the Space Wolf Formations, ie Great Company and such?
Great Company: stubborn for all.
All models in the formation re-roll their charge moves and re-roll to hit rolls on overwatch.
x1 per game start of assault phase all within 18" of the wolf lord/Ragnar gain furious charge and fleet.
Librarius: 5 Runepristes is the same as 5 Librarians: They're a psychic choir formation (see the blog post from Loken for more info) and get a choir power. Warp charge 4, 24", S, Ap1, Heavy 1, large blast, Vortex. Vortex doesnt destroy everything like it used to, it's a normal D weapon but the blast stays on the table and scatters 2D6 each turn, on a double it disappears. In the case of this power though when it dispappears the game will start using the Seismic explosion rules as the vortex buries itself into the plant's surface.
Brethren of the Great Wolf, which contains logan, njal, ulrik, arjac, bjorn and 1 wolf guard pack. It's a high command formation, wolf guard needs to have the banner of the great wolf which within 24" all have Furios charge. Formation has fear and all space wolves on the table have stubborn. Then all characters in the formation can all do the finest hour/sons of primarch buff not just one, but all at the same turn so it's a mega strong unit for that turn.
Wolfpack Flanking Force, wolflord on wolf/canis wolfborn, 2+ thunderwolf units, 5+ fenrisian wolve packs. Acute senses, hit and run, outflank, rage and can charge in the turn they arrive from reserves
Imperial Guard
Lord Castellan's Supreme Command.
Lord Castellan Creed includes him, Kell, a company command squad and an Imperial bastion. When his unit is in the bastion he can issue orders to units anywhere on the table. The master of ordnance can make D3+1 artillery bombardments instead of 1. The formation is a high command formation, so you receive 1 extra strategic asset normally in the break, in Creed's case though you receive 2 assets.
Lords of the Black Crusade,
Lord of the Black Crusade is Abaddon and Kharn, Ahriman, Lucius, Typhus or lords with mark of khorne instead of Kharn etc. High Command Formation. They can all use the finest hour/sons of primarch at the same turn.
The planet killer: once per game you can have Abaddon's flagship start bombarding so from now on you start using the Magma Storm Unnatural Disaster table. You are the master of disaster as long as Abaddon is alive. Basically there's a table you roll on and it affects everybody, but if you're the master of disaster you're the one that begins applying the results. So if you get a result to do D3 blasts and you roll a 3, the master of disaster places the 1st one, then your opponent, then the master, so you have that advantage when you roll an odd number.
The Lost and The Damned
Lost and the Damned: 1 Dark Apostle, 6+ chaos cultist units. Gain inflitrate. After each break you can return a single unit of cultists. All cultists in the formation have feel no pain and furious charge.
Legionnaire Warband
Legionnaire Warband: When in close combat with any loyal space marine they re-roll to hit every round of combat. And if they're within 12" of loyal space marines they get fearless. That's the only rule.
Black Templars
Black templars have 2 formations in Warzone armageddon, one's for Land Raider Crusaders and the other for a company style.
Sons of Grimaldus
They all get feel no pain, all dword brethren gain fearless and hatred(orks). When charging any unit from codexrks they gain furious charge. This formation is from Warzone :Armageddon so that's why it's themed against the orcs.
Dark Eldar
Dark Eldar formations are incredibly great in my opinion. There's 5 of them. I'll detail two of them:
Ravager Titan Hunters: Armoured spearhead formation. Any ravager within 6" of the command vehicle (including the command vehicle) gets shrouded. The command vehicle has a shadow ray weapon in addition to the normal stuff. You shoot it before you shoot the rest of the dark lances. If it hits then any subsequesnt hits by any ravager in the formation will ignore the effect of Void shield, power fields AND eldar titan holo-fields. Range for the shadow ray is 36".
Dark Olympiad. 1 succubus or lelith, 0+ hekatrix bloodbrides, 2+ wyches units, 1+ hellions, 0+ beastmasters, 1+ reavers. The beastmasters and the beast gain the efffects of combat drugs. With this formation you roll twice on the combat drugs table and apply BOTH. if you have Duke Sliscus you roll 3 dice and choose 2. Whenever anything from this formation gets a pain token you can give a free extra pain token to anything within 24".
Space Marines
Thunderhawk Gunship
Thunderhawk costs 215 points less, but to get the turbo laser it's 90 points. AV is 12 12 10 (-2 from the rear) and Hull points is 9 only (would have been 12 normally). Has power of the machine spirit.
Riptide Wing contains 3+ riptides. Any riptide that shoots on a unit that another riptide has already shot at gets +1BS. Each Riptide within 6" of another riptide can re-roll Nova reactor tests.
Hierophant: is 250 points cheaper. Bio-cannon is assault 6, and he also has a 6+ inv save.
Living Fortress: 2 Hive Tyrants (can be Swarmlord), 3 Tyrant Guard, 3 Hive Guard. Feel no pain for all. Any Tyranids within synapse range of a Hive Tyrant from this formation has the preferred enemy and counter attack rules.
If they're attacked by a shooting attack they can form a Fortress of Chitin. They get shrouded and add +1 to their armour saves but the formation moves as if in difficult terrain next turn. Btw this is a High Command formation, so extra asset.
Und noch weiteres vom 40Kings:
Eldar titan holo-fields: Before rolling for damage (including the destroyer table, so yes they work vs D weapons) you roll a D6 per hit so see if it hits the titan or the holo-field image. If it moved it hits on 4+, if it didnt hits on 3+. Same thing for he revenant. Phantom is pages 146-147, revenant 148-149 if you want to update the list
Apocalypse Fortifications
The aquila strongpoint can be armed with macro cannon or vortex missile (it isnt remove everything it touches anymore although still powerful). They cost quite a bit, AV15 all sides. Macro cannon can fire in 2 way, 1st is 2 D shots large blast, 2nd apocalyptic megablast at S10/7/5 Ap1/4/6 (1st number for the 5″ at the centre, 5-10″ 2nd, 10-15″ 3rd). this shot also has a sonic boom rule, which affects flying stuff in the patch of the shell, not going to go into more detail as the mods will kick me out soon
Titan Optional Weapons
Can you please just confirm if Titans pay extra points for different weapons or as current they swap them out for free.
For old models like the reaver/phantom titans etc it’s still free to choose. Others like the tesseract vault/transcendant c’tan have to pay for their weapons, so maybe newer models will be following this example. The D weapon for the c’tan is hellstorm template, and it isnt the highest points cost ability that he gets, there’s 2 that cost more.
Is the SM Fellblade in there?
No it’s not, wished it was there too myself. Hopefully it’ll be in Forgeworld’s Imperial armour apocalypse, or maybe they could release a Warzone with heresy vehicles but with updated points for 40k apocalypse. We also dont know what’s in the 2nd Warzone book which comes with the limited edition but we’ll have to wait until next week for that.
The tesseract vault chooses 2 powers (weapons) from 6. if you deploy the transcendent C’tan on it’s own (which counts as a gargantuan creature) you choose 1 power from 3, and 2 weapon powers from 6 again. C’tan outside of vault costs more than being inside. So buying the tesseract vault to field it as the Obelisk and tanscendent c’tan is quite a bargain in my opinion as you’ed be going very close to 1k points with just 1 purchase.
1) What Titans are in the book?
Phantom, Revenant. Imperial Reaver and Warhound. Harridan and Hierophant Bio-titan for tyranids. The imperial reaver and warhound are in the warzone armageddon section, so maybe there’s some more in the limited edition warzone?
2) What about Flank March?
Use this strategic asset when an Apocalypse Formation enters play from strategic reserve. That formation may enter play from any table edge.
3) Explain how Super Heavy Vehicles work.
Structure points are removed, only Hullpoints now, but for old models 1 structure is 3 hullpoints. They’re immune to shaken/stunned/weapon destroyed/immobilised. An explode result removes an extra D3 hull points. When it loses the last hull point it always explodes, there’s a table with how bad the explosion is. Basically:
Roll a D6
1= D/4/2 AP2/4/6
2-3= D/8/4 Ap2/3/5
6=D/10/5 AP2/3/4
I’ll explain why there are so many numbers. You use the 15″ template for this. for the the inner circle (5″), 2nd circle you use 2nd (5″-10″) and last number for 10″-15″
There are some weapons that work like that aswell.
Movement 6″, walkers 12″.
4) Explain the Destroyer Weapons Table.
You roll on the table instead of rolling to wound or armour penetration. No saves of any kind (even invulnerable, Feel No Pain or Necron Reanimation Protocols) can be taken against them now.
vs vehicles D6 roll:
1= target suffers penetrating hit.
2-5 Super heavies lose D3+1 hull points, other normal vehicles suffer
Explode! result.
6= as above but D6 +6 hull points lost for super heavies.
vs non-vehicle D6 roll:
1= avoid shot
2-5 model loses D3+1 wounds (I like this as monstrous creatures can
survive 2 or 3 shots now so daemons and tyranids will be happy)
6= D6+6 wounds
The last table count for gargantuan creatures as well.
More insight into the new Apocalypse Rulebook.
Formations do not cost anything to include and they’re split into sections, which are:
Armoured Spearheads
Flyer Wings
Battle Formations (this is the old basic formation type)
High Commands
Massive fortifications
Psychic Choirs
Super-heavy vehicles/walkers/flyers and Gargantuan Creatures/Flying
Armoured Spearheads are for vehicles, there 3 formations you can do and each one gives the vehicles a special rule. For example if you place 5 predators side by side with the front forming a straight line they would be in “broadsword” formation and gain preferred Enemy.
Flying Wings are the same, just with flyers
High Commands: Models in this are treated as 1 unit, examples of this is the phoenix court of khaine where you have the avatar and the 6 phoenix lords in 1 unit, or masters of the chapter where you can have 1 chapter master, 0-1 honour guard, 4-10 captain all in 1 unit (and they cant leave even if they’re independent characters). Once per game you also can get another strategic asset per high command. They can also order an all-out attack, which makes a single unit triple it’s movement but cannot shoot or tun, but can assault.
Massive Fortifications are obviously the ones we saw, some have an AV of 15!
Psychic Choirs have a special psychic power that they can use and pool all of their warp charge points. Theres a different table instead of perils of the warp if you mess up on this power though, wont spoil everything but lets just say some big daemons can come out…
Super Heavy Vehicles can use a ram/tank shock attack called thunderblitz, has its own table, can run over models and hit vehicles hard.
Super heavy walkers cannot overwatch even against other super heavy walkers or gargantuan creatures, same applies vice versa. Walkers and gargantuan creatures have a different “stomp” attack now. They get D3 stomp attacks and each stomp is a 3″blast marker, 1st one touching the walker, then other within 3″ etc. There’s a table to decide what happens under each stomp, for example on a 6 all normal non vehicles models are removed from play so getting up close can be a bit riskier now, although the 2-5 result is a S6 ap4 hit. can stomp normal vehicles too, the 6 result is fun.
Super Heavy Flyers cannot evade and are destroyed the same way as the super heavy vehicle (not the crash and burn rules for normal flyers).
Finest Hour
Each warlord can use this once per game, it’s like a warlord trait but much more pwerful, also for that turn he’ll have a 3+ inv save and eternal warrior but if you do lose him in that turn the opponent scores 1 strategic victory point. There’s 3 tables to roll on to see what he gets. For Space marines and the chaos ones theres a table with all the different 1st founding chapters, all of them have a different ability which is a really great (it’s called Sons of the Primarch instead of the finest hour)
Divine Intervention
Another table… this one is split depending on the gods or something close for others (hive mind, greater good etc), so the emperor for imperium, gork and mork for orks etc. These events have a trigger component so for example for the imperium, it triggers when you lose half of your army, all units will then gain Furious charge and fearless and effects lasts until his next turn.
Void Shields
Void shields work differently now. Instead of the roll per structure point left you now roll for each void shield that’s collapsed and on a 5+ you regain it. You roll at the end of your turn.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Schluss mit Gerüchten, jetzt kommen die Fakten!
Die ersten Bilder sind durchgesickert:
(ziemlich weit unten)
Schaut euch mal die Divine Intervention Chart an. Da sind ein paar wirklich böse Sachen dabei!
Interessant ist auch dass Fahrzeug-Schwadronen Sonderregeln bekommen wenn sie sich in einem bestimmten Muster vorbewegen.
Irgendwie freue ich mich schon auf Samstag......
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Klingt auf jeden Fall recht interessant.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Nett. Endlich können Titanenkillerwaffen irgendwas.
Beiträge: | 403 |
Punkte: | 403 |
Registriert am: | 02.07.2008 |
Irgendwie is das zu viel für mich auf einmal. Und da mein English nicht gerade das beste ist kapier ich auch nicht so wirklich viel. Naja, bald kommt das Buch, dann werden wir´s wissen
Beiträge: | 929 |
Punkte: | 929 |
Registriert am: | 28.08.2011 |
Das mit den Titanenkillerwaffen klingt danach, daß invulnerable saves dann nicht mehr invulnerable sind. Irgendwie unlogisch. Vielleicht benennen sie den Schutzwurf in der nächsten Edition um? Die Tabelle scheint auch ziemlich krass, dann lohnt es sich mit den Pylonen nur noch auch Schwadronen zu schießen, man verschwendet ja sonst "Explodiert"-ergebnisse. Naja, mal abwarten, was im Buch tatsächlich drin steht und wie es im Context mit dem Rest aussieht.
Beiträge: | 438 |
Punkte: | 437 |
Registriert am: | 13.02.2011 |
Auch früher gab es schon Waffen, die invulnerable saves ignorierten. Und je nach Waffe und Herkunft des Wurfes kann es in de aktuellen Edition auch ohne APO noch sein.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Das schwarze Beil aus der dritten Edi. z.B., ignorierte Rettungswürfe aber nicht Rüstungen.
Aber rein logisch glaube ich sowieso nicht, dass ein persönliches Kraftfeld gegen einen orbitalen Lanzenschlag etc... schützen würde.
Ein Laserkanonentreffer ist das eine, aber wie soll es aussehen wenn ein Imperialer Kommissar mit Refraktorschild einen Makrokanonentreffer überlebt?
Ein einzelner Typ auf dem Zentralberg eines Kraters, wie in einem Anime? Neee...
Beiträge: | 403 |
Punkte: | 403 |
Registriert am: | 02.07.2008 |
Jetzt sind Gerüchte aufgetaucht, nach denen in diesem Jahr noch neue Codices für Orks und Black Templars erscheinen könnten:
via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
Now apocalypse is released there are 2 major upcoming armies
-Orks (around October)
-Black Templar (around December)
This is to represent the third war for armageddon
Now the rumor says around these months. There is a lot of room there, as it could mean pre-orders, or release dates. December is always an odd month out. The key here is that releases could be featured around famous battles and adversarial armies. This could tie in future Warzone (apocalypse) releases, and codex supplements to each other. Could Games Workshop be designing their releases to fit with the Warhammer 40k background? (my mind was just blown)
Black Templar and Orks
Earlier Today we had a rumor about Black Templar and Orks getting released. Link here
What has me excited about this type of information, is the tie ins. Armageddon being released with the Apocalypse book, could very easily tie into future codex and supplement releases. My background is Architecture, so when I see good game design, release schedules, and even what is being released all tied in and logical, I get all warm inside.
For years, codex releases have seemed all but random, more on what was out of date or needed an updated rule set. With 6th edition things have started to change. Chaos Space Marines and Dark Angels have a sinister and secret history that just was not capitalized enough with the releases. However, this was possibly the starting point for something grander. An undercurrent that had just not yet come to realization or fruition.
I am hoping that this is something we start to see in the future. There are just so many great crusades and campaigns that could be used to launch product, and set the mood of the game. If Armageddon is used as a tie in, and Orks and Black Templar (featured heavily in the campaign) are released subsequently, I can see the future.
via a good anonymous source on Faeit 212
In so far as Black Templar: They are getting a full book not a supplement. The direction of the book is on "crusades," and differentiating the Black Templar when they persecute Xenos as opposed to when they put the Witch to the sword.
They are seeing a lot of changes from their previous incarnation, and are no longer a shooting army (despite the intention of the previous book, they were received as a shooting army).
The army will have a "knights in space" kind of feel with wargear being a very big importance for the characters, and vows similar to old bretonians. The struggle there is with book keeping, but it is a pretty cool concept.
Crusade squads with their hybrid neophyte and space marine combinations are gone. Which will probably anger a lot of people without pleasing any (since in the past you could just take 0 neophytes so in essence this is just removing choices), but take it for what it's worth.
The whole "move after taking casualties" thing is gone and has been replaced with something more similar to battle trance (but less swift, and more assault oriented).
Templar point costs are down even from those of dark angels, and are designed to be balanced by their point cost, but also deliver the feeling that this is a "crusade army" that has never really felt the yoke of the codex astartes, and thus has huge companies of marines.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Und was,.. wenn der Codex Scheiße wird!
Beiträge: | 929 |
Punkte: | 929 |
Registriert am: | 28.08.2011 |
Zitat von lockeloeckchen
Und was,..wenn der Codex Scheiße wird!
Dann werden viele Leute deine BT herausfordern
Ich bleibe bei diesem Gerücht lieber vorsichtig. Die Orks tummeln sich schon lange bei den Gerüchten für Ende dieses Jahres rum, aber BT sind erst seit ein paar Wochen im Gespräch. Des weiteren gibt es auch Gerüchte die besagen, dass mit Erscheinen des neuen SM Codex es viele Erweiterungen geben soll, so wie jetzt mit den Eldar und den Tau.
Vielleicht wird GW aber auch mehr Mini-Codizes rausbringen demnächst, und zwar indem sie für diese wieder zu Softcover wechseln. Was dafür spricht ist dass es den Codex Eldar inzwischen als Softcover Codex in ein paar neue Sprachen gibt (chinesisch, russisch und polnisch). Wahrscheinlich sind bei Softcover schon kleinere Auflagen rentabel. Dies könnt in Nottingham, mit ein wenig Glück, Projekte wie einst den Codex Armageddon wieder ins Leben rufen.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Für Apokalypse sollen ja jetzt auch regelmäßig Erweiterungen als "Battlefields" erscheinen. Das erste ist im Grundregelwerk enthalten (Armageddon), in der Sammleredition lag das zweite auch schon mit drin. Das soll in diesem Jahr dann auch noch einzeln erscheinen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Es gibt neue Gerüchte zu GW's Mystery Box. Neben den alten Gerüchten, dass uns dieses Jahr eine Neuauflage von Blood Bowl oder Warhammer Quest erwartet, ist jetzt ein neues Spiel in der Gerüchtelandschaft aufgetaucht. Die Rede ist von einer Mischung aus Necromunda und Inquisitor:
Warhammer 40k: Inquisition
Inquisition is designed for 2-4 players and each side will use custom cards and dice. Army sizes consist of about 5-10 models per side. A whole new set of models drawn from Blanche artwork will accompany. The game should be flexible as you can make and design your own Inquisitorial retinue. As for rules complexity that is anyone’s guess, but the general marketing goal for Inquisition is a gateway game into the greater Warhammer 40k universe.
Beyond that GW, seems to be taking cues from Kickstarter projects like Sedition Wars and home-brewed rules like Inq28 for Inquisitor. This also might not end up as a limited edition run, but that all depends on sales, and if any support is continued will be done through digital expansions and updates.
Das Spiel hört sich für mich sehr toll an, aber ich persönlich würde nicht auf dieses Gerücht wetten. Zuerst einmal ist die Quelle (Blood of Kittens) mir nicht so sehr als Quell der Wahrheit bekannt, und zum zweiten ist die Idee ein neues Spieles, mit fortlaufendem Support nicht sehr glaubhaft, wenn man bedenkt wie es den GW Specialist Games ergangen ist.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Sehe ich ebenso. Das einzige, was das Ganze glaubhafter macht, ist die vor längerer Zeit erschienene Liste mit Sachen, die ab 2013 Q3 erscheinen sollen. Darin sind einige Dinge gelistet, die wunderbar zu diesem Gerücht passen würden.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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