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Es gibt wieder etwas zu den Grey Knights:
Von Heresy Online etwas zu den Gussrahmen:
Normally i dont post such thing, but i handled the spure of the plastic grey knights
Seems that there getting a new backpack for extra psyhic abilities (guessing from the look)
Two psycannon on the spur,
with a new marines assualt cannon of some sort
NFW in the shape of a hammer, and lots of swords and halberds.
sergent seems not to have a helmet.
lots of wrist mounted stormbolters.
Cant recall if incindators with the spur.
Hope that helps some questions
Und etwas zu den Regeln von Warseer:
They will not get bogged down and there is two versions of the dredknight (=cybot) as i have read the first option will run ya 130pts with a gatling psycannon (heavy 12), and a heavy incinerator gun (fires like a hellhound) and its armed with two dred cca. the second is a dred same as above but also armed with a jump jet which will run 205pts and can move 12" then once per game it can boost to move 30" but may not assault afterwards.
as reguarding the rumors with upping the armor value that is not going to happen although there is a power that allows the vehicle to negate crew stunned and crew shaken.
Zitat von stinger989
....there are no more stormtroopers in the codex except for as a inquisitorial henchmen. There is a way to get 2 wound terminators as troops in the codex rocking a 4++ and all basic grey knight troops come with a storm bolter and nemesis force weapon that counds as a power weapon but no bouns to strength and are all psy.
two psy powers they can use
hammerhand- justicar doubbles strength after modifications so is str 10
?- forget the name but test as a squad and then their storm bolters become str 5 for the turn.
they are going to be an elite army but if you run all troops you can get 60+ in a 2000pt list so really not that shabby.
there is ways to move units around for the FOC and other simillar shenanigans.
take as you want.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ein Cybot mit jetpack als Sprungtruppe ja ne is klar... GW fällt aber auch nix mehr ein... Da bin ich mal gespannt ob sich das bewahrheitet!
MfG der Terrorbär
Beiträge: | 1.877 |
Punkte: | 1.877 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
gatling psycannon (heavy 12)
Ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Edi: schwere Bolter (heavy 50).
In letzter Zeit tendiert GW leicht zur Übertreibung.
Ich meine bei seltenen super schweren Sachen wie der Vulgan Mega Bolter ist es in Ordnung, aber das wird langsam etwas zu inflativ.
Beiträge: | 403 |
Punkte: | 403 |
Registriert am: | 02.07.2008 |
Von BoLS gibt es Nachschub bei den Gerüchten:
Grenades - ALL Grey Knights (even the Termys) are said to have frag & krag, as well as the return of some old chestnuts from the days of yore such as blind and psych-out options ~no idea on what those would do.
Eversor Assassin - This guy is said to get +d6 attacks on the charge, and comes equipped with 2+ poison equipment. ~YIKES, I hope he still blows up when he dies.
GK Librarians - Here is where it gets good. We've heard that a wider array of Librarian Ranks are available, some allowing over 2 powers per turn to be used ~Eat your heart out Eldrad! Some of the reported powers included crazy stuff like:
-the lowering of a target unit's toughness! ~Think of what that means for the T:3 races!
-a "Stealth Kustom Force Field" that hands out the USR to all nearby friendlies.
-an "Inverse Gate" to yank a friendly unit from wherever, to right near the libby.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Brückenkopf hat heute ein Bild des "Backsteins" veröffentlicht:
Außerdem ist ein Bild für einen neuen Cybot mit BA-Teilen (Furioso und Scriptor) verfügbar:
Die Bilder sind zwar unscharf, aber man kann auch eine Front für einen Todeskompaniecybot erkennen. Wird Jens sicherlich gefallen.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Auch wenn der Chibihawk erst teilweise gebaut ist, fertig dürfte er in der vorgesehenen Bauweise dennoch nicht besser aussehen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Hier ist von Warseer eine Aufstellung der nächsten Dark Eldar Miniaturen, die laut den Gerüchten im April erscheinen:
Here is a list of what Hastings has confirmed (definitely more to come, on the metal side anyway).
Plastic Kits
Talos and Cronos box.
Voidraven and "other aircraft" box (I'm assuming the Razorwing).
Metal Kits
Clawed Fiends.
Razorwing Flocks.
Außerdem gibt es noch ein verpixeltes Bild der Bestienmeister, das "aus versehen" kurz auf der GW-Homepage erschien.
[attachment=0]DE Beastmasters..jpg[/attachment]
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
GW hat im aktuellen Newsletter den Codex Grey Knights für den April angekündigt.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Auf Brückenkopf sind jetzt auch neue, bessere Bilder des neuen BA-Cybots Gussrahmen aufgetaucht.
Macht auf mich einen ganz guten Eindruck.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Und wieder sind auf BK Gussrahmenbilder aufgetaucht, diesmal vom Stormraven:
Besonders interessant finde ich das dritte Bild, denn dort sind zwei Sturmkanonen sowie zwei Boltersysteme zu sehen, die so nirgends am fertigen Stormraven zu sehen sind. Waffenoptionen?
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ja der Storm Raven hat laut BA Codex die option die Sync. Schwere Bolter durch Multi Melter oder Typhoon Raketenwerfer zu ersetzen... und die Sync. Sturmkanone durch Laserkanone oder Plasmakanone und zusätzlich kann er noch ein Hurricane Boltersystem bekommen. Ich fänd es Super wenn das auch alles in der Box wäre und ich denke das entspricht der GW veröffentlichung der letzten Zeit wo so ziemlich alle optionen mit in den Boxen sind.
Mfg der Terrorbär
Beiträge: | 1.877 |
Punkte: | 1.877 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
Es gibt ein paar neue Bilder zu den Blood Angels:
Und dann noch der Chibihawk:
Letzterer soll übrigens 52€ kosten. Meiner Meinung nach sieht er hier schon besser aus als auf den Promobildern.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
habe heute beim Spieletag im GW Laden den Chibihawk Live gesehen und muss zugeben das mir das Model doch sehr zu sagt... einzig schade finde ich das der Magna Greifer für die Cybothalterung nur angedeutet ist da hätte GW sich mehr einfallen lassen können... ansonsten würde ich ihn so wie er da stand auch durchaus kaufen... es sind auch wirklich alle waffenoptionen im Bausatz enthalten. Ausserdem sollen wohl die Kompletten Regelen des Chibihawk im nächsten WD abgedruckt werden um anderen SM Spielern Inoffziel die möglichkeit zum einsatz zu geben... offiziel bekommen ihn im Codex aber nur BA und DJ.
Mfg der Terrorbär
Beiträge: | 1.877 |
Punkte: | 1.877 |
Registriert am: | 05.06.2008 |
Im Sommer sollen ja Flieger erscheinen. Hier gibt es jetzt erste Gerüchte von Warseer:
SM here, I debated posting anything, but some others have persuaded me. I have just a few things for the rumored summer of fliers I first mentioned here.
Still rumored as July wd rule set
Apoc style rules, strafing/bombing runs, rapid insertion/extraction, special missions, dogfighting?
Thunder hawk is NOT likely
Codex based releases...
Dark eldar raven
Eldar night wing?
Ig hydra
Nid harpy
Non codex releases...
Ig thunderbolt
Csm hell blade
Tau remora
No necron release?
Ork fighta/bomma
No SM release?
Suspected non codex releases will only be rules...models already FW...
Necrons may get something with their codex.
Raven/night wing likely to be combined kit.
So that's pretty limited, 3 kits and wd rules. But it sounds like it's in the typical wheelhouse.
Probably disappointing news to many, but in light of some of the other speculation running I decided to put some info out.
Außerdem hier noch einmal eine Zusammenfassung der aktuellen GK-Gerüchte von TheHogsofWar:
Here is the latest on the new Grey Knights from Dakka and Warseer -
Confirmed for April from Games Workshop
LOTS of new independent characters, and tons of new Grey Knight fluff.
Talk places this codex at the new extreme of "elite" armies, in the 40k metagame diametrically opposed to horde type play.
GK codex WILL NOT have inducted units. Allies are effectively gone!
GK and GKT have plastic kits and will be troop choices.
GKs are Space Marines they do not have Fearless or Stubborn they have Combat Tactics and They Shall Know No Fear
GKs will not have access to most Vanilla Marine Gear especially Heavy Weapons and Special Weapons (No Melta Spamming)
All GKs cause Deep Striking units to mishap if placed within 6 inches of any Grey Knight unit.
All GKs Nemesis Force Weapons are Force Weapons and no longer Str 6.
Grey Knights do get a MC a cross between a Talos and Karamazov Elite choice. The plastic kit is done on this one so expect it with GK launch.
Any GK unit can once per game gate of infinity with no deviation in the movement face and can shoot, but not assault. This could still be changed to become the new Grey Knight Teleport Attack and moved to Fast Attack slot.
There are no more stormtroopers in the codex except for as a inquisitorial henchmen. There is a way to get 2 wound terminators as troops in the codex rocking a 4++ and all basic grey knight troops come with a storm bolter and nemesis force weapon that counds as a power weapon but no bouns to strength and are all psy.
The GK codex has been finalized and is currently at the printers.
What I can say is that there aren't Ecclesiarchy units in Codex: Grey Knights. There are no Penitent Engines, though something similar is there and I didn't see Arco-Flagellants anywhere
Grenades - ALL Grey Knights (even the Termys) are said to have frag and krag, as well as the return of some old chestnuts from the days of yore such as blind and psych-out options ~no idea on what those would do.
Force Organization Chart:
Look for HQs changing the FoC around
GKs do not get Bikes, Jump Packs, or Chaplains
Unlike the Archon’s court from the Dark Eldar Codex Henchman + Witchhunter rejects are Elite slots. These Squads can be mixed and have many options. For instance the Warrior can get Storm Shields and power weapon. Henchman act more like Beast Master Squads than the Archon’s Court.
GKs have access to GK Command Squads giving them access to Apothecaries (FNP)
GKs can pay for + str or rending for their storm bolters
Psycannon is Str 7 rending ap 4 either can fire 2 shots moving or 4 shots standing still. This contradicts the below, so likely one of the two rumors;
From StickMonkey:
Corrected Psycannon profile
24" A3 AP3 S6, no invul saves, pinning test for units or models with psykers.
or 36" H1 AP4 S5 5" blast, no invul saves, no cover saves. (does not cause psyker pinning)
Incenerator Str 5 ap 4 rending
Nemesis Force Weapons can be upgrade as well increased initiative is one option.
Q2: What are the possible Troops choices in the Codex?
A: Power Armored Grey Knights and the aforementioned Terminators.
Psy Powers:
Lots of all new psychic powers all around, including Grey Knight Vehicles who are said to be difficult to stop.
All GKs are psyker and their powers act very much in the same way as Psyker Battle Squad.
Holocaust is now 12 inch range large blast
Hammerhand- justicar doubbles strength after modifications so is str 10
?- forget the name but test as a squad and then their storm bolters become str 5 for the turn.
Characters/Special Characters:
Brother-Captain Stern has Eternal Warrior and his attacks can remove models from play.
The Grand Master gives out special abilities to GK units (Not USRs) We are talking weapon upgrades and minor wargear bonuses.
Grand Masters give D3 special powers to Grey Knight units. Things like Digital Weapons, Master Crafted weapons, Wolf Standard, but with GK names.
Their are three special character Inquisitors one of which will make Henchman Troop choices.
One GKs Special character will make Purgation Squads Troops (yes you heard that right) you can spam psycannons all you want.
One GK Special Character can take cheap termies talking Chaos Space Marine Terminator Cheap.
Yep cortez can make henchmen troops, so you can get stormtroopers but they are now bs3 and not nearly as good. crusaders with a marine cost and coming with a pw and ss is much more attractive.
Cortez-the inquisitor if my memory serves me right has a power that makes all henchmen units get a power that makes all deamons re-roll inv saves if within 6" of the unit so deamons are gonna have a very tough time vs gk
GK Librarians - Here is where it gets good. We've heard that a wider array of Librarian Ranks are available, some allowing over 2 powers per turn to be used ~Eat your heart out Eldrad! Some of the reported powers included crazy stuff like:
-the lowering of a target unit's toughness! ~Think of what that means for the T:3 races!
-a "Stealth Kustom Force Field" that hands out the USR to all nearby friendlies.
-an "Inverse Gate" to yank a friendly unit from wherever, to right near the libby.
Speaking of Inquisitors, they are said to reflect the entirety of the Inquisition (whatever that means), as opposed to the previous codex's "Daemonhunters" focus.
As you would imagine from #2 above a lot of units from the current Daemonhunters codex are missing. Daemonhosts, DeathCult Assassins, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers are all supposedly being wrapped into the Inquisitor's retinue options along with all the old favorites. These retinue units have many, many, exotic options (said to easily outstrip the Dark Eldar Archon's retinue options).
Mystic is now only a teleport homer
Henchman include everything Daemonhosts, Death-Cult Assassins, Argo flagellants, Priests, Stormtroopers, Warriors
the other real winner for henchmen are the humans that come with bolters for 5pts or storm bolters for 7pts at bs 3
Vindicare has unlimited ammo for all special shots.
Assassins are in as an Elite slot and any type of GK army can take them.
Callidus Assassin = Long Fangs and Lootas no more. Works like Lictors/Marbo drops a str 4 ap 2 large blast when enters play and can still use the Neural Shredder which is now Str 8 ap 2. T
The other Assassin are just updated versions of their old selves with the Culexus especially devastating to Psykers.
Vindicare assassin is 0-3 and have the special rounds that are quite nasty---BS 8
4d6+rend vs. armor
wound on a 2+
Take inv save away for the rest of the game (One of the weaker rumors, take as you wish)
Loses his night fight rule but still has stealth.
The vindicare does retain his ability to Target models inside units.
Eversor Assassin - This guy is said to get +d6 attacks on the charge, and comes equipped with 2+ poison equipment. ~YIKES, I hope he still blows up when he dies.
Grey Knights:
Grey Knights are around Plague Marine Cost
Q1: How many points are the "standard" Grey Knights in the Codex?
A: Five points more than a Grey Hunter, but this person expects that people will mostly be using the Terminators as Troops who cost as much as a vanilla Terminator.
Grey Knight Terminators:
GKT can mix and match Nemesis Force Weapons and TH/SS and get psy weapons as well.
Grey Knights will be see the return of the 2 wound terminator. These new elite terminators will have 2 wounds and FNP and access to all the upgrades and options of all GKT in the codex. To make things more interesting one special character can make these terminators troop choices. What remains to be seen is if they will get Eternal Warrior…
They will not get bogged down and there is two versions of the dredknight as i have read the first option will run ya 130pts with a gatling psycannon (heavy 12), and a heavy incinerator gun (fires like a hellhound) and its armed with two dred cca. the second is a dred same as above but also armed with a jump jet which will run 205pts and can move 12" then once per game it can boost to move 30" but may not assault afterward. (One of the weaker rumors, take as you wish)
Dreadnoughts are Heavy Support.
There is a unit in the codex called a "Dreadknight" which is basically a psychically-infused super-terminator that counts as a monstrous creature. It looks sort of like a penitent engine but better. It has a Dreadnought CCW, lots of wounds and 2+ save.
That's because the GK aren't getting a new dread, that rumour is incorrect, It's actually a walker type machine piloted by a GK termie for killing GD
Stormraven is a GO! It is also said to fulfill a critical role in the codex with the Grey Knight infantry having little access to "traditional" heavy and special weapons found in other Marine books.
The Stormraven is in (duh) and along with Penitent Engines are currently the only two Fast Attacks slots in the dex.
GKs only vehicles options are Land Raiders, Razorbacks, Rhinos, Chimera and Stormraven.
All GK vehicles are immune to Shaken and Stunned (Sacred Hull). Stormraven is not a dedicated Transport. All GK vehicles are psykers with LD 10
Q3: How does the Stormraven differ from the one in Codex: Blood Angels?
A: It's a Fast Attack choice, has a different weapon upgrade and the pilots are psykers (which I took to mean that the Stormraven could either cast or benefit from psychic powers).
A lot of these rumors are probably going to be in the final version as close as we are to release, but a few just seem to far out there (flying dreadnaught with a 30" move?)
All in all I am really excited about this codex and can't wait to hear more on it.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Es gibt eine neue Zusammenfassung der GK-regeln von Warseer:
Army Wide Rules:
Aegis: Psykers targeting a squad with Aegis suffer -1 Ld. Psykers within 12" of a dreadnought with Reinforced Aegis suffer -4 Ld.
And They Shall Know No Fear
Combat Squads
Psyker Pilots
Brotherhood of Psykers
Psyker Mastery Levels: Character can use 1 psychic power per turn for each level (so 2 powers per turn at level 2).
Preferred Enemy: Demons
Nemesis Force Halberds: +1 Initiative.
Psycannon: Str 7 AP 4 36" Assault 2/Heavy 4, Rending
Incinerator: Str 5 AP 4 Template, Rending
Psychic Powers:
Hammer Hand: +1 strength in Close Combat
Warp Quake: Any deepstriking unit that lands within 12" suffers automatic mishap.
Holocaust: S5 AP - Large Blast 12"
Unknown: Unit becomes Initiative 10
Warp-Rift: Template that auto removes models from play
The Summoning: A single friendly unit that is anywhere on the table is placed within 6" of the librarian and counts as deepstriking.
Smite: As C:SM
Might of Titan: Beginning of librarians assault phase. Unit within 6" gains +1 str and extra D6 armour pen vs vehicles. Bonus is cumulative with hammerhand.
The Shrouding: Opponents shooting phase. All units within 6" gain stealth (minimum 5+ cover in the open).
Mind Blades: Start of any assault phase. One enemy unit within 6" loses 1 toughness for the rest of the assault phase.
Vortex of Doom: As C:SM
Sanctury: Enemy assault phase. Enemy units wishing to assault any Grey Knight within 12" of librarian must make a difficult AND dangerous terrain test.
Psychic Communion (Grandmaster and Captain only): Take a psychic test. If passed, you may modify any reserve rolls by + or -1.
Heroic Sacrafice (Champion only): During any assault phase and when the "chaplain" dies. If the psychic test is passed, make one attack against any one model that is in base to base with the champion. If the attack hits, the model is removed as a casualty with no saves. If it misses, there is no effect.
Cleansing Flame (Purifiers only): Start of any assault phase. All enemy models that are part of the same assault suffer a wound on a 4+ before any blows are struck with saving throws allowed. Casualties count towards combat resolution.
Astral Aim (Purgation Squad only): Shooting Phase. Unit and attached characters may fire at any unit in range and regardless of line of sight. Target automatically gets a 4+ cover save that cannot be modified.
Reconstruction (techmarines only): Beginning of techmarine's movement. Re-roll any repair roll.
Fortitude (Vehicle only): At the start of Grey Knight player's turn, removes any shaken or stunned results.
Zone of Banishment(Captain Stern only): During Stern's assault phase. All models (friend and foe, but NOT stern) within 6" make a strength test or are removed from play. Demons must re-roll successful tests.
Grey Knight Retinue:
Apothicary: ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? 75 Points
Wargear: Reducter, Narthecium
Options: ?
Special Rules: Feel No Pain.
Special Characters:
Lord Draigo
Grand Master Mordrack
Brother Captain Stern: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? Points ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psychic Mastery 2
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Zone of Banishment, Psychic Communion.
Castellan Crowe: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? Points ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psychic Mastery 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Heroic Sacrifice, Cleansing Flame
Inquisitor Corteaz: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? Points 100
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psychic Mastery 2
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Sanctuary, Mind Blades
Inquisitor Karamazov
Inquisitor Valeria
Grand Master: ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules:
Psyker Level 1
Make Paladins troops.
Pick D3 Units and give them a special rule:
1) Makes them scoring (kinda neat for dread and or elite paladins)
2) Makes them re roll 1s to wound all game
3) Makes them have counter attack USR.
4) Makes them Scout
Note: All these units are affected by the one choice.
Psychic Powers: Hammerhand, Psychic Communion
Brother Captain: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? Points ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psyker level 1.
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Psychic Communion.
Brotherhood Champion: WS 7 BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? Points ? (chaplain)
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psyker Level 1
Psychic Powers: Hammerhand, Heroic Sacrafice.
Librarian: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? 150 Points
Wargear: ?
Options: Upgrade to Psyker Mastery 3 +50 points. Take additional psychic powers for +5 points each.
Special Rules: Psyker Mastery 2
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor
Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor
Inquisitor: WS 4 BS 4 S 3 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 Ld 10 Sv ? 25 Pts
Wargear: Something exactly like a Dijin Blade, Forcefield, enemy takes save vs wound or die (like lucas the trickster)
Options: Psycher Mastery 1?
Special Rules: Stubborn, Independent Character, Henchmen Retinue (3-12)
Inquisitorial Henchmen:
Arco Flagelant: ?
Wargear: Close Combat Weapon
Special Rules: Feel No Pain
Banisher: ?
Wargear: ?
Options: Eviscerator
Special Rules: Demons within 6" re-roll successful invulnerable saves.
Crusader: ?
Wargear: Power Weapon, Storm Shield.
Special Rules: ?
Demonhost: ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: ?
Deathcult Assassin: WS? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv 5++ ? Points
Wargear: 2 Power Weapons.
Options: ?
Special rules: ?
Servitor: ? Cheap
Wargear: Heavy Bolter or Multi-melta
Options: Up to 3 can be armed with Plasma Cannons
Special Rules: Mindlock without inquisitor
Weaponsmith: ?
Wargear: Creates weapons like oblitorater (Lascannon, multi-melta, heavy Flamer)
Options: ?
Special Rules: Roll D6 each turn and add +1 starting at second turn. Bonus applies to squad:
1) no effect.
2) +12? range to all guns.
3) Armor saves improved by one.
4) All shooting weapons become rending
5) All models gain a 5+ invuln
6) "The Works": Roll twice on the table and apply both results. No result can be taken twice.
Mystic: ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special rules: Teleport homer.
Psyker: ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Same as blast in IG Psyker Battle Squads.
Warrior Acolyte: Basic Guardsman?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: ?
Techmarine: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? Points ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psychic Mastery 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Reconstruction
Purifier Squad: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? Points ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ? Anti-horde
Special Rules: Psyker level 1
Psychic powers: Hammer Hand, Cleansing Flame
Venerable Dreadnought: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv ? Points ?
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psyker
Psychic Power: Fortitude
Paladin Squad
Paladin Terminator: WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 4 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 2+/4++
Weapons: Storm Bolter, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Nemesis Force Halberd
Options: Psychout grenades, Brotherhood Banner, Nemesis Demon Hammer, Pair of Nemesis Falchions, Nemesis Warding Stave, Psycannon, Incinerators, Psylencers, Apothecary, Banner of Brotherhood, Psybolt Ammo, Master craft any weapon +5 points.
Special Rules: Psyker Level 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Holocaust
Callidus 145 Points
Eversor 130 Points
Vindicare 145 Points
Wargear: Exodus Rifle
Options: ?
Special Rules: Choose any model as target (not just unit), 4d6 armor penetration, always wounds on a 2, remove invulnerable save from target for rest of game.
Culexus 135 Points
Assassin Profile: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv 6++ Points: See temple
Wargear: ?
Rules: Feel No Pain, Dodge Save
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband
Grey Knight Terminator Squad
Grey Knight Terminator: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 LD 9 Sv 2+/5++ 40 Points
Wargear: Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Weapon, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades.
Options: Psybolt ammo
Special Rules: Psychic Mastery 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand
Special Upgrade Character - Justicar Thawn: WS ? BS ? S ? T ? W ? I ? A ? Ld ? Sv2+/ ?++ ? Points
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: 4+ will be back.
Grey Knights Strike Squad (the regular GK's)
Grey Knight: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 LD 8 Sv 3+ 20 Points
Wargear: Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Sword.
Options: Psybolts, Personal Teleporters
Special Rules: Psyker Level 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Warp Quake.
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psyker
Psychic Power: Fortitude
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psyker
Psychic Power: Fortitude
StormRaven: 205 Points
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psyker
Psychic Power: Fortitude
Heavy Support:
Purgation Squad
Grey Knight:WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 LD 8 Sv 3+ 20 Points
Wargear: Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Weapon, 4x Incinerators, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades
Options: Replace Incinerators with Psycannons at +20 points each, Psilencers for +? points.
Special Rules: Do not need line of sight.
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psyker
Psychic Power:Fortitude
Nemesis Dreadknight (MC): WS 5 BS ? S 7 T ? W 4 I ? A 3 Sv 2+/4++ 130 Points
Wargear: Heavy Psycannon, Super Incinerator, 2 close combat weapons.
Options: Personal Teleporter +75 Points
Special Rules: Monsterous Creature, Deepstrike, Psychic Mastery 1
Psychic Powers: Hammer Hand, Holocaust.
Land Raider (and variants, including redeemer)
Wargear: ?
Options: ?
Special Rules: Psyker
Psychic Power: Fortitude
Units tied to unknown Special Character:
Ghost Knights - Terminator retinue that increases in size with each wound the character takes.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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