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Euer Forenadministrator Eversor
DA? Solche Ketzer kommen mir nicht in den Fang!^^
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Du wirst schon sehen!
Beiträge: | 67 |
Punkte: | 67 |
Registriert am: | 21.09.2010 |
Von BoLS: Jes Goodwyn wurde etwas befragt und gab neue Infos zu den DE und anderen möglichen Releases.
I had a chance to have a chat with Jes Goodwin today and got some more info regarding DE release schedule.
He said that they will have 90% of the Dark Eldar models in the Codex released by June next year, so no more than 7 months.
Basically people have waited so long for this release and as it looks set to be so popular he wanted to get everything out quickly.
There are 4 new plastic kits coming next year, he wouldn't say exactly what they were but that the Venom is definitely coming soon and they have models for both flyers listed in the Dex on ready to go (but he wouldn't confirm if these were part of the 90%).
He said that the models which would take longer were the special characters, so these may form the missing 10% which means we have a lot of new models coming soon.
He is still working on a few bits, something he wants to do is have Haemonculi passengers/hangers on the Raider but isn't sure how best to do that.
The Wych passengers/hangers on for the Raider will be included in the plastic Venom kit, but there isn't another suitabe release to make up Haemonculi equivalents.
He also said that now that rapid prototyping and CAD technology has progressed the design team can use 2 ups instead of 3 ups which means that making larger apocolypse style kits (Stompa and Baneblade) in plastic is now more possible.
This means that they are currently working on one of these types of kits as the sales for the Stompa etc were very good, but wouldn't say whether they had decided on what this would be, although I got the impression he wanted it to be Eldar.
Talking of Eldar he said that producing the Dark Eldar had fired up his enthusiasm for a new Craftworld Eldar Codex and models, and he has lots of ideas for this. However this hasn't even started yet so a new Eldar Codex is a long way off.
He is still trying to work out how best to tackle plastic Sisters of Battle but they are still being problematic.
He also mentioned that he would love to produce an Ad Mech Codex but said it would be very unlikely for GW to produce it as there isn't room in the range for them at the moment. However he said it was possible that Forge World would do them at some point, and his take on the concept was "Vampire Counts in space". In other words Necromancers and zombies, which sounds cool.
- 90% der DE-Minis sollen bis Juni 2011 erschienen sein.
- Nächstes Jahr kommen 4 Plastikbausätze, wobei die Schattenviper bald kommen soll. Auch für die beiden Flieger soll es Bausätze geben, wobei die Zugehörigkeit zu den 90% unklar ist.
- BCM brauchen wohl etwas länger.
- Es soll Bitz wie hängende Haemonculi für Barken geben, Hagashin sind bei der Schattenviper dabei.
- Durch Fortschritte bei CAD braucht man nur noch 2Ups und kann leichter größere Modelle (wie Baneblades) bauen.
- Er hat viele Ideen für die Eldar, jedoch wird am Codex noch nicht gearbeitet.
- An den Plastik-Sororitas wird gearbeitet, dies ist jedoch nach wie vor problematisch.
- Er würde gerne einen Codex AdMech machen, diesen wird jedoch GW wohl nicht genehmigen. Evtl. wird jedoch etwas von FW kommen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
GW hat mal wieder gepennt and anscheinend eine Seite zu früh hochgeladen. Jedenfalls konnte man heute für kurze Zeit schon einmal den Stormraven betrachten, der anscheinend im Februar zusammen mit dem neuen Furioso und der Streitmachtsbox BA erscheinen soll:
Edit: Ich bin von dem Modell nicht so begeistert, es sieht irgendwie nach einem Backstein mit Stummelflügeln aus...
Edit 2: Hier noch der dazu gehörende Text:
“Over the next few pages, we will be taking a look at how to paint the Blood Angels Stormraven Gunship, including how to weather the vehicle and paint the interior detail. A great addition and centrepiece model for any Blood Angels army, this will be an invaluable guide to help you get the most from this fantastic kit.
Death from Above
The Stormraven Gunship is an incredibly versatile craft, able to fulfill the roll of orbital dropship, armoured transport and strike aircraft in a way that few, or indeed any, ships could hope to match. The Stormraven ensures that the Blood Angels remain undisputed masters of the skies, as dominant in the air as their troops are on the ground. Smaller and nimbler than the more cumbersome Thunderhawk Gunships, the Stormraven’s compact hull and vectored thrusters enable it to operate at maximum efficiency in all but the densest terrain. A Stormraven can often be seen hurtling straight into the heart of the enemy forces, unleashing its considerable arsenal in a terrifying display of firepower, before disgorging a squad, Dreadnought, or even both, into the thick of the fighting.
On the tabletop
With its potent firepower, speed and transport capacity, the uses of a Stormraven on the battlefield are myriad, but its role of choice is as an unparalleled assault vehicle. With a huge variety of weapon options, and no less than four tank-busting Bloodstrike Missiles, both enemy infantry and vehicles alike fear drawing the attention of its guns. A transport capacity of 12 combined with the ability to safely carry a Dreadnought to battle as well certainly proves the Stormraven to be a transport vehicle of the very finest quality. This unique combination of speed, firepower and transport capacity means that a Stormraven can support any tactical preference, so there is always a place for it in any Blood Angels army.
Nick: A Stormraven will be the focal point of your army, so it’s well worth giving it a lot of attention when painting it. These techniques can effectively be applied to any other vehicles in your Blood Angels army too, so keep this in mind and you will have a great looking fleet of vehicles in no time. I painted this Stormraven to match the battleforce that I painted for the Blood Angels army workshop in February 2011′s White Dwarf; it’s part of the 3rd Company, in keeping with the rest of the models. As a personal touch, I’ve weathered the model to appear heavily battle worn, but if you wish to keep your vehicle in pristine condition, skip page 6 and you’ll have an immaculate vehicle, fresh as if at the beginning of a campaign.”
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ähhh... OK... ist das die Rettungskapsel vom Thunderhawk??? also da gefällt mir das Teil von Forgewold ja Besser!!! Aber die Kiddis werden es dennoch Kaufen.
Mfg der Terrorbär
Beiträge: | 1.877 |
Punkte: | 1.877 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
Nein, das ist ein Baby Thunderhawk... gerade frisch geschlüpft und wenn es groß ist, dann darf es auch eine bessere Bewertung kriegen als : Ach ist der süß.
Beiträge: | 461 |
Punkte: | 461 |
Registriert am: | 22.02.2009 |
Könte auch von orks zusammen gebaut sein.
da hätte warseinlich ein landreider mit flügeln besser ausgesehen.
Beiträge: | 355 |
Punkte: | 355 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
Das kommt wohl dabei herraus wenn ein Rhino und ein Thunderhawk einen Unfall bauen und sich ineinander verhaken.
Das mit dem Türmchen oben drauf sieht für mich zu sehr nach Eldar aus und die Flügel hängen viel zu weit hinten. Ich bin zwar kein Luft- und Raumfahrt-Ingenieur, aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher dass diese Flügelposition nicht sehr gut gewählt ist.
Naja, dann fallen die halt wie Steine vom Himmel.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Also ich habe das Bild einem guten Bekannten gezeigt und der ist Pilot (und Warhammer 40k Spieler ^^) und sein Kommentar dazu:
"Das Ding ist weder Flug- noch Kampffähig. Der muss schneller als ein Spaceshuttle beim Start fliegen damit es oben bleibt, dazu ist es noch hässlich und sieht aus wie ein Orkflieger. Ich würde gerne sehen wie es fliegt, ich schätze im 90° Winkel abwärts oder es hebt nicht mal ab."
Ich finde der Turm ist total unnötig, da er nur Angriffs und nicht Verteidigungszwecken dient. Setz dich mit einem Jäger dahinter und das Teil ist hinüber.
Beiträge: | 461 |
Punkte: | 461 |
Registriert am: | 22.02.2009 |
Das Teil hat übrigens schon den Spitznamen "Chibihawk" abbekommen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Genial, das wird abgespeichert.
Beiträge: | 403 |
Punkte: | 403 |
Registriert am: | 02.07.2008 |
mehr braucht man dazu nicht zu sagen
Beiträge: | 461 |
Punkte: | 461 |
Registriert am: | 22.02.2009 |
Um aber nicht nur einen Einzeiler zu haben, laut Warseer scheinen die Chibis per WD auch für andere Orden zugänglich gemacht zu werden. Außerdem soll es im Laufe des kommenden Jahres noch weitere Flieger für die verschiedenen Fraktionen geben.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
eine landungskapsel mit flügel
Beiträge: | 683 |
Punkte: | 683 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
Von Blood of Kittens gibt es massig Gerüchte zu den kommenden Grey Knights. Aufgrund der späten Stunde poste ich allerdings nur den Originaltext:
Teil 1:
1. GK codex WILL NOT have inducted units. Allies are effectively gone!
2. If it has boobies it will not be in the GK codex if has man parts it will be in this dex. That means Penitent Engines, Argo flagellants, Priests are in.
3. GK and GKT have plastic kits and will be troop choices.
4. Release Date is March-May window.
5. The Stormraven is in (duh) and along with Penitent Engines are currently the only two Fast Attacks slots in the dex.
6. Look for HQs changing the FoC around
7. GW will not take away your toys meaning if you bought 50 Imperial Storm Troopers they will have a place in the GK codex
8. Assassins are in as an Elite slot and any type of GK army can take them.
Let us start with the mundane stuff
GKs are Space Marines they do not have Fearless or Stubborn they have Combat Tactics and They Shall Know No Fear
GKs only vehicles options are Land Raiders, Razorbacks, Rhinos, Chimera and Stormraven. All GK vehicles are immune to Shaken and Stunned. Stormraven is not a dedicated Transport.
GKs do not get Bikes, Jump Packs, or Chaplains
All GKs are psyker and their powers act very much in the same way as Psyker Battle Squad.
GKs will not have access to most Vanilla Marine Gear especially Heavy Weapons and Special Weapons (No Melta Spamming)
Let us get down to some specifics
Brother-Captain Stern has Eternal Warrior and his attacks can remove models from play.
The Grand Master gives out special abilities to GK units (Not USRs) We are talking weapon upgrades and minor wargear bonuses.
All GKs cause Deep Striking units to mishap if placed within 6 inches of any Grey Knight unit.
All GKs Nemesis Force Weapons are Force Weapons and no longer Str 6.
Unlike the Archon’s court from the Dark Eldar Codex Henchman + Witchhunter rejects are Elite slots. These Squads can be mixed and have many options. For instance the Warrior can get Storm Shields and power weapon. Henchman act more like Beast Master Squads than the Archon’s Court.
Henchman include everything Daemonhosts, Death-Cult Assassins, Argo flagellants, Priests, Stormtroopers, Warriors
Holocaust is now 12 inch large blast
Mystic is now only a teleport homer
All GK vehicles are immune to Shaken and Stunned (Sacred Hull). Stormraven is not a dedicated Transport. All GK vehicles are psykers with LD 10
Blessed is now a vehicle psychic power that picks one facing and raises the AV by 2 to a max of 14
GKs have access to GK Command Squads giving them access to Apothecaries (FNP)
Vindicare has unlimited ammo for all special shots.
Teil 2:
Glad you guys could make it! Now it is time for the real good stuff. Let us not dilly dally! If people take these rumors and run just mention where ever you post them where you got them from that is all I ask!
GKs have access to many weapon upgrades.
GKs can pay for + str or rending for their storm bolters
Grand Masters give D3 special powers to Grey Knight units. Things like Digital Weapons, Master Crafted weapons, Wolf Standard, but with GK names.
Psycannon is Str 7 rending ap 4 either can fire 2 shots moving or 4 shots standing still.
Incenerator Str 5 ap 4 rending
Callidus Assassin = Long Fangs and Lootas no more. Works like Lictors/Marbo drops a str 4 ap 2 large blast when enters play and can still use the Neural Shredder which is now Str 8 ap 2.
The other Assassin are just updated versions of their old selves with the Culexus especially devastating to Psykers.
Their are three special character Inquisitors at least one will make Henchman Troop choices.
One GKs Special character will make Purgation Squads Troops (yes you heard that right) you can spam psycannons all you want.
One GK Special Character can take cheap termies talking Chaos Space Marine Terminator Cheap.
Grey Knights are “around” Plague Marine Cost
GKT are “around” vanilla marine termy cost.
Nemesis Force Weapons can be upgrade as well (increase initiative is one option).
Grey Knights do get a MC a cross between a Talos and Karamazov Elite choice. The plastic kit is done on this one so expect it with GK launch.
Dreadnoughts are Heavy Support.
GKT can mix and match Nemeis Force Weapons and TT/SS and get psy weapons as well.
Any GK unit can once per game gate of infinity with no deviation in the movement face and can shoot, but not assault. This could still be changed to become the new Grey Knight Teleport Attack and moved to Fast Attack slot.
Fluff– All GKs are subservient to the Inquisition beck and call. The drivers of GK vehicles are the Psykers not the vehicles themselves.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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