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Euer Forenadministrator Eversor
Das Titelbild des WDs, der die SW vorstellen wird, ist jetzt bei Warseer aufgetaucht. Folgt GW seinem Muster, dann ist das auch das Cover des neuen Codex':
Mir gefällt das ausgezeichnet.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Naja... es zeigt halt was die Wölfchen sind: protzige Space Marines ohne Anstant, Benehmen und Körperhygiene.
Beiträge: | 333 |
Punkte: | 333 |
Registriert am: | 19.07.2008 |
Bell of Lost Souls haben ihr neustes Kampagnenbuch online gestellt. Nach Age of Heresy und Macharian Crusade widmet sich ihre diesjährige Kampagne dem Badab War. Wie alle Produkte dieser Spielergemeinschaft ist der Kampagnenband ein wahres Highlight.
Neben neuen Regeln für die beteiligten Armeen gibt es umfassenden Hintergrund, Enteraktionen für Raumschiffe und vieles mehr. Also, schaut es euch an.
PS: Übrigens sind auch die Fire Hawks mit von der Partie, allerdings bevor sie nach ihrem Verschwinden im Warp schwarz und knochig wurden.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Deutschland hat in WFB und 40k jeweils den vierten Platz belegt. Somit sind sie hinter ihrem "normalen" Treppchenplatz diesmal zurückgeblieben.
Es gab wohl einige Reibereien, insgesamt war die Meisterschaft aber wohl doch sehr nett für die Spieler. Der schwedische Tau-Spieler ist allerdings angeblich hinter schwedischen Gardinen gelandet, da er sich der Hautfarbe seiner Armee angepasst hat.
Hier die ersten vier Plätze beider Systeme:
Warhammer 40k:
Platz 2: Polen
Platz 3: Frankreich
Platz 4: Deutschland
Platz 1: ITALIEN
Platz 2: Polen
Platz 3: Dänemark
Platz 4: Deutschland
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Anscheinend hat Phil Kelley in einem Gespräch auf dem GD doch ein paar Neuigkeiten durchsickern lassen, wie TheHive auf der GWFW berichtet:
Also zu Eldar und Dark Eldar sagte Phil folgendes:
Ich frug zuerst nach Eldar:
"Nachdem der Eldar Codex ja nun schon ein paar Jahre Alt ist, hast du ambitionen auch die anderen Fazetten der Eldar zu designen? Also Exoditen und die fehlenden Optionen der Harlquine?"
Er meinte: "Als eigenständige Bücher ist es unwahrscheinlich, aber er sagt es mal so: Man beachte die Entwicklung der letzten Eldar Codicies. Der erste von Gav Thorpe enthielt nur Eldar, der zweite von ihm brachte die Harlequine. Für den nächten Eldar Codex in 3-5 Jahren verspricht er, dass es (eine) neue Einheit(en) geben wird. Da bieten sich Exoditen geradezu an. Was gibt es cooleres als Eldar die auf Dinos reiten"
Zu den Dark Eldar habe ich gefragt:
"Phil, stimmt das Gerücht, dass du zusammen mit Jes an den Dark Eldar arbeitest?"
"Ja, das stimmt. Seid 8 Monaten arbeiten sie nun an einer kompletten Überarbeitung der Dark Eldar. Die Minis von Jes sind ca. zu 50% vollendet. Die Dark Eldar werden ein Volk, dass das wahre böse darstellt. Wenn sie rauskommen, werden die Chaos Marines nur noch als Personen erscheinen, die in dunklen Ecken Mädchenspiele spielen....! Das Design der Fahrzeuge wird ein wenig eine Kreuzung aus Agyptischen Schiffen und Jabbas Wüstenjacht sein. Ähnlich dem Bild im Regelbuch."
Auf die Aussage, dass wir dann wohl aufpassen müssen, dass der Codex nicht weiße Schrift auf schwarzen Seiten bietet fing er nur an zu lachen. Auf die Frage nach dem Release sagte er nur, dass sie hoffen in einem halben Jahr bis Jahr die Arbeit erledigt zu haben und dann liegt es nicht mehr in ihren Händen einen passenden Releaserahmen zu finden.
Desweiteren wurde bei der Händler Präsentation nach der zweiten Dämonenwelle gefragt. Die Aussage dazu war, dass man beruhigt weiter Metall Seuchies bestellen kann. Horrors jedoch sollte man überlegen. Es wäre dazu wohl auch alles fertig, man müsse nur einen passenden Rahmen finden die Minis auf den Markt zu bringen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Es ist ein dreckiges Buch, ein Bug-Buch. Und es soll nächstes Jahr erscheinen:
Hi guys, the latest word bubbling around the tubes today is on the rumored Codex:Tyranids said to be coming in 2010. Lets get right to them:
The sources say they spoke to Phil Kelly during GD Germany. Here are the tidbits.
-4 New Tyranid species never before seen in a codex, one of which will make the current carnifex "look like a dwarf". ~I assume this would be the plastic Trygon
-Tyranid Characters return... No so much individual creatures like Old One Eye, but these will be indicitive of big creatures that have survived through battlefields and evolved into something better.
-Plastic Hive Tyrant kit with wings.
-Codex is in the can and is written by Robin Cruddace (of codex Imperial Guard).
-Tyranids will have evolved rules and abilities to better counter the rapid emergence of mech that has accompanied 5th edition. (implied that Biovores will be viable)!
-Release in 2010
~Standard Caevats apply to all of this guys, but jump in and have fun! You can also follow this topic in the Lounge here.
Die Quelle ist BoLS.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Warseer bzw. B&C bringt mir endlich mehr zu meinen Wölfchen:
Hi again.
This is floating around by Zarahemna over at LO who claims to have seen the codex. Kudos to him, apply salt, and it looks GREAT:
I have seen it. And the wonder of it has blinded me, now my only purpose is to share the awesome goodness so that all may slaver and drool in holy anticipation of what is to come.
My brothers Njal the storm caller has granted me this vision so that you too may know the terrible might of the Soace Wolves and howl as their heavy tread draws closer!
I know not of the new range of miniature representations of the sons of Russ, but I have seen the awesomeness of their almighty codex. Gather round now and listen!
Njal Stormcaller:
Njal is back in all of his glory. The cyber raven joins him and the most easy comparison is with Tigurius, except that he wears terminator armour and carries mighty runes which blaze and improve his invulnerable save to a 4+. Truly unstoppable he remains.
A storm now covers Njal and this affects enemy shooting and combat prowess (-1 to both within 18" or something like that) and at higher levels can destroy foes and cast them around the table with it's mighty winds. Njal is the master of all six Space Wolf Psychic powers and yes, he is really expensive. Think 250+ points.
Bjorn the Fell Handed. Bjorn is incredibly strong, AV13 to the front and of course venerable. Put those two factors together and he is an almighty warrior. He has four attacks basic and is strength seven. He is also very expensive.
There is also a Telion type upgrade for the Space Wolf equivalent to scouts. This hero, more than three centuries old is the equivalent of a captain and yet with his unruly manners cannot be accepted among the battle brothers, not least because he stole one of the Chapter's thunderhawks and then crashed it during his flight. He upgrades his squad, I cannot remember how.
Battle Brothers:
All Space Wolves have counter attack and acute senses.
Wolf Guard are deceptive, they start off at a little over thirty points but they get very expensive very quickly. A wolf guard with Thunder hammer and Storm Shield weighs in at just under seventy!
There is a character with a special storm shield who can get an extra attack which represents him slapping his opponent with the shield when he charges. He also has furious charge and a thunder hammer that he can throw in a shooting attack. yes, a thrown thunder hammer. When it hits the foe there is an explosion and it reappears with a flash in his hands... Not bad eh?
Blood Claws now come in three flavours, bikers, jump packers and infantry. They remain slightly less able than regualr marines in shooting and close combat but are still really deadly...
Wulfen are gone as a unit.
There is a character who rides a Fenrisian wolf in to battle. It's a bit He-Man esque, but in a good way.
Long Fangs, Heavy Bolters for only a handful of points, you know about the same as a meltagun for regular marines... Also you can carry five heavy weapons... It's brilliant.
How much is a regular Space Wolf? xx points? Oh and you get a special weapon for free. Oh, and if you take ten you get a second special weapon for free... Ten men, and two special weapons for 150 points? Sounds good eh?
Kit? Oh yeah, every space wolf carries a chainsword, bolt pistol and boltgun. Extra attacks, I think so. You can kiss good bye to true grit though.
Oh and one last thing. Dark Angels are now not alone in being able to field Terminator only armies! SW's can field all terminator armies as one of their characters makes it possible to field T's as troops choices!
Mannomann das klingt nicht schlecht. Nobbi, ich hoffe, Du hast Dein T-Hawk noch nicht grundiert, ich möchte die Vorgeschichte des Telion-Äquivalents damit nachspielen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ein bisschen mehr von und zu den SW:
Lots of Space Wolves stuff kicking around the net these last few days. Lets get right to these:
I asked him about Björn and the rumour about his AV14. He responded that he couldn´t tell,but Björn would be the most survivable Cybot in Game.
We also talked in general about Space Wolves and he said that Space Wolves would have extrem stats and some nice special rules but would pay with a lot of points. "You will be always outnumbered".
Logan Grimnar isn´t a fighting character,he is more like Creed, he gives you some special abilities like standing near a Long Fangs and saying you become tank hunter. He will also give even imperial guard special rules,because he is an amazing leader.
If you want a close combat monster you should choose Ragnar,he is young and berserker like.
All of the Special characters will be priced high over Gazhgul Thraka.
I also asked him about Wulfen and 13. company.
I was a little bit shocked when he said that Wulfen won´t come back as a unit. He wanted them more mysterious. You can still fill in some wulfen,but not as a unit costing 18 Points.
And last,i asked him about the Sagas. He confirmed that Sagas will give the complete army boni,not just a unit.
That´s all what i can remember, I hope GD uk will reveal more.
Yeah they have the boxes but are on stricted orders not to open them until next week.
Luckily I have info
Space Wolves have ATSKNF, Acute Senses, and Counter attack
Bikers can take wolves instead and give you +1S, T, and A. Something about 50pts for 6 attacks with rending on the charge in there as well.
Bjorn if killed counts as an objective and makes all the space wolves fearless.
Lone wolves if ARENT killed give up a kill point
Berzerk charge(+2 attacks on charge) is there for ALL blood claw stuff.
Some sagas change the objectives in the game in some cases, some are army wide some are individual based (weird I know, screwing with objectives?)
And thats all I got off the top of my head. Oh and they definietely have the sprues in.
Wolf Guard start at 18pts with power armour and upgrade from there.
There is banner (banner of the wolf I think it was called) and when used lets you reroll all "to hit" rolls in combat for the entire army for one turn.
I've seen the dex. I am a very happy puppy player, i think Phil captured the spirit of the wolves.
Bjorn and Canis are by far my favorite HQ's. Ragnar is a combat monster!!!
Bjorn is armour 13/12/10 with a built in 5+ inv. save he is also a ven dread. he comes with a assault cannon but u can give him a plasma cannon for FREE with a BS 0f 6!!!! he has 4 base attacks at I3 and WS6. he allows all frendly ubits with (iirc) 12" to reroll moral. if he is killed all SW become feerless and becomes a new objective to be captured.
Canis is riding a HUGe wolf ... and the model looks great. he allows Fen. Wolf pack to become Troops. and there is a unit of wolf riders . Canis has 5 base attacks but if he gets surounded he goes crazy and get one attck for evry model in base contact.he has a pair of wolf claws. hes S5 T5 bc he is riding the wolf.
Ragnar gives himself and the unit he joins d3 extra attacks on the charge. he already has 5 built in. with WS6 and S5 thanks to his Sword hes a tornado in combat. Put Ragnar in a unit of Blood Claws and it a distructive combo because the BC get +2 attack on the charge.
Ulrik is back and hes pissed LOL hes gives the unit he joins prefered enemy angainst a unit type he chooses at the start of the game.
Logan is a true comander. he gives special rules to any unit he joins i cant remember them all but one of the is relentless. othe then that he has not changed much.
The trickster is a BC uite upgrade. And he could be a lot of fun.
The Thammer thrower is S10. he throws the hammer 6" at S10 AP1 assault 1. and he gets an extra attack for his shield.
that all i can remember at the moment ill try and get us some more!!!!
Ach ja, ich hab's von Wargate, keine Ahnung, in welchem Forum der Ursprung liegt. Ich vermute Warseer.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Über die TTW kamen von Warseer folgende Neuigkeiten zu kommenden IA-Sachen rüber:
- Bei der Fahrzeugbesatzung handelt es sich um Cadianer, ein Modell, dass zwei Kanister trägt, eines mit einem MG-Lauf über der Schulter und einem großen Schraubenschlüssel.
- Der Blister mit Fahrzeugzubehör enthält zum Teil Metallgüsse aus dem alten Zubehörrahmen (Munitionskiste, Schlafsäcke) und einige neue Teile (Ruckäcke)
- Die Köpfe ähneln denen der catachanischen Metall-Offiziere, alle ohne Helm, einer mit Kappe, einige mit Bionics
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Das ist das Cover des neuen Codex' SW:
Dazu sollen noch Boxen mit SW-Rudeln und Wolfsgardisten, außerdem noch Blister erscheinen.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Ich habe gerade weitere Bilder der kommenden SW gesehen und sitze jetzt schon hechelnd wie ein junges Welpen vor dem Bildschirm, mit Sabber auf dem Boden:
Zuerst einmal die Figuren aus der normalen Box für Rudel:
Noch eine grobe Inhaltsangabe des Texts:
- 10 Plastikminis in der Box
- Enthält alles um Graumähnen, Blutwölfe und Wolfsgardisten oder Kombinationen daraus zu bauen.
- Enthält 44 Köpfe und 28 Schulterpanzer für SW, kompatibel zu den SM-Köpfen.
- Enthält Köpfe und Arme für den Umbau der Plastikscouts zu Wolfscouts.
- Enthält E-Hämmer, Rüstungsteile, Wolfsklauen, Plasmawerfer und -pistolen sowie eine Auswahl an NK-Waffen, außerdem Wolfsschwänze/-pelze und anderes Zubehör.
Jetzt die Terminatoren, die übrigens aus Kunststoff sind und so viel wie eine normale Box Termis kosten sollen:
Kommen wir zu den Charaktermodellen. Zuerst einmal die Rückkehr eines alten Bekannten: Njal Sturmbringer!
Dann wäre dann Lukas der Betrüger (?), ein Charakter für die Blutwölfe, der durch seinen Doppelgängermantel den Gegner zwingen kann, Trefferwürfe zu wiederholen. Außerdem soll er augrund der Stasisgranate, die er als ersatz für sein zweites Herz hat (das erste wurde ihm von einem Dark Eldar herausgerissen), alle Modelle um ihn herum einfach entfernen können (kein Instant Death!):
Last but not least hätten wir da noch Canis:
Man kann den SW bis zu zwei HQs pro Auswahl geben. Die Sagas dürfen nicht doppelt gewählt werden, ebensowenig wie Ausrüstungskombinationen. Gibt man also seinem ersten HQ eine Frostklinge und eine Plasmapistole, dann kann das zweite höchstens eine Boltpistole und Frostklinge erhalten.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Von der GW-Seite kommt dieses Bild mit den Gussrahmen normalen Truppbox:
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Von Warseer gibt es eine Zusammenfassung der Regeln:
Army-wide Special Rules
All Space Wolves are rumoured to have ATSKNF, Acute Senses, and Counter attack.
Sagas – Characters can take special skills called Sagas. All Sagas are rumoured to be 25pts each. You may not double up on Sagas, although Special Characters do not count towards this. Sagas supposedly have conditions attached that whilst they have little to no in-game effect, are there for true fluff-nuts.
Saga of Majesty - All friendly units within 6" get to re-roll failed morale checks
Saga of the Beast Killer - Re-roll to hit and wound against models of T5 or higher
Saga of the Iron Wolf (Iron Priest only) - Adds D3" to the vehicle they are in and +1 to repair rolls
Saga of the Wolf - Fenrisian Wolves get Ld7 and I5
Saga of the bear - Eternal Warrior
Saga of the Warrior Born - +1 attack for each kill in previous Assault Phase
Saga of the Hunter - Outflank and Stealth
Wolf Claws – The Space Wolf version of Lightning Claws, allow you to choose to either re-roll “to hit” or “to wound”.
Frostblade - +1 Strength Power Weapon
Banner of the Wolf – Grants a reroll on all "to hit" rolls in combat for the entire army for one turn.
Belt of Russ (25pts) - As before. can only be taken by Wolf Lords and Wold Guard Battle Leaders.
Drop Pod Assault - Same as C:SM
Special Characters
Supposedly all cost more than Gazkhull Thrakka. Some are ICs some are upgrade characters. FOC slot is unknown for sure unless specifically stated.
Logan Grimnar (approx 275pts) – Axe allows him to attack as either a Frostblade, or a Power Fist, and can split his attacks between these two attack types. Rumoured to allow Wolf Guard as Troops (normal Lords only allow 1 unit) and has Eternal Warrior. Logan and the squad he joins may choose one of the following special rules each turn:
Fearless, Tank Hunters, Relentless or Preferred enemy.
Ragnar Blackmane (240pts) – Supposedly the best Close Combat character. Grants himself and the unit he joins d3 extra attacks on the charge instead of +1. Has 5 Attacks with WS6 and a 4+ inv Dodge Save. Armed with a Frostblade. Rumoured to grant Furious Charge to the unit he joins and once per game to all units within 12". Has Saga of the Warrior Born.
Njal Stormcaller (245pts) – Has Runic Armour (2+ save, 5+ inv against psychic attacks that deal damage) and can upgrade it to Runic Terminator Armour (2+ save, 4+ inv against everything) for 25pts. He is rumoured to still have the Cyber Raven (pick a point on the table and the enemy cannot infiltrate within 18" of itand causes D3 I5 S3 hits on one model in contact with Njal). Has all six Space Wolf Psychic powers. His Runic Weapon negate any psychic powers on a 3+. Shrouded by a storm that gets worse as the game progresses. Roll a D3 and add the turn number:
2) Nothing
3) All enemy units within 24" get -1BS
4) All enemy units count open ground within 24" of Njal as Difficult terrain
5) All unengaged enemy units within 18" take a Break Test
6) One unit within 18" takes D6 S9 hits, vehicles get hit on side armour
7+) All unengaged enemy units within 12" take D6 S8 AP5 hits.
Ulrik the Slayer – Allows Preferred Enemy against one unit type (infantry, tanks etc) chosen at the start of the game.
Canis Wolfborn (185pts) – WS5 BS2 S5 T5 I5 A5 Ld8. Mounted on a large cybernetically enhanced Fenrisian wolf. Wears Terminator Armour and has a pair of Wolf Claws. Canis also allows you to take Fenrisian Wolves or Thunderwolf Riders as Troops (although Fenrisians still do not count as scoring). Can substitute his base number of attacks for attacks equal to the number of enemies in base to base contact with him. Gives Fensisian Wolves Ld8.
Björn the Fellhanded (270pts) – Apparently has armour 13/12/10 with a 5+ inv save, is Venerable, has WS6 BS6 S7 I3 A4. Supposedly comes with an Assault Cannon but can be given a Plasma Cannon for Free. Allows all friendly units within 12" to reroll Moral tests. If killed he counts as an objective and makes all the Space Wolves Fearless.
Lukas the Trickster (+140pts) - Blood Claw upgrade. Has Ld8 and causes his Squad to be capped at that. Has the Doppleganger Cape that forces the enemy to re-roll successful to-hit rolls. Had his secondary heart ripped out by a Dark Eldar, and replaced it with a stasis bomb. His Special Rule is called "the last laugh", where on his death he and the model that killed him are removed then both players roll a D6. If the SW player rolls equal to or higher than their opponent, all models within Base to Base contact with Lukas (friend or foe) are removed. He is supposedly over 300 years old and although “the equivalent of a captain, his unruly manners cannot be accepted among the battle brothers”. He also apparently stole one of the Chapter's Thunderhawks and crashed it.
Arjak Rockfist (+170pts)- Upgrade to a Wolf Guard squad. S5 W2 Furious Charge, Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield. His Storm Shield supposedly grants a bonus attack which represents him shield charging the enemy. His Thunder Hammer can supposedly be thrown as a 6" S10 AP1 assault 1 shooting attack before returning to his hands.![]()
Special Characters will likely have prescribed (maybe unique) Sagas attached to them.
HQs are 2 per slot but you can't take duplicates. You also cannot duplicate Wargear combinations.
Wolf Lords (100pts) – Stats as per Chapter Master. May take up to one Saga except for Saga of the Hunter and Saga of the Iron Wolf. They will have a wide variety of weapon options.
Wolf Guard Battle Leader (75pts) – Stats as per Captain. May take up to one Saga except for Saga of the Iron Wolf.
Wolf Priests (100pts) – Armed with Power weapon, Iron Wolf Amulet (4+ Inv) as standard. May take up to one Saga except Saga of the Warrior Born, Saga of the Bear or Saga of the Iron Wolf. Allows Preferred Enemy against one unit type (infantry, tanks etc) chosen at the start of the game.
Rune Priests (100pts) – Armed with Runic Weapon and able to take Space Wolf Specific psychic powers. May take up to one Saga. Psychic Storm power gives 5+ cover and turns area of effect into difficult terrain for skimmers. Runic Weapons negate any psychic powers on a 4+, areforce weapons, and wound daemons on a 2+. Runic Armour upgrade gives a 2+ save and 5+ inv save against psychic shooting attacks
Psychic Powers include:
Maw of Fenrir - Measure out 24" and anything touched by the line must pass an Initiative test or be removed from play. Monstrous creatures get -1 to their roll.
Chain Lightning - 3d6 D6 S7 AP5 shots with infinite range.
Stormcaller - ALL friendly units within 6" get a 5+ cover save. Cast at start of turn.
Large template psychic shooting attack. Large Blast template has to touch the Rune Priest. Anything touched takes a S3 hit.
3d6 s3 auto-hits with 18" range. Any unit hit moves as if it were in difficult terrain.
All Deep Strikers, Jump Infantry, and possibly bikes normal infantry and MCs move as if they were in dangerous terrain.
Shooting attack that can be shot in Freki mode or Greki mode. Both are 12". One is S5 AP- Assault 3 and the other is S4 AP2 Assault 2. Any units taking wounds from it must take a morale check or fall back.
Iron Priests – Come with Thunder Hammer. Will most likely be brought in line with Codex Techmarines. May take Saga of the Iron Wolf. No Servo-Harness.
Dreadnaught – May be Standard or Venerable, but Ironclad is not included. Start with Assault Cannon. May exchange for Multi Melta or TL Heavy Flamer (?). Venerable Dreads can take the Saga of Majesty.
Wolf Guard – 3-10 Wolf Guard. Bolt Pistol & CCW Frag and Krak grenades. May replace either BP or CCW with Bolter. May take a Wolf Guard Battle Leader who will be able to take up to one Saga. May take Bikes or Jump Packs. Basic Terminator with Power Weapon & Storm Bolter costs around 30pts. 1 Terminator Heavy Weapon per 5 Terminators. A WG with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield is rumoured to come to just under 70pts. Can be assigned to other squads during deployment to act as a Sgt (1 per squad). Terminators cannot Teleport. May take a Drop Pod. One unit may take a Land Raider as a dedicated transport
Wolf Scouts – Can take all types of Special Weapon and Melta Bombs. If held in reserve, may deploy from any board edge on a 3+
Lone Wolf (20pts)– A one-man unit that will be “really strong” and act similar to Tyranid Lictors. Supposedly berserk survivors of Units searching for death so they may join their fallen brothers. Concede a Kill Point if they aren’t killed. WS5 W2, Eternal Warrior, Feel no Pain and re-roll To-Hit against Walkers, Monstrous Creatures and things above T5. Can take up to 2 Fenrisian Wolves and any equipment available to Wolf Guard (except Bikes and Jump Packs).
Wulfen – Removed
Grey Hunters (15pts each) – Bolter, Bolt Pistol & CCW Frag and Krak grenades. Rumoured to receive a free special weapon for taking 10 men (likely Flamer). True Grit is gone. May take up to one special Close Combat Weapon. May take The Mark of the Wulfen on one model granting D6+1 Attacks and Rending. May take a Drop Pod.
Blood Claws – Bolt Pistol & CCW Frag and Krak grenades. WS and BS 3. Berserk Charge supposedly grants +2 attacks on the charge (but not for Counter Attack). Rumoured to only get 1 Power Weapon/Fist per unit. Headstrong - if the Blood Claw unit is within 6" of an enemy unit and doesnt have a wolf guard leading them they can't shoot. May take a Drop Pod.
Rhino – Approximately the same cost as C:SM
Razorback – Approximately the same cost as C:SM
Drop Pod – Transport Capacity of 10 Space Wolves or 5 Terminators. Approximately the same cost as C:SM
Fast Attack
Thunderwolf Cavalry (50pts) – 1-5 Marines on big Wolves. S5 T5 W2 A4 Rending Multiple equipment upgrades.
Fenrisian Wolves (8pts) – WS4 BS0 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 Ld5 6+ Cavalry. Can be upgraded to Cyber Wolves for 10pts WS4 BS0 S4 T5(4) W1 I4 A3 Ld6 4+
Skyclaws – 5-10 Blood Claws with Jump Packs. May take 1 Special Weapon and 1 Special CCW.
Swiftclaws – 3-?? Blood Claws with Bikes. Can take Attack Bikes.
Land Speeder – As C:SM
Land Speeder Storm – Not included
Heavy Support
Long Fangs – 1 Pack Leader and 1-5 Long Fangs. Retain the Split Fire ability as long as the Pack Leader does not shoot. Each Long Fang MUST have a Heavy Weapon. Pack leader can take Special weapons, Power Fists etc. Heavy Bolters apparently very cheap (5pts). May take a Drop Pod.
Land Raider – Crusader and Redeemer most likely added. Supposedly have atransport capacity of 10.Redeemer 12, Crusader 16.
Predator – As per C:SM
Whirlwind – As per C:SM
Vindicator – As per C:SM
Leman Russ Exterminator – Removed
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Es gibt neue Gerüchte zu den Necrons vom Brückenkopf:
Trotz der neuen Informationspolitik gibt es ein paar Gerüchte und Neuigkeiten für 2010.
2009 stand ganz im Zeichen von Warhammer 40.000, 2010 wird die “Erfolgsgeschichte” fortgesetzt. Für die ersten Monate im nächsten Jahr stehen den Gerüchten zu folge Januar / Februar die Tyraniden ins Haus und danach bis spätestens April die Necrons.
Der Codex wird von Phil Kelly geschrieben, befindet sich zur Zeit in den letzten Schritten und sollte in 2 bis 3 Monaten fertig gestellt sein.
Zu den Regeln, so wird der Phase-Out aus dem Codex verschwinden, ebenso mit höchster Wahrscheinlichkeit die C’tan, welche als Forge World / Apokalypse Miniaturen zurückkehren werden.
Wie bereits berichtet, werden die Necron Lords in verschiedenen Stufen verfügbar sein, außerdem soll es ein besonderes Charaktermodell geben, das bereits in der Medusa V Kampagne erwähnt wurde.
“Ich komme wieder” wird angepasst an die 5. Edition und entsprechend verändert. Angeblich soll ein Großteil der Necrons eine Erhöhung des Widerstandswertes erhalten, wobei hier gerade die Necronkrieger im Fokus stehn.
Die Monolithen werden weitere Sonderregeln erhalten und sich im Bereich um die 300 Punkte ansiedeln. Zusätzlich soll der Pylon – bisher nur in Apokalypse verfügbar – auch im Codex enthalten sein.
Außerdem werden weitere neue Einheiten entwickelt, wobei es als sicher gilt, dass die Necrons ein neues Fahrzeug erhalten werden (Obelisk oder Skorpionläufer).
Die Skarabäen sollen in 2 Varianten kommen, regulär und eine “Erbauer”-Variante, die wie eine Kugel behandelt wird.
Phantome sollen 50 Punkte kosten mit einem 3+ Rettungswurf, Ini 6, Stärke 6 und Energiewaffe (oder Rüstungsbrechend). Wobei es hier wahrscheinlicher ist, dass es Energiewaffen werden, da die Phantome so auch gegen Fahrzeuge eingesetzt werden können.
Es soll eine neue Destruktorvariante geben mit Gaussflammenwerfer.
Beim Hintergrund soll mehr darauf eingegangen werden, wie die Necrons jetzt sind und zur Geschichte bevor sie zu Maschinen wurden. Angeblich spielt Games Workshop noch mit dem Hintergrund, ist also noch nicht final.
Extinktoren und Alpträume sollen aus Plastik in 5er oder 10er Boxen kommen. Ebenso ein Lord Set mit verschiedenen Varianten.
Die Destruktoren werden wohl auch aktualisiert, um alle andere Varianten abzudecken und dann als 1er oder 3er Box wieder kommen.
Beiträge: | 662 |
Punkte: | 662 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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