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Euer Forenadministrator Eversor
Inzwischen gibt es etliche Rückmeldungen zu den Beschusskratern, welche morgen erscheinen werden. Insgesamt sollen sie, wenn man den Berichten von DakkaDakka, GWFW, BK und Wargate glaubt, deutlich weniger Details aufweisen als die Mondkrater. Hinzu kommt, dass sie verzogen seien, beschädigungen aufweisen und ein Plastik haben, das die Farbe schlecht annimmt.
Trotz allem sollte man nicht vergessen, dass man von vakuumgezogenen Teilen keine Wunder erwarten darf.
Hier mal ein Bild über die Unterschiede (hab ich von GWFW und Wargate):
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Diesmal nicht ganz brandneu, aber von mir noch nicht gepostet:
Space Wolves (von BoLS):
Ok guys, 2 new batches of 40k Space Wolves rumors rolled together here:
"I can't really explain too much on "Sagas" and the name they have chosen to call the new marine traits.
The Space Wolf army is themed on movement. Move, Assault, Fire, Move, Assault, Fire, etc. Its not meant to be a static army. It's also an army to be filled with lots of Troop Choices.
13th Company are not officially dead but are special choices based on your army. This Im not clear on whether they are a "Legion of the Damned" choice, or something based on the HQ you purchase.
Pack Leaders are now unit upgrades and are not purchased from Elites. This Im not 100% on either.
Grey Hunters are strongly rumored to be able to take a second special weapon in their squads. That is something that I don't understand why Salamander's don't have anymore.
Long Fangs "May" be able to have some sort of a special rule where they can move and fire, but not assault.
Blood Claws have been re-worked to level with 5th Edition in respect to "Bezerk Charge." What it is Im not sure. "
"What I have heard with respect to the Saga's is that
Wolf Lords will be able to take two sagas. They will have a wide variety of weapon options. I have also heard that they will be able to make on unit of Wolf Guard a troops choice but I need confirmation on this.
Wolf Priests will basically be a chaplain and apothacary combined in that they will have a Power weapon, Iron wolf amulet and Healing balms and potions as standard. So they will ignore armour saves, have a 4+ invulnerable save and confer Feel no Pain on any unit they join. They will be able to take one sage and apparently cost about 130pts.
Rune Priests will come with Force Weapon as standard and will be able to take some very nifty psychic powers unique to them. They will be able to take one Saga.
Iron Priests will be brought in line with the Techmarines of the normal codex. I do not know if they will be HQ or Elite but they too will take one Saga.
Wolf Guard battle leaders will be an upgrade for Wolf Guard packs and will be able to take one Saga as standard. "
Chaos Space Marines (von GWFW - der Ursprung liegt, glaube ich auf Warseer):
Some fantastic rumours arrives me yesterday from Nottingham.
They working since June on the new Chaos (not Space Marine!!!) dex.
Rumours now includes:
1. Abaddon-leaded armies should be extraordinary energizing fighter.
Every unit is fearless and get for additional points FNP
2. Kharn is now a Daemon Prince of Khorne with amazing stats and special rule
"living legend" which also take effects for troops around him.
3. the big 4 again as HQ choice available
4. special chars for Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion and Night Lords
allows you to use special rules to get a specialized armylist.
5. the ideas in terms of creating an armylist with Huron and Abaddon are too similar in
the current dex. They will change it.
6. Daemons allowed as allies, no daemons in this dex available
7. Vehicles supposed to be more different to the Codex Space Marine. First idea is a Land Raider,
which can customized from the player (weapons, capacity for transport (5-16), marks (1of5) etc.) to
show that the developement of Chaos Space Marine legions not stoped.
Second idea is a complete new vehicle (scouting storm tank!)
8. Dread Claws will be available
9. the rules for Dreadnoughts will change completely
10. units of lost and the damned should be available in elite-, standard- and support-choices
I will write you again, if i hear some more ´bout that.
Last but not least ein Bild von Sergeant Harker, der mMn auch einen guten Goliath abgeben würde.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Auf der TTW berichtete Capt. Nuss folgendes:
Dabei habe ich auch gleich nochma ne unschöne Nachricht:
Soweit ich das gerüchteweise vernehmen konnte - und ich sage nicht, woher genau - wird es keinen neuen Codex geben für Dämonen und Hexenjäger; eher werden wir irgendwann eine WD Liste werden.
Nope, offizielle Nachrichten gibts dazu nicht.
Wird es auch nicht geben, damit amcht man sich das Geschäft kaputt, und kann es sich nicht irgendwann mal anders überlegen.
Es ist besser, das immer am Kochen zu halten, aber immer nach hinten zu verschieben. Fakt ist soweit, dass noch nichts dafür getan wurde.
Was nun aber in 5 Jahren ist - das weiss ja auch keiner. Aber wir sehen defintiv nen neuen SM dex, bevor die Inquisition kommt.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Diesmal geht es um keine Neuerscheinung sondern um einen Abschied. Die Rechtsabteilung von GW hat veranlasst, dass Vassal40k Ende des Monats die Tore schließt.
Vassal ist ein Programm, mit dem man Brett-, Karten- und Tabletop-sSpiele über das Internet abhalten kann. Das Programm ist unabhängig vom Betriebssystem, da es mit Java arbeitet. Um ein Spiel spielen zu können, muss ein entsprechendes Modul geladen werden. Module gibt es momentan noch für viele gängigen GW-Systeme.
Dem will jetzt GW einen Riegel vorschieben, indem sie die Entwicklung und Verbreitung verbieten. Um keinen Rechtsstreit zu führen, hat der Betreiber der Webseite Vassal40k, Tim Davis, bekannt gegeben, dass die Seite Ende des Monats ihre Tore schließt. Hier der Text von Davis und das Schreiben von GW:
Well folks, that time we’ve all been waiting for has come.
I received a letter from Games-Workshop today, saying more or less the same as our last legal letter:
So, on the 31st July this site will be closing down along with the download links to the modules.
Now, I DO NOT want a tonne of comments bad mouthing GW, they’re only doing what they have to to protect their IP, I understand that and don’t feel any anger towards them what so ever. So any comments like that WILL be deleted.
We had a good run, that’s for sure. As mentioned previously I was planning to retire towards the end of summer, I have little motivation to carry on and with University work it would be impossible for me to continue producing the artwork needed.
*raises bottle of milkshake*
It’s been great over the last year, I’ve met some great people and had some good games, so, for now, I bid you all farewell!
I’ll repeat, on 31st of July this site will be closed down, so download and donate while you still can
Don’t worry, I’ll still exist after we’ve closed down, I run my own model blog now, The Vanus Temple. (Link to the right). Would be grand if you all popped by every now and then to say hi!
Thanks to everyone who has helped out over the period of our existence and I hope you’ll all be playing 5.2b for a long time after we’ve gone.
Tim Davis
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Der GD in Chicago war und brachte einige Neuigkeiten, z.B. dass die Fotografieverbotsschilder auf Deutsch sind:
Dabei wären wir schon beim Chaos Reaver, den ich einfach hier reinpacke, da ich keine Lust habe, zwei Themen zu bearbeiten:
Und wem ein Reaver von FW zu klein war, der konnte einen 25 Fuß großen aufblasbaren Ultramarine bestaunen:
Hier noch ein Foto von einem Adeptus Mechanicus (oder Techmarine?) Terminator Entwurf:
Und ein paar schriftliche News von BolS:
Jervis spoke:
-The Studio loves the idea of Chaos Legion specific codices. It will allow GW to build Legion specific models, but is still a while off.
-Necrons are further along that that, and Mike (???, unclear) has been dropping hints of what we may see in an upcoming Necron codex in various books.
We can expect superheavy kits to be bigger and better in the future. Trenches and rivers for the Realms of Battle board have been mentioned.
-Chaos Dwarves WILL be updated!
-Imperial Guard will be a full plastic range in time. This WILL include various IG Regiments.
-In an embrace of tech-marketing, GW will hire an tech guy to help produce regular podcasts, similar to the ones which came out with the launch of 40k 5th Edition.
Hier noch etwas anderes, ebenfalls von BoLS:
Hi guys,
Its almost August and that means its about time for the rumormill to start cranking out the projected schedule for the next 4-6 months. Here is what we've been hearing as well as what's been kicking around elsewhere around the net.
Late 2009
No big surprizes here. Wolves are officially confirmed by GW as of now, and the Skaven train has appaently left the station. Look for both of these before the holidays.
-Space Wolves
Early-mid 2010
Chatter has been growing regarding nids from several sources, and their general sci-fi popularity tends to see them updated somewhat regularly compared to the more specialized xenos codices. Blood Angels seems odd, but its is a recurring theme, and perhaps the design studio is unhappy with the results of the White Dwarf codex? Perhaps a percieved coat-tails tie-in with Space Hulk?
-Blood Angels
The Usual Suspects
Word of these guys keeps being bantered about in the seemingly eternal locked-in-amber "they are in progress, but don't look for a release right away" mode. It's especially tearful to continue to hear this type of chatter for the Dark Eldar who have been waiting for soooooo long.
-Beast of Chaos
-Dark Eldar
~Remember standard caveats on these rumors, but as with anything else, the trustwortyness is highest for the recent stuff and gets more uncertain as we move out in time. Jump in guys!
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Zur Mystery Box gibt es ein paar neue Gerüchte von Dakkadakka:
2. Is Space Hulk or something like it coming out this year or anytime soon?
JJ - " No, we have no plans for that as of now"
An employee of GW, who isn't a red shirted one btw, told me today that he has already seen the actual product which is going to be in the secret box.
He did not tell anyone else, including his fellow GW workers, what the actual product will be because he does not want to lose his job, but he did give me the following information:
- It is NOT Space Hulk.
- It is made in China (he saw it in the Shanghai factory when he was there for work recently).
- It is something GW has done before, but nowhere near this good. This obviously means the previous claim that this will be something they have never done before is not true. Smells a bit like Space Hulk to me, despite their claims otherwise.
- There will be 30 miniatures in it (which smells a bit like Space Hulk numbers as well if you ask me).
- It will cost approximately 90,- Euro. Have we seen a price mentioned anywhere before?
- It can be used with existing GW product/miniatures as well as on it's own.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Warum hab ich den üblen Geschmack der bösen drei P´s im Mund?
Beiträge: | 403 |
Punkte: | 403 |
Registriert am: | 02.07.2008 |
Bitte nicht...
Naja, in drei Wochen werde ich hoffentlich mehr berichten können.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Star Quest mit Pre Painted. Mein Tipp.
Beiträge: | 403 |
Punkte: | 403 |
Registriert am: | 02.07.2008 |
Natürlich mit Massen an Schlumpfblau.
Obwohl, 90 € für ein Star Quest?
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Prepainted ist nicht billig... Abgesehen davon kennst du doch die GW Preise, aber warten wir mal ab.
Beiträge: | 403 |
Punkte: | 403 |
Registriert am: | 02.07.2008 |
Vom GD Chicago noch ein paar Fotos, die zum Glück nichts mit den drei "pösen Ps" zu tun haben. Die Quelle ist der BK.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Der Brückenkopf präsentiert die neuen Gussrahmen für Planetare Reiche:
Der Gussrahmen liegt 6 mal der Box bei. Es handelt sich um 48 Teile von denen 42 beidseitig nutzbar sind.
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Der BK meldet, dass am 19.09. einiges für die IA herauskommen wird, alles allerdings MO only:
* Imperiale Armee Panzerzubehör 9,10 EUR
* Imperiale Armee Besatzung (Blister, 2 Figuren) 11,50 EUR
* Imperiale Aquila (14 Stück) 6,50 EUR
* Imperiale Armee Köpfe 6,50 EUR
* Imperiale Armee Panzer Kommandanten (Blister, 3 Figuren) 8,90 EUR
* COLONEL “IRON HAND” STRAKEN (Blister, 1 Figur) 12,50 EUR
* GUNNERY SERGEANT HARKER (Blister, 1 Figur) 12,50 EUR
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
Eine Zusammenfassung des aktuellen Gerüchtestands von BoLS:
-To be released October 2009
-Codex written by Phil Kelly
-Space Wolves will supposedly be “even less Codex Astartes” than they were before. This would cover unusual squad sizes etc.
Army-wide Special Rules
Sagas – Characters can take special skills called Sagas. They are said to work similar to the Vampiric Powers used by Vampire Counts. 75hastings69 gave the example that a character with “Saga of the monster killer” (made up name) may be better at killing Monstrous Creatures, but would suffer a drawbacks such as needing to kill a certain number of them per game.
Wolf Claws – The Space Wolf version of Lightning Claws, allow you to choose to either re-roll “to hit” or “to wound”.
Special Characters
-Logan Grimnar: No news yet
-Ragnar Blackmane: No news yet
-Njal Stormcaller: No news yet, but would share the Rune Priest standard rules.
-Ulrik the Slayer: No news yet, but would share the Wolf Priest standard rules.
-Canis Wolfborn: Mounted on a large cybernetically enhanced Fenrisian wolf. Wears Power Armour and has a pair of Wolf Claws. Canis also allows you to take two cavalry choices, either wolves, or more Marines on wolves.
-Bjorn the Fellhanded: Early rumours reported Bjorn would have AV14 all around, but these have been thrown into disrepute recently.
Special Characters will likely have prescribed (maybe unique) Sagas attached to them.
-Wolf Lords: May take up to two Sagas. They will have a wide variety of weapon options. May possibly be able to make one unit of Wolf Guard a Troops choice.
-Wolf Priests: Combines the skills of Codex Marines’ Chaplain and Apothacary. Armed with Power weapon, Iron Wolf Amulet (4+ Inv) and Healing Balms and Potions as standard. Will allow units to re-roll “to hit” and also confer Fearless and Feel no Pain on any unit they join. May take up to one saga.
-Rune Priests: Armed with Force Weapon and able to take Space Wolf Specific psychic powers. May take up to one Saga.
-Iron Priests: Will most likely be brought in line with Codex Techmarines. May take up to one Saga. It is unclear if they will be HQ or Elite.
-Wolf Guard/Terminators: May take a Wolf Guard Battle Leader who will be able to take up to one Saga.
-Wolf Scouts: Will supposedly remain the same and gain the option be mounted in a Land Speeder Storm
-Lone Wolf: A one-man unit that will be “really strong” and act similar to Tyranid Lictors
-Wulfen: Possibly a "Legion of the Damned" style Unique choice, or maybe something based on HQ selection. It is unclear if they will appear at all.
-Blood Claws: Have supposedly been re-worked in respect to "Berserk Charge" to make them 5th Edition compatible. May take a Wolf Guard as a squad leader.
-Grey Hunters: Rumoured to be able to take a second special weapon in their squads. May take a Wolf Guard as a squad leader.
-Rhino: No news yet
-Razorback: No news yet
-Blood Claws Skyriders: Blood Claws with Jump Packs.
-Land Speeder: No news yet
-Land Speeder Storm: Likely Added
-Bikes/Attack Bikes: No news yet
-Long Fangs: May possibly receive some sort of special rule allowing them to move and fire, but not assault. May take a Wolf Guard as a squad leader.
-Land Raider: Crusader and Redeemer most likely added. Also rumours of a unique Land Raider variant, possibly with three twin-linked Assault Cannon.
-Predator: No news yet
-Whirlwind: No news yet
-Vindicator: No news yet
-Leman Russ Exterminator: Almost certainly removed
Beiträge: | 4.169 |
Punkte: | 4.167 |
Registriert am: | 04.06.2008 |
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