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Euer Forenadministrator Eversor
Wie? Die Bunker haben alles was an Waffen dran montiert ist umsonst? Na dann sollten wir um Detlef lieber einen großen Bogen machen, bei dem Kaliber was er auf seine Sachen drauf pflanzt.
Die Hellesh Cacophany hört sich sehr gut an. Da kann sich zum Ende des Spiels hin noch viel zu Gunsten der DE ändern.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Schade, dass die DE keinen Neuralshredder haben. DAS wäre eine Freude.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Neues zu PS von Warseer:
Hey guys, just got a nice long look at the book in the FLGS. I committed as much of the nuts and bolts of the planetstrike mission as I could so i can help you all plan your new army lists and plan what terrain you want to pre-order.
Warseer has the step by step of setting up a planetstrike mission. I'll use that to show you what you need to do to set up a game.
1. Choose attacker or defender. Pretty self explanatory.
2. Choose forces. You've seen the special force org charts.
3. Select a mission. There are 6 differrent missions. The first one, planetfall is the basic barebones mission and the only one I looked at. The 5 others have much more narrative importance, they put either the attacker or the defender in a lot more precarious situation. They also follow a narrative path. Planetfall being first, then a beachhead type scenario, finishing with the attacker wiping out the last of the defenders in a planet destroying finale. I suppose you could roll to randomly determine which mission to play, but it seems more like playing the default planetfall has endless variation when you take into account the next steps.
4. Prepare battlefield. Just to clarify whats already been rumored. The defender places everything. He is encouraged to be as devious as he wants. PLace every last hill, tree, building and wall, wherever you want. The defender may place any amount of bastions and defensive walls here too. This step goes hand in hand with the next step.
5. Determine objectives. Its up to the players what is an objective and how many there are. They give rough guidelines, basically any piece of terrain that can hold models and/or has a gun should be an objective. This step is vital to the preceding step because the attacker can place sentry guns down (a quad autocannon and a 96" range lascannon) while setting up the table, but the number of these guns is restricted to the number of objectives agreed upon. Also, the guns fire for the defender automatically, but any model may also get within 2" of a gun and fire it, using its ballistic skill. I scoured the rule a few times to make sure, and I am alsmost postive that this means that an attacker could "take over" a quad autocannon, spin it around and spray defenders with it. To score an objective, you need to have a single model in a unit be in BASE CONTACT with the objective. Tie goes to the attacker. The base contact thing leads me to believe that walls of stubborn guardsmen are going to be infuriating when trying to take a bastion. Try as you might, you'll have to fight through 40-50 guys to get your one model close enough to touch. Tanks will be vital as they can tank shock/ram, but as a manned bastion is counted as an enemy vehicle I'm not sure if a vehicle that can't ram or charge can even get into base to base contact. Anyway, thats another one to remember. must be actually touching the model.
6. Attacker preps invasion. infantry, jump infantry, jet bikes, and monstrous creatures get to deep strike, everything else has to walk, and EVERYTHING the attacker has is in reserve. The attacker chooses a table edge (any table edge) and that becomes the 'drop zone'. Basically it is the side closest to where the attacker staged his advance. On turn one the attackers units arrive on a 3+ turn 2 2+ turn 3 auto.
7. Determine stratagems. They suggest your first few planetstrike games be free of these. The game seems to run fine without them, they have a cost associated with each one. The cheapest ones are very akin to cities of death strategems, and the most expensnive are more equivalent in power to apocalypse strategic assets. I looked through them all. At first glance nothing seems to be in any danger of breaking the game from abuse. I won't list any here, as i didn't spend all that much time on them, these are what you'll buy the book for.
8. Defender deploys. The defenders deployment zone is... the table. He can set up his entire army now, anywhere he wants. My only balance concern is that if the attacker did indeed reveal which side was his drop zone, then an army with enough models could completely block that table edge. This would not affect infantry, jump infantry, MCs or jetbikes, nor would it affect skimmers or tanks (who could deep strike, fly over or tank shock) But an army consisting of nothing but bikes or cavalry, could technically have no legal deployment. Taking at least a couple vehicles could allow for a bubble of cavalry to deploy behind a walled tank shock. Plus the friendly nature of this game probably won't lead to many players using deployment to completely seal off their opponents deployment. The defender can use reserves (and I'm telling you now, it will probably be the key to victory for a lot of players armies.) If they do then when a unit becomes available, you roll a D6. 1-2 is the edge opposite your opponents drop zone, 5-6 is your opponents drop zone, and 3-4 are the two table edges that are touching the opponents drop zone.
9. Attacker launches firestorm. How many bastions did the defender want? Did he get greedy? here is where you make him pay. The attacker gets to fire D6+x basilisk shells, where X= number of objectives. All units are immune to morale but not to pinning, you do not reduce the scatter by anyones BS. Any blast marker that hits nothing at all creates a crater terrain piece.
10. play... attacker goes first.
What does this all mean? Well, later in the book they demonstrate a couple ways for the defender to set up. The first one that will come to everyones head is the castle. Put some bastions up in the center of the table, and surround them with defense lines and then man the lines with guys. let the enemy surround you and guard the objectives. There is a great picture, looks fun. BUT, the openness and freedom the defender has in constructing his best bet defense can make for some CRAZY scenarios. The very next one they showcase is called the 'crossfire' Bastions were placed along the long table edges right in the center, a defense line ran across the table bisecting it and connecting the two bastions. Then in each opposite corner another bastion was set up with defense lines surrounding it. After deployment, and with the use of the bastions, it is impossible for the defenders to pick an edge that would let them do anything but flow in between the two defense set ups. What this means is that the defenders all will be moving on (or deep striking in) to a crossfire. You'll really get it when you see it. Frankly the idea of using terrain as a competitive element to game design is pure genius. VERY soon, rather than seeing an army list critique thread, we are going to see critique threads for defender terrain set ups. We will be commenting on how we think he should move his quad autocannon to the second bastion on the hill, rather than add a lash prince, etc.
Other races. You can set up the table however you want as the defender. That means you can just set up one building in the center as an objective, and leave it basically bare otherwise. There is a great shot of a tyranid defender, that basically was guarding a lone outpost in the middle of the table. The rest of the terrain that was set up were spore chimneys and capillary towers. Rather than a complex line of defenses, the tyranids had taken over something that was obviously vitally important and the attacker was launching an assault to reclaim it. I didn't see anything specifically mention demons. I believe their arrival rules are still intact. As attackers, their ENTIRE ARMY can assault the turn they land, but as defenders I believe they will be deep striking as normal. With attackers getting the first turn automatically that does give them an advantage as a defender, along with them being able to set up the terrain. You will have to use your imagination to figure out what they are defending. I suggest just placing no terrain and having the center of the table be a warp gate with a 'counts as' quad auto-cannon. You have lured the attackers into your web.
Bottom line, there is WAY too much fun to be had with this book. This is no cities of death. Using terrain and building an unassailable defense network, only to be surprised and undermined by your attackers dirty tricks is just awesome. Every time your regular opponent adjusts his attacker strategy to beat your 4 bastion crossfire configuration, then you surprise him with a castle on the hill. or a long table edge thin with 6 bastions and 6 icarus lascannons.
not sure if mentioned but:
ork stratagem that gives them a free waaagh each time a building is destroyed
IG stratagem that allows all IG infantry in an attacking army to deploy by D|S with 1 reserve roll, but on a D6 roll of 1 each unit takes wounds
chaos SM strat that forces all units in a building to make a LD check or immedietly move out of the building
eldar stratagem that allows eldar player to make reserve rolls without nominating who its for first; after rolls are made, successful reserve rolls are THEN assigned to units
some stratagems take up 2 or 3 stratagem points instead of 1
generic stratagem for pyols that generate a force wall between them that do not allow foot infantry through. however, any grenades will disable them fro a unit to get thru.
prelim bombardment is D6 barages +1 per objective
stratagem that increases prelim bombardment
interceptor weapons for defender that allow them to attack enemy DS-ing units during the enemy's movement turn
attackers with deep strike can assault after they DS, but only if the UNIT has DS entry, not if the transport does (ie specifically says drop podded SM's can't assault).
DSers all arrive by turn 3, modified DS table.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
@ Kriegsschmied
Ja, der nächste Bunker bekommt einfach drei Luken ins Dach, dann können wir mal sehen was eine Todesstoßbatterie anrichtet!
Beiträge: | 1.177 |
Punkte: | 1.177 |
Registriert am: | 18.06.2008 |
Ganz viele Neuigkeiten zu 40k:
1. Der kommende Dämonenprinz aus Kunststoff scheint auch SM-Teile zu enthalten, wie die folgenden Bilder zeigen:
2. Bilder der beiden anderen varianten, die in der Demolisher-Box enthalten sein werden, sind aufgetaucht. Auf dem ersten kann man auch gut die Größe der neuen Krater absehen:
3. Straken bekommt auch ein neues Modell:
4. Gemäß BK erscheint im August der Zusatzgussrahmen für den Kampfpanza der Orks:
5. Laut GWFW erscheint bald ein Bemalkompendium für Panzer:
Am 01.08.2009 erscheint von GW das Panzer-Malworkshop-Kompendium. Wie der Name schon sagt, der Schwerpunkt dieses Malkompendiums liegt bei der Bemalung von Panzern bzw. Fahrzeugen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
ein Panzer Malkompendium von GW.....
ich bezweifel mal dass das auch nur Ansatzweise an FW Masterclass rankommt, schließlich haben die ja Phil. Da sollte man leber auf die bereits erhältliche Panzermodellbau-Literatur zurückgreifen.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Aber dann erfährst Du nicht, dass Du Schlumpfpanzer in Ultramarine Blue, DA-Panzer in DA Green, SW-Panzer aber nicht in SW Grey anmalen sollst.
Einen Blick werde ich auf jeden Fall mal reinwerfen, dass das Buch an FW heranreicht glaube ich allerdings nicht.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Im August wird auch ein neues Geländestück erscheinen, ein Kampfgebiet mit einem zerstörten Rhino drauf:
Der Prsi wird laut GWFW bei 22,50 oder 23,- € liegen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Hier nochmal das Kampfgebiet so, wie es auf der Verpackung ist:
Laut BK wird es übrigens 22,50 € kosten.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Über die MO kann man zwei weitere Gussrahmen einzeln bestellen, beide kosten jeweils 10,50 €.
Zubehörgussrahmen der neuen Bastion:
Bodenplattengussrahmen von Städte in Flammen:
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Nach einem extrem anstrengenden Tag mit Terror, vermasselten Behördengängen und aussetzenden Weckern gibt es nun noch etwas, das mich aufheitert. Auf der TTW wurden einige neue Gerüchte über die SW gestolpert. Ich poste die deutsche Zusammenfassung mit Kommentaren:
- Es handelt sich um Geruechte von Bolter&Chainsword.
- Der Codex beinhaltet neben mehreren alten Charaktermodellen wie Njal Sturmbringer auch mindestens ein neues.
- Dieses scheint Canis Wolfborn zu sein, ein Space Marine, der einen riesigen Fenris-Wolf reitet (groesser als ein Bloodcrusher !) Preis: $41.25
- Wolf Claws (SW-variante der Energieklauen) duerfen Wuerfe fuer Treffer oder Verwundungen wiederholen.
- 2 Plastik Kits, und eine Unmenge an Bits in einem neuen Zusatzgussrahmen
- Neues Fahrzeug oder eigener Fahrzeugzubehoer-Gussrahmen fuer SW
- Release Anfang Oktober
-Neues System fuer das Aufruestung von HQ-Auswahlen aehnlich den WHFB-Vampiren.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ich habe `ne schöne Umbauidee für deine Hündchen. Bau doch deine Rinos zu Hundezwinger um.
Beiträge: | 333 |
Punkte: | 333 |
Registriert am: | 19.07.2008 |
Da brauche ich aber mindestens einen Gorgon als Grundlage.
Vom BK (welche es von Warseer haben) gibt es übrigens wieder Neuigkeiten:
Aktuell gibt es Unklarheiten ob die neuen Terminatoren wirklich aus Zinn herauskommen oder Teile des enormen Upgrade Gußrahmens werden sollen. Aber die Mehrheit spricht von letzterer Variante.
Die neuen Terminatoren sollen Beidhändig sein und was je nach Ausrüstungsoptionen auch die Möglichkeiten auf 2 Energiefäuste (ähnlich wie Marneus Calgar) hätte.
Bei dem anderen Plastikbausatz soll es sich evtl. um ein neues Fahrzeug oder zumindest ein Upgrade für den Land Raider handeln, welches Sturmkanonen beinhaltet. Da wohl der Exterminator für die Space Wolves wegfällt, erhalten diese eine eigene Fahrzeug / Land Raider Variante.
Zu Canis, dem neuen Charaktermodell, gibt es auch neues. Er trägt eine Servorästung und 2 Wolfsklauen. Sein Reittier ist mit bionischen Teilen verbessert. Er soll gewaltiger als der Khorne Champion auf Moloch sein.
Die Space Wolves Scout bleiben soweit bei ihren Regeln, werden aber Zugriff auf den neuen Land Speeder Storm haben. Hätte uns auch stark gewundert, wieso man den Absatz dieses Modells künstlich hätte einschränken wollen.
Die aktuellen Optionen auf Sprungmodule werden geändert und die Space Wolves mit Sprungmodul werden “Skyriders” (Himmelsreiter) genannt.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Von Wargate habe ich erste Bilder der kommenden Plastik-SW. Das erste scheint aus dem fr. WD zu stammen, das zweite ist aus dem GW-Newsletter:
Weiterhin gibt es schlechte Nachrichten. In den neuen Panzerbausätzen der IA, Höllenhund und Demolisher, befinden sich keine Zubehörgussrahmen mehr. Kettenabdeckungen, MGs oder Kommandanten werden nicht mehr dabei sein und müssen einzeln über die MO bezogen werden. So zumindest der BK.
Das erklärt auch das Fehlen dieser Teile auf den aktuellen Fotos der neuen Modelle.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Bilder des neuen Gussrahmens für Demolisher und Co, sie kommen vom BK.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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